Hi Gill
I can never resist the urge to butt in on a post about Benodet. We went to Du Letty for about 5 years both as tenters and later caravanners, before our 5 kids were "growed-up" - 5 weeks each summer. Our kids still say they would come with us if we went to Bendoet - trouble is there so many other nice places we've not yet seen
I would agree with Andy who recommended the route via Playben and Brasparts. It only takes about 2 hours towing and is a quiet but scenic route. I might have even recommended it to him as I have posted it as a good route in the past!!
Regarding what to do in Benodet can I refer you to my review on ukc which has a list of things we found to do over the years
Ours review is number 19, the first one, to be put on. We seemed to have started a bit of a craze - pity we're not on commission.
As has, already been said Port du Plaisance is on the left of the main road immediately before one enters the edge of the town. The site is actually on the main road but it is quite easy to miss it. I'm not sure if the site is before or after the Benodet town roadsign. Anyway I'm sure you and all the other Benodeters will have a super holiday there. I get tempted to return every time I write about it. LOL.