Pleated window blinds on a Coachman VIP

Dec 10, 2007
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greetings from sunny France, however a cloud has appeared on my horizon in the shape of a broken string on the pleated front window blind of my Coachman. The van now out of warranty, and I’m tempted to do a diy repair.anyone suffered a similar problem, and how easy are they to re-string?

Nov 11, 2009
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There are a number of videos on YouTube that will help you. Seem to recall PC May have done an article on DIY for these blinds and they were discussed on this Forum within the last year. Try a search.
Dec 10, 2007
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HibHutch many thanks for this. The problem I have however is the cord itself has broken and I’m guessing will need replacing. It sounds like a tricky job, but I’m sure someone somewhere must have had this issue previously and worked through a solution.
There are a couple of American you tube clips which relate to a similar blind found in RV’s which hopefully will point me in the right direction when I get home.

Thanks again Jim


Mar 17, 2007
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The same thing happened on the front blind of our Valencia. However can't restring it without deconstructing the entire blind housing as you can't get your fingers in. :( I haven't watched the video though. Let us know how you get on
Dec 10, 2007
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An update on this:

On arriving home I removed the whole blind assembly and brought inside to a large work table to have a more detailed examination of the problem.

There are two cords on either side which cross over in the middle of the blind and then fixed in place with a small metal crimp at each end at the bottom. The cords on the bottom left had detached themselves from the crimped stopper and were hanging loose. Clearly I think they had been over tensioned when fitted and eventually worked free.

I was left with the dilemma that the offending cords had been trimmed too short on that side to secure in place at a lesser tension. I had after much trawling of these forums found a post which described a similar problem which had been solved with the use of thin cable ties at each end which could be attached to The retaining bracket at the bo of each end, looped around and attached to the cord, then adjusting to an optimal tension.

So that’s what I tried, and hey presto! Turned into a perfect job!

Needless to say after reading many tales of costly replacement blinds for this problem, the cost of my fix was literally pennies.

The bind has been back up for a few day now with all new fixings intact.


Happy to assist anyone who may have suffered a similar problem



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