Name and shame?

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Jan 19, 2008
Navman says someone accuses him that he doesn't pay attention whilst driving.

colyn ap brydgynd says he knows the posting but to treat it with the contempt it deserves.

Help, I've read through the threads and cannot see where anyone accuses Navman of that. Are people reading into something that's not there? Or is it me?

The only post I see that comes close to it is off Plotter and Plotter said ....

"you will have no need to take such action,if however and I am not saying that you do this,you drive to close to the vehicle in front"

Surely the fact that Plotter said "and I am not saying that you do this" means he isn't accusing Navman personally.

Maybe I've missed something else but I think people are getting their knickers in a wad needlessly.

No doubt Frank will correct me if I'm wrong :O)
Oct 19, 2005
Yet again a topic which started quite well has been brought down to pathetic personal insults between users.

Having just spent the last 30 minutes editing most of them out of this topic, any more will result in the topic being removed and account suspension of the offending posters.

For a supposedly adult forum some users seem intent on dragging the content of topics to the lowest levels by resorting to personal insults. I though that kind of behaviour most adults left behind when they left school.
Jul 25, 2007
We seem to have moved away from the original point ......... driving in lane 3 of a motorway whilst towing a trailer.

I really do not think that the idiots that do this really care what the Road Traffic Act says or what other drivers think.

Lets go back to having plenty of Police patrols on our motorways so that at least there is a realistic chance of drivers such as is being caught and prosecuted.

Jan 2, 2006
Mod 2 thanks for the editing as you rightly say some posts were very personal and uncalled for,just to conclude Diane I am not calling hubby a bad driver not least because I have never met him his driving record speaks for itself but I am sure with such a good record he will be the first to agree that as with all wlaks of life there are many others that do not come even close to him.I hope that sets the record straight.
Apr 13, 2005
The rolling road blocks by lorry drivers is as has been said very annoying and just shows that a lot of lorry drivers are just like taxi drivers and consider themselves to own the road, fortunately for all other road users these lorry drivers do not own the road they are just able to use it like every one else.

But don't despair, if you read auto express last week you may have seen an article about lorrys and the ten year plan to remove 36 million of them from our roads within the next ten years.

As a train driver i have allready seen an extra 360,000 lorry journeys transfered to rail this year, this is in addition to the freight we all ready carry and the forcast is that rail freight is growing by 30 % each year, even the big boy eddie stobart now has a train running for him, it is painted in stobart livery and works every single day transporting for tesco. Asda and sainsburys allso have trains running every single day.

It will take a long time for the outdated jokes of BR to die but the plain and simple fact is rail is now a very very good option for freight and passengers, punctuality is averaging 97 % and cancellations are at the lowest level since the 50's, extra capacity has been identified and using the lines over night for freight has become very sucesfull.

obviousley some lorrys will allways be needed for local deliveries but long distance lorrys are an endangered species and that can only be a good thing.
May 12, 2006
The main ASDA/Sainsbury's/Tesco etc within the City I live are all at leasst 3 miles from the Railway. So it may arrive by Train, but then are we supposed to drive to the Station and buy 1/2 Lbs of Bacon off the back of the Guards Van. Or do we 100s of White Vans delivering it direct to the door ???.

I applaud the sentiment but don't believe it offers anything to the environment in the short term 10/20 years.

May 12, 2006
Sorry I missed the point would any Goverment put themselves into the position of maybe being held to ransom by Bob Crowe and his ilk !!!!!. I think not

Apr 13, 2005
Sorry Frank, just in case you did not read right to the end of my post here it is again;

"obviousley some lorrys will allways be needed for local deliveries but long distance lorrys are an endangered species and that can only be a good thing."

A good amount of produce is allready delivered by rail to freight terminals where it is collected by lorries who then deliver to local stores, even the post office have reverted to using rail after the very short lived trial of air and road transport which failled miserably.
Apr 13, 2005
Bob crow is an idiot, fortunately i am with the proper drivers union ASLEF, I don't see how the government can have any say in the matter, if companies want to use the railways instead of roads then who are the government to stop them. they are after all Private companies now since the past two succesive governments privatised everything.

Personally i would rather the trains be in public hands but thats a different matter.
Jan 19, 2008
The main ASDA/Sainsbury's/Tesco etc within the City I live are all at leasst 3 miles from the Railway. So it may arrive by Train, but then are we supposed to drive to the Station and buy 1/2 Lbs of Bacon off the back of the Guards Van. Or do we 100s of White Vans delivering it direct to the door ???.

I applaud the sentiment but don't believe it offers anything to the environment in the short term 10/20 years.

What's a Guards van? Sorry Frank but you are showing your age. I think they went out in the late 60s when single manning was accepted.
Jan 19, 2008
Bob crow is an idiot, fortunately i am with the proper drivers union ASLEF, I don't see how the government can have any say in the matter, if companies want to use the railways instead of roads then who are the government to stop them. they are after all Private companies now since the past two succesive governments privatised everything.

Personally i would rather the trains be in public hands but thats a different matter.
Hear! Hear! and follow the French example.

I too was in ASLEF, as a fireman, but now I think it's time for a makeover on the union name ;O)
May 12, 2006
I may be missing something here but will the numbers of lorries not remain the same ?? The same Volume of goods have to be moved, be it by Rail or Road. Unless the train drives into the supermarket !!!!!!!!!

