PC Subscription - eventually???

Aug 1, 2005
A month ago I responded to an ad on this site for a subscription to Practical Caravan, first three months for £1. I have made one or two enquiries as I have received nothing, only to find that the first issue I receive will be November. So you join on the 4th August and get nothing for about three months? Whats the idea of that? Anyone else had that problem? Is there some sort of catch? I was assured I could cancel at any time.
Mar 14, 2005
Alyson, Possibly with the PC 13 editions in a year the November issue will, I think, be published at end of September. Perhaps that is where the confusion lies not that you will have to wait till november?
Apr 11, 2005

I got my subscription in a show. They sad that it take 2 to 3 moth to sort it out so keep baying it.

I triad to subscript to a other mag a one time.

The was a offer on at the time that look very good.

I phoned to get the offer. Gave the cod for the offer as well got told that I would get the offer. But a mouth later I got a letter to say I had miss it .

I phoned up to see what had gone wrong.

They still would not let me have the offer so I tilled them were to stick it.

I hop this myth help you .

Mar 14, 2005
I find your response absolutely abhorrent and inhuman, Kanga. As a regular contributor to the forum you should know by now that Samanosuke is dyslexic and I find it commendable that he nevertheless has the self-confidence to join in with all of us.
Jan 19, 2008
I agree Lutz, as I responded to another post the idiot put in. It as now gone so I can only assume that the moderator deleted it. Thankfully I copied my reply to Kanga so will post it here -------- Although I have only been in this forum for a short time I have never seen Samanosuke attack or be nasty to anyone so despite his dyslexia he seems to lead a far happier life than you Kanga. Your post isn't even remotely funny, please get a new script writer and a life while your at it. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and has I have told you before, if wit was **** you would be constipated.
Mar 16, 2005
I find your response absolutely abhorrent and inhuman, Kanga. As a regular contributor to the forum you should know by now that Samanosuke is dyslexic and I find it commendable that he nevertheless has the self-confidence to join in with all of us.
Yes, I spotted the posting by Kanga and deleted it immediately.
Jan 19, 2008
Yes, I spotted the posting by Kanga and deleted it immediately.
Thank you, now is it possible to delete Kanga from the forum. If this was a MSN site he would be banned through his ISP/EMAIL ADDRESS. I'm sure he wouldnt be missed because of yet I haven't seen him post anything constructive.
Mar 14, 2005
Samanosuke, just remember that you will meet a lot more nice people when caravanning than those who choose to mock you, just like in life I hope. Do not be put off and carry on with your postings, they make a lot more sense to me than some that are posted. You have as much right to put your view across as anybody. Good luck Ray
Jan 19, 2008
Samanosuke, just remember that you will meet a lot more nice people when caravanning than those who choose to mock you, just like in life I hope. Do not be put off and carry on with your postings, they make a lot more sense to me than some that are posted. You have as much right to put your view across as anybody. Good luck Ray
Hear! Hear! OMGGGG I'm beginning to sound like someone else.
Mar 14, 2005
Samanosuke, just remember that you will meet a lot more nice people when caravanning than those who choose to mock you, just like in life I hope. Do not be put off and carry on with your postings, they make a lot more sense to me than some that are posted. You have as much right to put your view across as anybody. Good luck Ray
I'm flattered!


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