motorway service stations

Apr 13, 2005
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MARK, Theire are no caravan friendly motorway service areas in this country as far as i have seen, esspecially for an overnight stop. best to come off the motorway and find a site close by, there are thousands of sites to choose from and even cl's and cs's give you more than a motorway service area gives you, (water and disposal points). its about 15.00 per night on a motorway service area and around five pounds a night on a cl, much more relaxed, friendlier, safer, no lorries, and a damb site more deserving of our hard earned cash.
Mar 14, 2005
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Mark, the services at Winchester are OK. On my way home from night works in London I often stop there, (no caravan), and I don't see any problem. It is never overcrowded with lorries. The services at Fleet are busier but again at night preety empty.

I don't know where you are going but the services at Rownham on the M27 towards the west from M3 are also ok.

If you intend making it a stopover, as compared with a night halt, there are CC & C&CC club sites near Winchester.
Mar 14, 2005
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I'm with John on this one. Would much prefer a CL or CS (assuming you are a member of one of the clubs) where you know you will get a decent pitch in a field/meadow/garden, some peace and quiet and a distinct lack of artics coming and going, some with their freezer motors running all night. And all for about a fiver a night.

Motorway service areas do very little to help caravans, I would begrudge giving them any of my hard earned.


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