New VED bands: good news or bad news for tow cars


Mar 17, 2007
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......provided you stay under £40k.
Trying to get my head around this. I currently pay zero VED for my low emissions car. If I was to replace it with the same emissions car after April 2017 I would pay £140 p.a. After the first year of about £20.
If OH replaces his car with a similar emissions car, he will pay £800 in the first year but then only £140 p.a. Instead of his current £230. (So long as he doesn't spend more than (£40k)
In comparison to the current system; He about breaks even after about 8 years then is better off. I, on the other hand am worse off from the off.
Thanks George O.
Apr 20, 2009
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Hadn't heard about this until now, quick search shows new vehicles only.........PHEW.

Can you not go for a second hand model about a year old Mel?


Mar 17, 2007
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It was a rhetorical question chaps; to stimulate debate, discourse and witty repartee. No plans to change my car at all. However should I choose to do so, what sort of price hike would there be on pre April cars as demand increases?
Jun 20, 2005
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In simple terms George O has just wrecked a big section of the new car market.
SWMBO super clean diesel costs us £30.00 a year whilst the Sorie now used for towing only is £495.00.
I expect the manufacturers and dealers will have more "demo" expensive cars available at a year old to soften the tax blow. The knock on effect of reduced car sales is mind blowing to the overall economy and makes no sense to me at all. :unsure: :sick:

PS. Now I'm retired new tugs are a thing of the past B)
Nov 6, 2005
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The used car market will stay the same, ok no zero £ ved but a higher emission car which was £230 will be £140.
Cars over £40k will be hit with a premium of £310 for 5 years but if you are paying that money then it wont be an issue.
After paying £495 a year , £140 sounds like heaven.
Whats the incentive to buy a low emission car now?
Nov 11, 2009
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MichaelE said:
The used car market will stay the same, ok no zero £ ved but a higher emission car which was £230 will be £140.
Cars over £40k will be hit with a premium of £310 for 5 years but if you are paying that money then it wont be an issue.
After paying £495 a year , £140 sounds like heaven.
Whats the incentive to buy a low emission car now?

I also think that the £145pa will apply to all cars registered before the new bands take effect. Except for zero emission vehicles, don't know whether this means all electric, or some plugin hybrids as well. So those with small IC engines will pay £145 too. About time too, its been long overdue as fuel tax/duty revenues have fallen as have VED takings. But whether this money will go on improving roads I doubt it, but if it finds its way into health or education thats no bad thing.
May 7, 2012
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It strikes me that many dealers will pre register cars that would attract a higher tax than they do now as they would be easier to sell.
Nov 11, 2009
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Gafferbill said:
otherclive said:
I also think that the £145pa will apply to all cars registered before the new bands take effect. Except for zero may like to read this leaflet issued by the DVLA which is designed to brief the motor trade.

Page 3 states that vehicles registered before April 1 2017 will not be affected.

Oops, many apologies for what I can only describe as a Senior Moment which occurred whilst trying to sort out a Alko Secure wheel lock and whether it can be re-registered by a new owner, or not. Clearly multi tasking skills have diminished!!


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