May 12, 2006
LB Hear! Hear! and follow the French example.

SNCF has the largest pension deficit in the whole of the European Union. I can hear you shouting, I'm not going to fund the French Railways Workers which is what you will be doing in 20 years time.

A train driver in France can retire on full pension at 50 years of age.

Railways have an appetite for money that can never be fully met by either the Public or Private sector. As long as we all accept it is a loss making public service, that will need to be fully funded by the tax payer. It will just continue to be a poor second rate means of transport.Because now we want to go door to door and the train can't meet that need.



Theer are more complex issues here than those just mentioned. It is not a case that railways are a poor way of transporting either people or goods, after all they did it happily long before the road network was developed, and was more efficent. However, it requires a change in poeple's attitude for anything to actually work. Is it really necessary for a supermarket to offer umpteen brands of the same item just in the offchance someone may wish one? Is it necessary to transport goods from one end of the country to the other to a central distribution point, and then transport them back again to the starting point? It looks good on the computer screen, but not anywhere else. But then of course we would not need so many trucks and then of course drivers would be out of work, or go back to their own countries. Is it really necessary for mothers to take their offspring to school, and back. I know we probably have a paedophile lurking on every corner and after all the poor darlings may catch cold, but is it really necessary?

I don't have the answers, but blaming a system is not it. Rail is a very popular form of transport. More people travel by train nowadays than they did in the 1950's when most people did not have a car, so someone is using it. Just try getting a seat sometimes. Is it a question of people just travelling for the Hell of it, I know that is how companies such as Ryanair make their money. It is cheap so I must do it, even if I have no desire to go where the trip takes me.

Anyway, as usual we are drifting rapidly away from the original topic. You cannot name and shame as it is against the person human rights. Victims have no rights doncha know. After all if we did not have that ridiculous policy how on earth would Cherie make ends meet???
Mar 14, 2005
When Ford built their engine plant in Bridgend they had a rail link especially laid in order to have fast efficient links between their factory and Halewood, Dagenham, etc. It is used after 10:00pm in order not to obstruct passenger services and also for greater speed of delivery as they would not be shunted off main lines for passenger services to procede.
Aug 13, 2007
If it is so cheap to transport goods by rail, how come there are so many carrages transported on the back of Allelys of Studley lorrys.

You ought to see the performance trying to get the low loaders off the A441 at Kings Norton into the rail siddings. Police have to close a main route out of brum to the M42 at J2 (Tarddibig) for between 30-60 mins, this in turn causes us to make a 1 mile detour every time we need to turn left when we turn out.

Graham W.
May 12, 2006
I understand what your saying SL but for it to work again we need to look back to the late 40s 50s or early 60s.

You could walk to your small Primary School or your not so big Secondary or Comprehensive.

Terraced Houses near Factories or Coal Mines, the whistle went and everyone walked to work.

The Local Butchers, the Milkman delivering the Milk, the Corner shop for the Bread etc etc.

The Planners have a lot to answer for with out of town Supermakets etc. The Local Hospital rather than the Big Royal Infirmary.

One thing though, I feel better off than my parents ever did !!!

Mar 14, 2005
Why can't we adopt the American system whereby the long distance lorry is placed on a train and on arriving at its destination is transferred to road again. Alternatively container boxes loaded onto flat beds and then at their destination reloaded back onto lorries for short haul delivery.

I have stated before on this forum the transporting of one coil of steel at a time from Port Talbot works to Newport, etc. by lorry. Other times there is an EWS freight train hauling twenty odd trucks each carrying 2 or 3 coils of steel, again heading east. Which is more efficient regarding carbon footprint and delivery time - surely it must be the rail delivery.


Trying to equate costs is again complex issue. Maintenance of roads comes out of general taxation, rail maintenance comes out of revenues. If the equations were the same then road costs for freight would be extremely expensive, but it is subsidised. Many countries in Europe now carry the trucks on rail for long distances. Even our good friends in A..A, the supermarket that pats yopur pocket, or at least did in the last advert I saw, now uses trains to move their goods to Scotland. They state it is cheaper and more effcient. Ok, they move complete stocks for supermarkets at one time. But one driver, or 2 for over 500 tons and no road damage. People will say there are not enough rail lines. True, the governments all closed them down. But a double track rail line is 14 feet wide. Add on the boundaries and you are probably 25 feet max. A motorway is how wide??? Which do you think is cheaper to build?

The answers are there but it is back to attitude. I also do not state it has to be all one way, but a sensible balance would certainly help.
Aug 13, 2007
No disrespect Frank, but I bet your parents were a lot fitter than most of us.

When my gran was alive she had to lug buckets of coal for the fire, water for the copper boiler, no washing machines, vaccs & no cars, & still work as a clippy on the trams!!!!!

Graham W.
May 29, 2007
"But don't despair, if you read auto express last week you may have seen an article about lorrys and the ten year plan to remove 36 million of them from our roads within the next ten years."

Lmao! This will never happen! Tesco looked at this 10 years ago, took out the blue print and promptley scrunched it up and chucked it in the bin.

It is stupid to think that everything will go over to rail when they can't even get health and saftey right, let alone the time tables. My god we would be going backwards not forwards.

You think that the goverment are going to care about going green when they realise the amount of funding and they are going to lose because the big corperates start losing money

because of this ? I Don't think so.

Like all plans it can be scrapped!


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