Nose weight...

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Mar 29, 2021
Hi all,
I’m looking for some advice please. I have just bought a 2016 Lunar Cosmos 544 (Quasar dealer special). My previous van had a weight gauge on the jockey wheel, so for this one I bought a kampa gauge. I was surprised to find that with only one small gas bottle in the front the nose weight read nearly 100kgs. The only few bits and pieces in the van are under the french bed which is behind the axle. Given that there is virtually no payload in front of the axle, this weight seems high to me. Could this be right, or should I cast a suspicious eye on a cheap scale? Thanks in advance...

I would look at the gauge with suspicion to be honest, Milenco produce one that is reportedly the only one calibrated.
If you can the best method is digital bathroom scales and a stick!
Nov 11, 2009
I would look at the gauge with suspicion to be honest, Milenco produce one that is reportedly the only one calibrated.
If you can the best method is digital bathroom scales and a stick!
Most likely that it is the caravan that is nose heavy when unladen. When I bought mine it had one Calorlite in the front, but battery, mover, fridge water heater, psu etc are all forward of the axle and cooker too. To drive it home I had to fill the cassette, flush tank and a 10 kg water carrier all at the back. So around 40 kg in all. Most of my kit has to be stored behind the axle. Nothing in the front under seat lockers. I have to get mine to 80kg for the car.
Mar 29, 2021
Most likely that it is the caravan that is nose heavy when unladen. When I bought mine it had one Calorlite in the front, but battery, mover, fridge water heater, psu etc are all forward of the axle and cooker too. To drive it home I had to fill the cassette, flush tank and a 10 kg water carrier all at the back. So around 40 kg in all. Most of my kit has to be stored behind the axle. Nothing in the front under seat lockers. I have to get mine to 80kg for the car.
My first nose weight gauge not a Milenco, I bought it from a dealer it used to stick, let's say it would read 90kg, I could give it a wiggle then it would read 75kg and so on, completely inaccurate so binned that and bought a jockey wheel that had a weigh function, again a well known dealer brand, and again complete rubbish so ended up using the bathroom scales method, which is fine if you have the surface and time.
I'm currently buying the Milenco gauge, an expensive item tbh, but my outfit isn't that well a match so the noseweight is crucial for us, first outing on the 18th of April all fingers crossed, another but, we use pitch and store so collecting caravan on the way to the Lakes, normally we would have ample time to load and check everything but due to Covid we havnt been able to.
Oct 17, 2010
My motors nose weight is clearly marked on the tow bar.
Darren how "not well matched " is your outfit. You don't have to stick to the fabled 85% drive with care. Could be wrong but I don't think the nose weight will make much differents,, if unmatched.. My nose weight is 85kg if when i check, if reads 75kg I'm happy
Mar 14, 2005
Could be wrong but I don't think the nose weight will make much differents,, if unmatched..
Its very important to have enough nose load to maximise the cars ability to control the caravan. Unfortunately these no magic value or percentage that suits all cars and caravans, though the industries guidance of 5 to 7% of MTPLM does seem to produce good results.
Its a matter of suck it and see, but in doing so its best to start near the top of your available limit and if desirable try a little less until your no longer happy and then just trim up a bit.

Its not black and white, and even identical cars and caravans might need slightly differnt nose loads depending on how you load, how you drive, and where you drive and the prevailing weather conditions.

Don't think of it as a fixed value.

And remember if you begin to experience a sense of instability slow down stop when safe to stop and retrim to s lightly greater nose load, but don't exceed caravan or cars nose load limits.
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Mar 29, 2021
I've had a few years towing a caravan now. I started with a Bailey Ranger gt60 and Jag xtype sports premium collection, estate on a diesel engine, super stable no matter what was thrown at us
Then changed the car for an Insignia Sri vx line again diesel then changed the caravan for the Pastiche 575, still stable at upto 60mph, had an ATC kick in on a snake but I hit ruts downhill under acceleration plus my concentration wasn't there.
Changed to the Audi a4 estate and wozers very twitchy, very unpleasant first tow
Pulled into the services altered the nose weight, increased it and wow back to stable but peg it at 60mph and you know about it.
My car can have 85kg static load on the bar and I get as close as I can as that keeps things good, I also now tow at around 53mph as indicated which not only gives a better to but really good mpg considering im on petrol now
We did the North lakes last October from Thirsk area no need to rush so pegged it at 52mph outfit returned 28 mpg and was very happy going over the hills a complete contrast to travelling down to Cornwall on the cars first towing outing.
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Jan 3, 2012
My first nose weight gauge not a Milenco, I bought it from a dealer it used to stick, let's say it would read 90kg, I could give it a wiggle then it would read 75kg and so on, completely inaccurate so binned that and bought a jockey wheel that had a weigh function, again a well known dealer brand, and again complete rubbish so ended up using the bathroom scales method, which is fine if you have the surface and time.
I'm currently buying the Milenco gauge, an expensive item tbh, but my outfit isn't that well a match so the noseweight is crucial for us, first outing on the 18th of April all fingers crossed, another but, we use pitch and store so collecting caravan on the way to the Lakes, normally we would have ample time to load and check everything but due to Covid we havnt been able to.
Hi Darren where about in the lakes are you going in April ?
Jan 3, 2012


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