Name and shame?

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Jun 12, 2006
we don't have many ex gwr steam loco's in preservation round here colin unfortunately. We are having an open day at my depot (newton heath) this weekend and expect about 5 steam loco's and 5 different class of freight loco's plus at least 1 off every class of passenger train in our company, there will allso be engineering demonstrations and stalls for railway nostalgia.

If your ever up this way and if you are a member of the caravan club then go to the burrs country park site at bury, the east lancashire railway runs right through the park and runs all year. this weekend they had 4 steam engines running a regular timetable.
Nothing personal Ice but I hate working at newton heath depot, the lads are great but the shirts are a nightmare.
Jun 12, 2006
I believe manchester victoria men where known as victoria vultures back in the 70's and 80's due to thiere very large route card, we still do to this day sign quite a lot of railway compared to most depots.

I have been told of one driver who is still driving today at the age of 69 for west coast railways who once took a class 40 loco to crewe only to find his relief had not turned up so he carried on to the trains destination in exeter with his second man reading the route out of the sectional appendix.

We would get sacked these days for that, they class it as a spad if you take the wrong route.

You should come down one day LB as bury allso have a crab and a black 5 both in main line order, im expecting to see at least one of them at newton heath on sunday as im on duty this weekend.

have a look at the elr web site it is quite a good site.
Any way the boss will be home soon best go and put tea on or im in trouble.
Nothing personal Ice but I hate working at newton heath depot, the lads are great but the shirts are a nightmare.
May 29, 2007
LB. Thought you were an ambulance driver? My god they did'nt have steam powered ambulances in your day did they? Gosh your much older than i thought!
Jan 2, 2006
Diane,this thread seems to have gone off track or off the rails but are you still talking to me I have said that I have no reason to believe that hubby is a bad driver,grovel grovel!
Apr 13, 2005
I believe manchester victoria men where known as victoria vultures back in the 70's and 80's due to thiere very large route card, we still do to this day sign quite a lot of railway compared to most depots.

I have been told of one driver who is still driving today at the age of 69 for west coast railways who once took a class 40 loco to crewe only to find his relief had not turned up so he carried on to the trains destination in exeter with his second man reading the route out of the sectional appendix.

We would get sacked these days for that, they class it as a spad if you take the wrong route.

You should come down one day LB as bury allso have a crab and a black 5 both in main line order, im expecting to see at least one of them at newton heath on sunday as im on duty this weekend.

have a look at the elr web site it is quite a good site.
Any way the boss will be home soon best go and put tea on or im in trouble.
I don't have any dealings with the management side Martin just the engineers for a chat and the lads down in south cabin when i'm locating my unit.

Which department are you in ? im rest days today and tommorow but next week i finnish on the shed monday tues wed and thursday, you will probably see my black seat alhambra parked up there.
Apr 13, 2005
I believe manchester victoria men where known as victoria vultures back in the 70's and 80's due to thiere very large route card, we still do to this day sign quite a lot of railway compared to most depots.

I have been told of one driver who is still driving today at the age of 69 for west coast railways who once took a class 40 loco to crewe only to find his relief had not turned up so he carried on to the trains destination in exeter with his second man reading the route out of the sectional appendix.

We would get sacked these days for that, they class it as a spad if you take the wrong route.

You should come down one day LB as bury allso have a crab and a black 5 both in main line order, im expecting to see at least one of them at newton heath on sunday as im on duty this weekend.

have a look at the elr web site it is quite a good site.
Any way the boss will be home soon best go and put tea on or im in trouble.
the boss just told me im a mouse lol.
May 12, 2006

Thanks for the link to the East Lancs Railways. We will be down to Burrs in the New Year, and a day out Diesel experience will be on the cards. My Great Great Grandfather used to drive a steam engine at Bury only it was on a fixed bed in a Cotton Mill !!

Thanks again

Apr 13, 2005
burrs is located on the site of 2 old cotton mills and the remains of the base from one of the steam engines is still visible in the ruins.

We will allso be at the site in january as we intend to use burrs as our winter site not sure exactely when yet as ive not seen my roster for next year.

