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Jul 12, 2005
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I don't think I missed anything. It was clear from the start that the subject was greenlaning. I'm just surprised that it gets people so worked up, either way. If I were going to discuss the matter I wouldn't go into a PC forum to do it.
So its ok to discuss the european haulage federation or whatever, but not greenlaning? as you did recently in another thread.

stones, glass houses!
Aug 6, 2005
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Thast just it, it isn't very comfortable trying to traverse deep water filled ruts.

I envy you your absolute conviction that you and only you are right - it must be a very comfortable world, that one of yours
Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry - forgot an important point -

PLEASE Oricle do have a look at the FoDRow website.

You will see what we actually do. If you have half the commitment that these guys have to the country side you will be doing FAR FAR more than most.

We are not armchair conservationists - this website proves and shows it!

Can you say as much?
Jul 12, 2005
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Then use the cycle routes or paths, both of which you have access to in many of thousands of miles. You see you get the choice, we don't. we have to drive the lanes that are rutted by farmers going about their legal business as that is the law. The difference is that you will find a lot more 4x4 groups fixing these rights of way for all to use than you will find any other group fixing them for themselves
Mar 14, 2005
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Good point Steve.

Just had a look at the FoDRoW website again as I havn't visited for a while!

Lovely quote on the subject of "Tractors" - because some of them are only two wheel drive it means that 4x4's are not required!! Also a GREAT reference to wide tyres causing no damage!!!

"Lane Clearance made easy! This is Steve, I met him whilst testing my winch in Hobourne Lane, Christchurch. He drives a Lamborghini 4 X 4 tractor with a huge bush/branch trimmer on it. He works for Christchurch Council and was out clearing the lane! Take a look at those tyres, no damage caused to the lane from those, so wide, I want some! Nice tractor Steve, nice chap as well!

Viewed: 115 times

This with some wonderful photo's of people doing REAL PRACTICAL CONSERVATION WORK as well as enjoying themselves.

DO PLEASE HAVE A LOOK GUYS - This site is a shining example of exactly the opposite of what the Anti's would have you believe!!
Mar 14, 2005
I don't think I missed anything. It was clear from the start that the subject was greenlaning. I'm just surprised that it gets people so worked up, either way. If I were going to discuss the matter I wouldn't go into a PC forum to do it.
I don't mind the odd excursion into other topics but this incessant argument over 4x4's gets on my nerves. I've towed with and without 4x4's and both have their advantages and disadvantages. I just can't see why people get so worked up about the subject and why it plays such a predominant part in a caravan forum.
Jul 12, 2005
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I don't mind the odd excursion into other topics but this incessant argument over 4x4's gets on my nerves. I've towed with and without 4x4's and both have their advantages and disadvantages. I just can't see why people get so worked up about the subject and why it plays such a predominant part in a caravan forum.
Then you always have the right to not read it. If I could move this thread I would move it to chitchat, but I can't

Aug 6, 2005
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If you banned everything that caused a problem to someone, you'd have to ban everything.

And where conflict arises it is often due to misunderstanding or lack of knowledge

There is a difference between 'off-roading' and laning. That's the trouble with people, they are far to keen on banning things that they don't understand.

It's clear that it is far from that of 'one size fits all'.

I have a dream that someday all users will get along and respect each other's personal choice of recreational activity. Maybe that's not such a far fetched idea.
Aug 28, 2005
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Being open minded on this one I've looked at the websites suggested by Clive V et al and it would look as though it's a pretty environmentally friendly pastime when you get there. Although the point of doing a 250 mile round trip from London - Mid Wales for one day - wouldn't seam to be the best use of limited resources. But a guess there must still be some lanes left in Surrey or Hertfordshire

One thing I couldn't find any anti sites so may be that tells me something. I disagree with the point about Cyclists and I would say that the worst case of horse rage I've seen was someone on a trail bike, but as long as people follow what would seem common sense rules then your reputation stays in tact.

Mar 14, 2005
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Thanks for bothering to have a look. I do feel that many of us are more than the armchair environmentalists that criticise more than actually do anything.

As for the Lanes situation I would agree - Not many in London!

Well worth seeking out the LandRanger Maps from OS for areas near to you.

As for your last para - I have read it a few times now - and sorry - it still does not make sense.
Aug 28, 2005
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Thanks for bothering to have a look. I do feel that many of us are more than the armchair environmentalists that criticise more than actually do anything.

As for the Lanes situation I would agree - Not many in London!

Well worth seeking out the LandRanger Maps from OS for areas near to you.

