Posting pictures

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Nov 12, 2013
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Sorry for the slow reply, I've been out the country (with work!). As others have said, it's a case of heading to Photobucket, logging in and uploading the image to your library. Then you select the image you want to post from your library. To the right of that image you'll see some 'Share links' – click the 'IMG' one and it should flash yellow and say 'Copied'. Then come to your forum post and perform the paste function, which should put some code in the post – to check it's worked, preview your post.

At least that's on desktop. I've not got an iPad to hand to check (although I can try once home tonight), although I can't imagine the process is wildly different.

I hope that helps!
Apr 7, 2008
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Craigyoung said:
:( in two years being on this forum , never posted a picture , read and re read how to do it , got the photo bucket account sorted , but just can't get the link from there to here ! Very frustrated now ! Many times I've wanted to stick a picture on but av given up , is there no easier way ,


Craig .

Craig read this and follow the instructions for I-pad ;)


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