New Website Update


Mar 14, 2005
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Well, after all the waiting there is some news regarding the new improved website that we have been promised for over 2 years.

Now I know that many users have been waiting for this to happen to improve the funcionality and ease of use, especially searching for past topics.

The news I have received today is that the inception date for the new forum has been suspended indefinately, as has the improvements to the other websites within Haymarket.

The reason is the same as everyone is using at the moment, the "credit crunch".

So, it looks like having to be stuck with the forum in its current state for some considerable time.

Still, in comparison to the High Street turmoil at the moment, at least there is still a forum,,,,,,,,,for now
Jan 31, 2008
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This is a shame. I was looking forward to an improved forum. I have to kinda agree with Brian's comment. The forum software I use is free since it's under the Public Domain. And I'm lucky enough to understand HTML, PHP and some Java to be able to set up and maintain the forum.

Surely, since Haymarket already run this forum, they must have technicians who maintain it. It takes only 30 minutes to download and set up a new forum which, if Haymarket wanted to offer me a free subscription, I'll do it for them. :-D


"Credit Crunch" blamed!

And posted on the day when in the press Micheal Heseltine was described as

"as rich as Croesus" when reporting on his daughters 10th wedding anniversary speech!

I guess that he needs the extra pennies to pay his bigger tax bill :0)
Jun 20, 2005
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Do we all have straw in our hair?

The cost of any new IT system is the development.

I honestly thought all the infrastructure was in place and that testing was virtually complete?

So why has the project really been suspended?

Oh how easy it is to blame the current economic climate!!

If we all stopped using this forum I am sure Hezzer would finish off the project?




Mar 14, 2005
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Alan, I do not know what has happened, just the message I got.

As we, the Mods, have said many times in the past, we do not work for Haymarket, so have no idea, and frankly no interest, in their business dealings or anything else.

I, personally, was really looking forward to the new style forum, and am thoroughly fed up with the news, to put it politely.


Nov 12, 2009
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I concur with Damian, this new website looks as though it will remain a pipe dream.

I feel sorry for Haymarket staff who we have been told are about to lose their jobs but I fail to see why Gary from Carry on Camping forum and Eric from Caravanning 4u amongst others can set up and operate serious working easy to use fully functioning and informative websites on a shoestring as private individuals when the owners of Practical Caravan have a technically ******** website and low spec search engine with the resources that although slimmed down now due to recession must still be vast in comparison with the examples that I've quoted.

I'd imagined that the longstanding loyalty and support shown by forum members who unstintingly offer help and advice time after time on Practical Caravan forum and help to keep it in the forefront of caravan websites would have been worth more.

Looks as though I was mistaken.
Jul 25, 2007
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First comment deleted,(Damian-Moderator)

I think Parksy said it all with his comment: "a technically ******** website"

Thats just one of the reasons that I think and are far superior in all respects.



Mar 14, 2005
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Dont hold your breath waiting for that move,,,as far as I understand things,it wont be happening yet,,,,or ever.
Jan 6, 2008
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Hi all

In these very very troubled times we live in at present money is very tight. My wife and myself are both going to be out of work afer Christmas just a sign of the times we are all now living in. Let us hope that Haymarket do not pull the plug on this forum as it stands as I for one find it invaluable for advice at tip,s.

All the best Steve


Nov 12, 2009
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I'm sorry to hear that you and your wife are about to become unemployed Stephen.

It appears that many caravanners and those interested in the hobby share your high regard for this forum. This is from Haymarket's own description of the website:


The Practical Caravan website, , is an integral part of what makes the brand such a success.

The site's figures continue to rise: it now gets 65,000 unique visitors and a monthly average of 710,000 page impressions.

As well as a buzzing forum, visitors to the site are presented with a complete A-Z guide to caravanning. There's information on what to buy, where to holiday (plus links to a campsite-finding website) and how to get the most from the hobby. Visitors can even book their holiday through Practical Caravan


Surely Harmarket would be unwise to abandon something that in their own words is 'an integral part of what makes the brand such a success' - wouldnt they?


Unfortunately, I suspect that logic and common sense will not be part of the decision tree. The Accounting Department of Haymarket will look to see what costs money and does not generate revenues, and I am afraid a Forum probably comes in that category. Now if every member was to take out a subscription to at least 1 magazine in their stable, then maybe they would think differently, but even then possibly not.

We may even see a combining of magazines such as Prac Caravan and Prac Motorhome into 1, with articles on both sides in order to cut costs. It does make some sense as many things are applicable to both.

The lack of 'new technology' to this Forum is disappointing, I think. Not being a techie buff in IT it bothers me not that I cannot add lots of additions which do not really have any effect on the actual message. Pictures are fine, but are very transitory. Words last a lot longer because you have to read, and digest them. That is the bit I enjoy and respond to. Pretty much like a letter really, remember them???

So, if keeping it simple keeps it ongoing, then I know what I would vote for.


Nov 12, 2009
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I'd agree that the simplicity of the website has it's advantages but an edit facility and a means of finding past posts that actually works would have been nice for the forum.
Jan 6, 2008
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Unfortunately, I suspect that logic and common sense will not be part of the decision tree. The Accounting Department of Haymarket will look to see what costs money and does not generate revenues, and I am afraid a Forum probably comes in that category. Now if every member was to take out a subscription to at least 1 magazine in their stable, then maybe they would think differently, but even then possibly not.

We may even see a combining of magazines such as Prac Caravan and Prac Motorhome into 1, with articles on both sides in order to cut costs. It does make some sense as many things are applicable to both.

The lack of 'new technology' to this Forum is disappointing, I think. Not being a techie buff in IT it bothers me not that I cannot add lots of additions which do not really have any effect on the actual message. Pictures are fine, but are very transitory. Words last a lot longer because you have to read, and digest them. That is the bit I enjoy and respond to. Pretty much like a letter really, remember them???

So, if keeping it simple keeps it ongoing, then I know what I would vote for.
Mar 14, 2005
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This seems a pretty poor excuse for continuing with a forum that is so behind the times I would have thought that it brings the Practical Caravan brand into disrepute. How come the caravan site finder (sister website) has a fully functioning modern forum which is hardly used and we are expected to struggle on?

Jan 31, 2008
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"So put forward Legsmaniac's offer to Haymarket(You might even get smilies) LOL"

Hehehe. Not just smilies but a chatroom too, or not. In fact, anything Haymarket wanted. I wasn't joking by the way. It was a genuine offer. Just pass my email address to Lord Hezza and I'm sure we could discuss something.

Dunno why I'm offering really since I could be doing my own forum an injustice but hey! I know people love this forum and there's room for two in this world. Or more.

Over to you.


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