As for your last para - I have read it a few times now - and sorry - it still does not make sense.
Clive, Tiredness setting in.What I was saying was the website of "Dorset" and Other groups promotes Rules-Guidelines call them what you like but as far as I'm concerned they are there to remind you to follow a protocol which won't damage the reputation of others you or others in you groups. Very sensible in other words someone Dorset has thought of the solution to the problem before it becomes a problem. My point is that it only takes a kid in a
Jul 1, 2005
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Hi all, being fairly new to this forum and having read this thread a couple of times now i feel that i must put in my two penny worth.

I run my own company,fitting towbars,servicing and repairing caravans, and also delivering the things all over the country.

As you can imagine , when delivering its not possible to use a Mondeo to tow a Bessie 625,thus i own a 4x4(GASP}!!!!

In fact i own 3 of them. One wieghs 2.1 tonne[not L/R] the other two about 900kg each [Suzuki sj].

Now dont get me wrong I love off roading,but would never take me big beastie any where near a green lane,Too expensive and too big,dont want to break it.,On the other hand my Zuks go off road wenever the chance arrises,they are light the tyres run at low pressure to ensure a bigger footprint on the ground,hence more traction less wheelspin= less enviromental damage.Also we stick to the routes and roads laid out ,unlike some.

Yes i am a member of the AWDC [All Wheel Drive Club] and i am also a member of GLASS [Green Lanes Association] and as you may or may not know this coming weekend is national green lanes day,So i invite all of you whether Anti or For to log onto before the weekend and volunteer your help to tidy and repair this countrys little used byways with us this weekend! Id like to see just how commited some of you really are.
Mar 14, 2005
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Thanks for bothering to have a look. I do feel that many of us are more than the armchair environmentalists that criticise more than actually do anything.

As for the Lanes situation I would agree - Not many in London!

Well worth seeking out the LandRanger Maps from OS for areas near to you.

As for your last para - I have read it a few times now - and sorry - it still does not make sense.
Your right of course - but it applies to all.

When the Cycle problem in the Forest was in the news they had film of cyclist riding on the proper paths as well as others who were not. The response from the Cyclists spokesperson was that the later was not a member of their club.

Similar with horses - near "Dead Mans Hill" on the north of the Forest - areas were cordoned off as Sand Lizards were nesting in the sand of the tracks. - ON FILM two people on horseback were filmed reading the signs then ignoring them and riding right through the conservation area. This seen on local TV.

If greenlaning is done correctly following the "tread lightly" guidelines - you would never know we had been there.
Jul 29, 2005
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Hi everyone, just like to thank the 4x4 owners for the kind invite to come along with them and experience a day out and see what fun can be had by 4x4's.

Shame that like so many things in this world someone has to pipe up with an objection, why can't people just let other people do their thing and you do yours. There are no real envoiromentalists here, just the pretend to be or the wanna be brigades because they would not have caravans and most definately not a car. So lets just allow people to get on with their lives and if you have nothing positive to say don't say anything.

I really wonder sometimes how some of the people that post get through life.
Mar 14, 2005
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How can you tell who is an environmentlist or not?

How would you know if they haven't got a caravan?

How would you know if they haven't got a car?

Why would you make a posting full of negatives and they say don't say anything if you have positives to say?

I take it you've had a really crap day with an outburst like that?
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Big R - I think Steve and I are going to try and organise something at Easter - glad you wish to come along.

I most certainly am an environmentalist and I drive a 4x4 - to some people this is a contradiction in terms.
Mar 14, 2005
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How can you tell who is an environmentlist or not?

How would you know if they haven't got a caravan?

How would you know if they haven't got a car?

Why would you make a posting full of negatives and they say don't say anything if you have positives to say?

I take it you've had a really crap day with an outburst like that?
Far be it from me to put words in another's mouth, but I think what Big R is trying to say is, a true environmentalist would not own a car due to it's effect on the environment. If he didn't have a car, how could he/she tow a caravan? I think he is also trying to say it's time to put the 4x4 argument to bed. Glad your looking forward to it Big R, I am also and if Clive and Steve manage to find a place accessible nearby, they deserve all the praise that we can give them.

Why don't you come along too Stinky, you won't personally make an impact on the environment sitting in a 4x4. You may not enjoy it but there's always a chance that you might, at least you will see why people partake in this particular past time.


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Stinky

Why don't you come along and join us. I'm sure you'll be fine sitting in a big 4x4, I'll hold your hand if you want me to.
