One should differentiate between a nervous or twitchy outfit and a snake. I have seen twitchy outfits where the back end of the caravan is moving side to side maybe a foot or so for many miles on end with the driver obviously oblivious to what was going on behind him. So long as the driver maintains a speed below the threshold speed at which the outfit would get out of control without active intervention either on the part of the driver or a stabiliser system, that is not particularly dangerous, although it could develop into such if road or driving conditions, in particular speed, change. Much better, of course, is if the outfit is set up so as not to be nervous or twitchy in the first place.
Only if the threshold speed is exceeded (in most cases this is somewhere between 50 and 60mph) will an actual snake develop where the outfit threatens to get out of control if nothing is done to intervene very quickly. A snake will never develop below the threshold speed. The outfit will always regain control of its own accord.