Net Zero. Fact or Fiction?

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Jun 20, 2005
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Wasn’t it prepared towards COP26 in Glasgow. But work will undoubtedly still be going ahead to update and challenge. It may not be so visible until perhaps another COP where Britain publishes its position and view.
Everything is transitional and fluid. This is the only paper I have ever seen written by so many eminent scientists.
As I said originally I’d love to know what the scientists amongst you think. I have no view other than I just want to live a quiet happy caravanning life for the next ten years being sensible.
Nov 11, 2009
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I see that Greenland is opening full length international runway with connections to a number of small Greenland airports. Then it will only be four hours flying time by long haul jets from UK and US east coast. Its aim is to encourage development and tourism. But I suspect that the Greenlanders are wanting to speed up global warming and rid themselves of their darned ice, and go back to growing their own food and rearing cattle, plus access to the mineral wealth.It's crafty ploy.
Nov 11, 2009
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Everything is transitional and fluid. This is the only paper I have ever seen written by so many eminent scientists.
As I said originally I’d love to know what the scientists amongst you think. I have no view other than I just want to live a quiet happy caravanning life for the next ten years being sensible.
Without access to the data and models it is neigh on impossible to make a judgement , suffice to say that no doubt a lot of work has been undertaken to develop the paper and its summary. But given the high international reputation of the institutions it will have merit, despite being unpopular , and not politically expedient.
I guess many of the summary blocks will be being progressed, but to what extent who knows. My view as you know is that Global Warming is real and requires to be taken seriously. We have cut down considerably on energy at both our house and daughter's house. Boilers when due for replacement will be heat pumps, or ideally but not likely in the timescale, full electric. Cars have been downsized and a small one used for majority of usage. etc and bus passes used more. Small beer in the scheme of things, but it is a move in the right direction. Since Covid we have really changed our usage and type of household chemicals too. But it is governments that can only push the large strategic decisions required.

I doubt anything impacting your wish for a quite caravanning 10 years will visibly arise apart possibly financial ones, and keeping the "old girl going " .:)
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Jun 20, 2005
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As with most scientific matters nothing is and never should be cast in stone 😉
I will most definitely continue caravanning as long as physically possible.
As a matter of interest have you or anyone else seen any HMG paper or other science that discusses the main document? I haven’t.
Nov 11, 2009
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As with most scientific matters nothing is and never should be cast in stone 😉
I will most definitely continue caravanning as long as physically possible.
As a matter of interest have you or anyone else seen any HMG paper or other science that discusses the main document? I haven’t.
Wouldn't those who directed you to the paper perhaps know about any follow on papers?


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