Motorised jockey wheel - solo hitching up

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Nov 16, 2015
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I can Navigate to most places without a map, BUT, when it comes to Sailbury Plain, Not a chance, going to Old Sarum one day, Ms H fell asleep with the map as her pillow, on the A34 leaving me written instructions, I turned right onto the M4. She woke up with Motorway way sign saying wales 48 MILES. Shite happens.
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Nov 16, 2015
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Just Sailsbury Plain, I even have air navigation map for it and , still get lost.
Switzerland to Uk , 3 different routes no problem. It's Old Sarum and The Hendge, if I am not wearing my Whites and leather thongs, Buggered.
Nov 11, 2009
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Just Sailsbury Plain, I even have air navigation map for it and , still get lost.
Switzerland to Uk , 3 different routes no problem. It's Old Sarum and The Hendge, if I am not wearing my Whites and leather thongs, Buggered.
The byeways can be a bit obscured at times and the signage on the MTA is limited. But there aren’t that many roads on Salisbury Plain Perhaps you could put a drone up to recce the routes.
Nov 16, 2015
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OC, when I was, "Working" the Engineering manager at Middle Wallop was a good mate, lots of perks, flight for the kids, after air tests etc, training flights, neede folk in the back, and Non flying days in winter , full access to the runway covered in snow, Snow driving and drifting, .

Getting back to the thread, Mrs H 6 years ago bought me a hard wired Camera for the caravan, so with the cars rear view camera. It is all very easy.
Does anyone have any video pictures of their tow hitch whilst travelling, that would be nice to see. ?
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Jul 18, 2017
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Just Sailsbury Plain, I even have air navigation map for it and , still get lost.
Switzerland to Uk , 3 different routes no problem. It's Old Sarum and The Hendge, if I am not wearing my Whites and leather thongs, Buggered.
I have never had any issues driving from Salisbury to New Sarum on many occasions. LOL! :D
Jan 3, 2012
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Ah but when he does, he will be practicing his reversing onto the tow hitch, providing the weather is good.
Hutch I don"t need any practice at reversing use to back our van without a mover for 31 years at the caravan storage and sometimes on a hardstanding service pitch no problem


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