NHS clap

May 2, 2020
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Hi all
As the weekend approaches and more restrictions are eased and some people can make plans to get away ect as of the 4th July, lets not forget to clap for carers and key workers and NHS 72nd anniversary at 5pm on Sunday 5th July whether you are at home or away
Nov 11, 2009
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The first clapping was a spontaneous suggestion by someone as a way of showing support and appreciation for the work of the hospital and care staff. I agreed with that and so did all of our neighbours.
This current one smacks of moral-social conscience, no disrespect to NHS staff ( my daughter is a student mental health nurse).


Mar 14, 2005
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The first clapping was a good thing, but it has become more of a routine rather than commending those in the NHS and others who are actually at the sharp end of the virus, and not every NHS person is at that place, it is relatively few.

I agreed with sentiment in the clap but following my recent stay in Hospital I will not be clapping them again.

My treatment was appalling, left in own clothes 24 hours a day for 5 days, not able to wash or offered any help to do so, the food was inedible, and the noise made by the staff, especially at night was ridiculous.
I self discharged after 5 days and had lost a stone in weight, was sleep deprived and to put it mildly, stinking !!!
On top of that, the toilet, which was directly opposite the Nurses Station was disgusting with al kinds of human excrement everywhere !!!!!
Jun 20, 2005
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The first clapping was a good thing, but it has become more of a routine rather than commending those in the NHS and others who are actually at the sharp end of the virus, and not every NHS person is at that place, it is relatively few.

I agreed with sentiment in the clap but following my recent stay in Hospital I will not be clapping them again.

My treatment was appalling, left in own clothes 24 hours a day for 5 days, not able to wash or offered any help to do so, the food was inedible, and the noise made by the staff, especially at night was ridiculous.
I self discharged after 5 days and had lost a stone in weight, was sleep deprived and to put it mildly, stinking !!!
On top of that, the toilet, which was directly opposite the Nurses Station was disgusting with al kinds of human excrement everywhere !!!!!
That’s totally unacceptable. Time to kick some ass and get your MP involved. Did you speak to PALs about this whilst there? They were excellent sorting my dad out some years ago.


Mar 14, 2005
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Dusty, yes I contacted PAL's , to say they were disinterested is a mild version, lets say the conversation got very heated.
The Hospital is already in Special Measures as it is so badly run and managed.

As we only have the one Hospital here, its take it or leave it.

I thought about talking to my MP but he is as much use as a chocolate teapot !!!!!, and was caught attending a large gathering of people at a barbeque along with his girlfriend during the lockdown.

He is only interested in photo opportunities and supporting Boris no matter what he does, or his cronies.
Nov 11, 2009
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Dusty, yes I contacted PAL's , to say they were disinterested is a mild version, lets say the conversation got very heated.
The Hospital is already in Special Measures as it is so badly run and managed.

As we only have the one Hospital here, its take it or leave it.

I thought about talking to my MP but he is as much use as a chocolate teapot !!!!!, and was caught attending a large gathering of people at a barbeque along with his girlfriend during the lockdown.

He is only interested in photo opportunities and supporting Boris no matter what he does, or his cronies.
Bit like the Mayor of Leicester caught four nights with his lady friend during their first lock down. What is it with these people. At least Dominic Cummins went with his wife. 🤫


Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Dusty, thankfully I am well on the road to recovery, it will take some time as my Kidneys are still not as good as they should be, which the second bout of Sepsis has done them no good.(first bout 18 months ago)

Here on the Island we have just had the latest figures for those confirmed with Covid and surprise, it has doubled in number, and we are now getting visitors arriving, so I expect there to be a lot more happening in the coming weeks.

What will happen tomorrow when the pubs open again is anyones guess, but we will not be going anywhere near them!
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Nov 11, 2009
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Hello Dusty, thankfully I am well on the road to recovery, it will take some time as my Kidneys are still not as good as they should be, which the second bout of Sepsis has done them no good.(first bout 18 months ago)

Here on the Island we have just had the latest figures for those confirmed with Covid and surprise, it has doubled in number, and we are now getting visitors arriving, so I expect there to be a lot more happening in the coming weeks.

What will happen tomorrow when the pubs open again is anyones guess, but we will not be going anywhere near them!

Glad to hear that you are on the mend. Keep well away from the Grockles. 😀
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