Theer are more complex issues here than those just mentioned. It is not a case that railways are a poor way of transporting either people or goods, after all they did it happily long before the road network was developed, and was more efficent. However, it requires a change in poeple's attitude for anything to actually work. Is it really necessary for a supermarket to offer umpteen brands of the same item just in the offchance someone may wish one? Is it necessary to transport goods from one end of the country to the other to a central distribution point, and then transport them back again to the starting point? It looks good on the computer screen, but not anywhere else. But then of course we would not need so many trucks and then of course drivers would be out of work, or go back to their own countries. Is it really necessary for mothers to take their offspring to school, and back. I know we probably have a paedophile lurking on every corner and after all the poor darlings may catch cold, but is it really necessary?
I don't have the answers, but blaming a system is not it. Rail is a very popular form of transport. More people travel by train nowadays than they did in the 1950's when most people did not have a car, so someone is using it. Just try getting a seat sometimes. Is it a question of people just travelling for the Hell of it, I know that is how companies such as Ryanair make their money. It is cheap so I must do it, even if I have no desire to go where the trip takes me.
Anyway, as usual we are drifting rapidly away from the original topic. You cannot name and shame as it is against the person human rights. Victims have no rights doncha know. After all if we did not have that ridiculous policy how on earth would Cherie make ends meet???