New Touring companion.

Nov 16, 2015
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Dave she is lovely, just don,t overfeed her with too many treats, Harry will be jealous that he will not get your full attention , next time we meet up .
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Nov 11, 2009
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Here is my latest canine companion, who has now come to live at my daughters, along with his owners; grandson and partner. He’s two years old and I’m his “walkies friend” when work gets in the way from those who thought WFH would last forever. Weight is dropping off of me. Unfortunately he can’t come into our home as our 15+ Springer still exhibits her bouts of spontaneous rage in his direction, and he’s a big wuss.

Jun 16, 2020
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Thought Jack Russells were supposed to be lively.

View attachment 4016

My sister had a Jack Russell that was totally crazy. He hated me and I always thought he ‘may have a go’. Yet, as a primary school teacher she often took him to school and the kids loved him and he loved going.

When he visited my mothers house he had learned that the sink emptied into the grid outside. If anyone turned a tap on he had to go to the grid to ‘attack’ the water.

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Jan 3, 2012
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Sammy our Jack Russell although can be lively has a timid nature, this results in Bonfire night with all the loud noises being a nightmare for him, we usually go away during this time [away at present] so that it is quiet and he is relaxed. He is now 9 years old and we have done the same each year so that he doesn't become frightened. We are near the beach and country parks so he is enjoying walks with his partner in crime Sadie [border terrier nearly fourteen years old but still active]
May 11, 2021
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We picked up a puppy a few weeks back and did our first caravan holiday with him not long after. He was about 13 weeks old when we went away and was as good as gold - not a single accident in the van or awning and he slept on the double bed with us making no fuss other than the initial playful greeting when he realised he could get up there and there were faces to lick.

We took a screw-in tie-up peg which was invaluable during setup as we could leave him tied up, within sight but not 'helping' with awning installation or any other tasks. We also took two stainless steel bowls with rubber on the bottom that worked really well on the hard floor of the caravan (we have removed the carpet from the living area).

Here's Maverick - labrador x cocker.
Maverick 5.jpg
Nov 11, 2009
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I hope that those with new and older “touring companions” can look forward to many memorable trips in their company, and also their companionship when at home. Sadly yesterday we had to let our 15.5 year old springer Izzie go. Her head and heart were still strong but her hips and bowel were causing her problems.. But we cherish her years of companionship and outright energy since we got her as
a “ free to good home” one year old. . We have had two, sometimes three dogs for over 54 years and it felt very strange going down into the kitchen this early morning and not being greeted by a wagging tail..

With the caravan gone, grandkids well established and no dogs all within less than two years, our lives are in for a change. What that will be…..??

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Jul 18, 2017
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I hope that those with new and older “touring companions” can look forward to many memorable trips in their company, and also their companionship when at home. Sadly yesterday we had to let our 15.5 year old springer Izzie go. Her head and heart were still strong but her hips and bowel were causing her problems.. But we cherish her years of companionship and outright energy since we got her as
a “ free to good home” one year old. . We have had two, sometimes three dogs for over 54 years and it felt very strange going down into the kitchen this early morning and not being greeted by a wagging tail..

With the caravan gone, grandkids well established and no dogs all within less than two years, our lives are in for a change. What that will be…..??

Our hearts go out to you as know what it is like to lose part of the family. You are left with an empty hole in your hearts. Take care.
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Jan 3, 2012
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I hope that those with new and older “touring companions” can look forward to many memorable trips in their company, and also their companionship when at home. Sadly yesterday we had to let our 15.5 year old springer Izzie go. Her head and heart were still strong but her hips and bowel were causing her problems.. But we cherish her years of companionship and outright energy since we got her as
a “ free to good home” one year old. . We have had two, sometimes three dogs for over 54 years and it felt very strange going down into the kitchen this early morning and not being greeted by a wagging tail..

With the caravan gone, grandkids well established and no dogs all within less than two years, our lives are in for a change. What that will be…..??

View attachment 4219
Loosing a treasured pet can be so hard, but as you say all the memories you share are golden [same as the holidays and days with the grandchildren when they were young]. You are now entering the next phase of your lives, fresh memories to make where the grandchildren take you for a meal [we are at this phase and can recommend it]. Wishing you all the best with whatever you have planned and hope you soon feel better now your lovely dog is no longer part of your family unit,
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Jul 30, 2007
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So sorry to hear of your sad loss otherclive.
Heartbreaking news. 😢
We too always took Oscar & Spirit away with us in the caravan.
Hopefully,Izzie and my 2 are now at rainbow bridge discussing their happy memories away in the van.
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Jun 16, 2020
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OC it’s a very sad time, I still miss our lovely Lab who we lost about 25 years ago, but we have great memories.

Consider taking on raising a guide dog puppy. A programme on yesterday said they are looking for people. That would be so rewarding. Or, like we do, just sponsoring one. We set up a direct debit, and our great grand children have access to the dog, Albus’s, facebook page, And they get periodical updates.

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Jul 18, 2017
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OC it’s a very sad time, I still miss our lovely Lab who we lost about 25 years ago, but we have great memories.

Consider taking on raising a guide dog puppy. A programme on yesterday said they are looking for people. That would be so rewarding. Or, like we do, just sponsoring one. We set up a direct debit, and our great grand children have access to the dog, Albus’s, facebook page, And they get periodical updates.


We thought of doing that awhile ago, but OH and probably myself would get too attached to it making it hard to relinquish. Friends did it with a police dog and swore they would never do it again as too heart breaking.
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Jun 16, 2020
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We thought of doing that awhile ago, but OH and probably myself would get too attached to it making it hard to relinquish. Friends did it with a police dog and swore they would never do it again as too heart breaking.
I would love to do it if I could give it the exercise it needed. But I also remember how destructive our Labrador was as a puppy. Shoes and a setee.

But people use cages now don’t they?

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Nov 11, 2009
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Thanks to all for their kind words. Re John C's post on Guide Dogs I have read the info and saw the piece on TV. Clearly that would be an option and having food, vets costs paid for and a standby fosterer are all very useful but we aren't planning to decide on another dog(s) in the near future; if at all. We have had a number of family constraints on our activities this last few years, so we now plan to look at things that we want to do, and catch up on some holiday time that have been missed. But I do also have the advantage that our grandson has a 2 year old Visla and currently he only lives 15 minutes walk away as they have all moved back in with Mum for 12 months. So it would be helpful to them if I take their dog out for walks, and even provide doggy B&B if they are away from home.

But thank you all again.
Oct 31, 2022
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I would love to do it if I could give it the exercise it needed. But I also remember how destructive our Labrador was as a puppy. Shoes and a setee.

But people use cages now don’t they?

Yes, the majority of Guide Dog puppies do use crates (not allowed to call them cages) or pens. I am a Puppy Raiser for Guide Dogs so if anyone has questions please free to ask, it is incredibly rewarding and in my view although you do get very attached, you don’t quite feel the same loss as your own long term pet passing in. With the puppies, you know they will be going after about a year and will be going on to genuinely change lives. Plus of course, when one goes there is always another one ready to come.


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