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Dec 30, 2014
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This is a new venture for my wife and myself. After talking about a motorhome for a few years and the time researching the best vehicle suited to our needs, we settled on a Devon Monte Carlo. So far we have not been anywhere too far away but hopefully that will change next year. We have yet to see another Devon Monte Carlo on the road. Are they a rare breed of motorhome? :)
Dec 11, 2010
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Devon Conversions is a small, well established company that has a reputation for decent quality and usable conversions. You won't see many on the road but you will see happy people owning them.

You might find a few at the Devon Motorhome Owners Group.

Take your new joy out for a day and use it to cook a snack and brew tea, wash the pots etc. You don't need to away overnight to use the van, especially as it's a PVC.
Nov 19, 2010
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Welcome, Colin, both to the forum and to our amazing way of life!
I suppose "rare breed" is a pretty good way of describing Devon. As Aspenshaw says, they're a well-respected outfit who've been around for many years, but on nothing like the scale of Autosleepers, Autotrail, or some of the big Continental builders/converters.
I'm in a similar position, as my Cavarno is pretty "rare" too - I've only ever met other owners when the converters ran an Open Day!
Am I right in remembering that the Monte Carlo is based on the Renault Master van? Like my Ford, that also makes it a rare beast, with the preponderance of Fiats etc for coachbuilts and VWs for panel vans!
We love using our van for days out too, if we can't get away. But at the moment we're pitched up in a pub carpark in Essex, where we'll see the New Year in and stay overnight. If you fancy doing some of that, it's worth joining "Britstops," a nationwide network of places where motorhomers are welcome.


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