The class 40 at bury has thrown a leg out of bed at the moment so might not be running but they have quite a few other engines including class 20 and 31.
May 29, 2007
Mr.P, you and i are friends, and sometimes friends have friendley discussion. I told him not to argue with a driving instructer, but like a man, he never listens and is always right!Seriousley he pretty lucky coz he can drive almost anything! I think he would like to drive a crane as he has never done that!lol
Jan 2, 2006
Glad to hear that we are still on talking terms,I have driven an artic and 53 seater coach but never on the road as I used to work in the olden days for a sub sid to the RHA and FTA,enough of that what can I do to find Kenco we are on our last jar!
Jan 2, 2006
Just an add on the scariest things I have driven are a Rolls Royce (no feel to the steering) and a Ferrari the later had a racing clutch and was hard work but a bit nippy!
Apr 13, 2005
I believe manchester victoria men where known as victoria vultures back in the 70's and 80's due to thiere very large route card, we still do to this day sign quite a lot of railway compared to most depots.

I have been told of one driver who is still driving today at the age of 69 for west coast railways who once took a class 40 loco to crewe only to find his relief had not turned up so he carried on to the trains destination in exeter with his second man reading the route out of the sectional appendix.

We would get sacked these days for that, they class it as a spad if you take the wrong route.

You should come down one day LB as bury allso have a crab and a black 5 both in main line order, im expecting to see at least one of them at newton heath on sunday as im on duty this weekend.

have a look at the elr web site it is quite a good site.
Any way the boss will be home soon best go and put tea on or im in trouble.
youve got a big job on next year then martin when they start the re furbishment of victoria. the plans look great the station should once again be worthy of its status.
Apr 13, 2005
Glad to hear that we are still on talking terms,I have driven an artic and 53 seater coach but never on the road as I used to work in the olden days for a sub sid to the RHA and FTA,enough of that what can I do to find Kenco we are on our last jar!
its buy one get one free in morrisons at the moment, or at least it is round here. my favourite brand of coffee by far.
Jan 2, 2006
News flash :- Kenco all gone now on Nescafe,not quite as good,Icemaker the Kenco in Morrisons is a different one.

Diane just ordered from Tesco by phone for home delivery of a drop of vin rouge
Apr 13, 2005
Oh sorry plotter we only use kenco really rich or smooth which is on offer at our morrisons, its a 500 jar with a % free making it a 600 and its bogof as well.

After yesterday and talking with diane i decided to have a look in tesco at stockport as i needed some fresh veg, i have never been in before as we have a morrisons just down the road and an asda 1 mile away.
May 29, 2007
Sorry guys, but i tend to do a lot of my shopping in M&S food hall. I do all my basics in Tesco and if we go away in the van i do online the day before delivered night before or the morning of and then straight in the van. I know with .Com pickers they have to pick the best dates and this drives the dept. manager mad! LOL.I do get dicount in M&S as one of my girls works for them.

My sister shops on line with both Asda and Tesco and says she is very pleased with both.
May 29, 2007
I like Morrisons, but i find thier food contains for to much salt and calories. Food taste great but to much of it will kill you.
Jan 2, 2006
As I said above just ordered for first time from Tesco 'on line'albeit by phone so will be interested if delivered on time and the correct items.
Apr 13, 2005
Got to admit Diane the veg i got from tesco yesterday was very nice indeed, full of flavour.

I really didn't like the lights in the store though they where so bright esspecially with everything being so white, it was clean and tidy but very very bright, it allmost appeared dark when i went outside.

We are fortunate to have a choice and we tend to use morrisons mostly as its so close but asda wins hands down for everyday clothing and the curry counter. morrisons is best for its meat counter and general stuff like toiletries and tinned goods and bread, but from yesterday tesco does appear best for fruit and veg.
May 29, 2007
I buy my toiletries from boots. Ade works for unichem so we get a better discount. LOL only 10% in Tesco 20%M&S and 22% in boots. and i get points to!
May 29, 2007
The Veg thing actaully is a current problem. The stores that are located nearer the distrabution centres tend to get nicer veg. So tesco have gone in a big way and spent a lot of money in finding local producers. You will see a lot more local suppliers in store and a lot nicer veg.

And it taste better!


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