New caravan owner - security help needed :)

May 8, 2018

We are purchasing a Bailey Orion 440-5.

Please could you advise me on what kind of locks you would use on this caravan? What are the insurance requirements typically? Any recommended brands etc?

Thanks so much.

Nov 11, 2009
Firstly you should read your insurance policy to see exactly what the insurers requirements are. Some require both hitchlock and wheel lock.

There are various types of hitchlock but go for that achieves insurance or Thatcham approval. I use an Alko hitchlock that fits very conformally around the Alko hitch stabiliser. For wheel lock there are those that fit around the wheel, those that lock the wheel to the chassis. Some wheel clamps are big and heavy better used at home or in storage. Others are lighter and more suited for touring. At home I use Alko wheel insert that is light enough for touring and about as secure as it gets. But it requires either very precise alignment to fit or jacking the caravan up to fit. I also use a Bulldog Titan on the other wheel at home. Mainly for touring I use a Milenco that is light but not as secure as the other two but theft on sites is quite a rare event.
Names to look at Alko, Milenco, Bulldog, Stronghold, Nemesis.

The Caravan and Motor home Club have a fact sheet on security devices. And their classifieds can be a good source of pre owned items.
Oct 12, 2013
Looking good !

This is what we used when we had our Orion, they both fitted well for and quick and easy enough and we still use them now on the new caravan now !
Nov 11, 2009
I used to use the Bulldog wheel clamp similar to the top one only for touring as it was light. But do agree it’s not that substantial. There’s a Milenco heavy wheel clamp filled with concrete that’s a real bruiser. But given the kit thieves carry even the real heavyweights can be cut through. The Alko wheel lock is probably the best but there’s pictures in the net where thieves have even tried to get one of those off. But the caravan was then rendered virtually mobile through the damage caused.
Oct 12, 2013
Nothing is 1oo% thief proof as you can see off some videos on the web , they are merely a visible deterrent , when im on site everything is locked up and put on, when my van is on the drive it is forward facing with A frame to the garage , only so it cant be hooked up and pulled away , 5 years old and these locks are still doing there job .

Craig .
Oct 12, 2013
Grey13 said:
Craig. How do you post pictures like that? in the message?

Go to "" , have a look on your device , upload picture , then scroll down to about the seventh option copy the link for 'forum' go back to this forum hold on the screen paste then submit then if you want another picture go back to post images bit uploading another one copy the link again and edit your last post slip the new picture in with it. Im getting used to it ! All mine done on my phone so it may be different on a computer.
Craig .

That's the size for the picture I have it set to so it comes with a decent size like recent posts.
Hope this helps .
Feb 25, 2017
Just stick to your insurance companies requirements to stay covered,

IMHO do not spend a wedge on the latest "must have" security gadgets.......they who steal caravans will crack it in seconds.

Save the dosh and spend it on Stella or similar!.
Oct 12, 2013
Just stick to your insurance companies requirements to stay covered,

IMHO do not spend a wedge on the latest "must have" security gadgets.......they who steal caravans will crack it in seconds.

Save the dosh and spend it on Stella or similar!.

Precisely ! I like stella to !! :p
May 7, 2012
The idea that the basic security will do is wrong. Yes there are thieves who go out fully prepared and not a lot will stop them but even then if they have a choice they will go for the easy option. Looking at the Orion and not wishing to run it down those professionals are after something more valuable.
With the Orion it is more likely to be stolen by the opportunist thief who is simply on the lookout for something easy to steal and good security will put them off so decent security is a good idea. I would not worry about a hitchlock though unless it is an insurance requirement as they can be easily overcome with a length of stout rope or chain.
Do be aware that if you leave it at services or other public areas it needs the security as otherwise this can be the area where the opportunists strike.


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