Potential 25% Cash Return

May 25, 2008
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Wanted 20 Very Safe Caravanner with a grand each to Invest.

You must have 5 years No Claims Discount on your Insurance.

Your Van needs to be in Storage on a Cassoa Site.

Proof of Annual Service/Safety Check required.

No Flood Damage will be covered.( Don't use Flood Risk sites )

Fire will not be Covered (care needed with BBQ )

The potential return comes from you sharing the risk ( very low ?? ) with 19 other Very Safe/Responsible Caravanners.

The lowest quote I can find for a £11000 risk is £255 which seems about the average. Your capital would be at Risk,hence the High Potential Return.
Jun 20, 2005
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I thought you wanted closure on this whole subject??

I gave up believing in fairies years ago. LOL


Dec 30, 2009
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Gumbo, am I bit slow here. You got 4 friends to part with 2k each give it to you to look after incase their caravan gets crashed or nicked.

Ok so far so good?????

So 1 has an accident and you have to give them the 10k, say another has his van stolen do YOU stump up another 10k or do you all put in another 2k.

What happens after the year is up, do you divi up the interest LOL, you all get 25 pence each, wow thats a good return on your 2k

I think your on a wind up mate I even looked at the calaner to see if it was April 1

May 25, 2008
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So 1 has an accident and you have to give them the 10k, say another has his van stolen do YOU stump up another 10k or do you all put in another 2k. NO

What happens after the year is up, do you divi up the interest LOL, you all get 25 pence each, wow thats a good return on your 2k Don't be Silly Interest +
Nov 4, 2004
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I can see what your doing,but the only cover you dont have is if you damage it whilst towing.

What happens if the van is damaged whilst on site at a service station or house etc this is not secure so you wont pay out.

It is a big risk as 1 big payout which is possible and band there goes 2k for the sake of all the other people trying save
Jun 20, 2005
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You didn't answer Truckers point at all.

What happens when two or more of you have to claim in one year??


Dec 30, 2009
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Dustydog, Gumbo ducks another question. Im now even more sure he is on a wind up.

If he doesnt know or wont say what happens to the money if 1 or more van owners make a claim then it aint happend.

Oh and by the way Gumbo I dont need to know the ins and out of the insurance industry, I get 4/5 quotes and if my current insurer is way over the top for the same/ similar cover then I will challange, and or change. I have to pay for the cover and understand my obligations for the cover, undersand the claims procedure thats all I need to know about how it works.

What else do I need to know oh wise one, and dont start on about risk I dont need to know that or that the insurance industry is a rip off.

I had a heart complaint 4 years ago I had critical illness cover, which cost me
May 25, 2008
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Excuse me we don't need to give an explanation for what we are doing. You don't agree fine, go bury your head in the sand. You sound as inventive as a bag of chips. OK the downturn is covered for you, we just thought of what's to cover the (downturn) for us. The largest company in the UK self insures, because it couldn't justify the 3p in the
May 12, 2011
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Best wishes Gumbo, stick it up those grasping insurance companies. But just beware, these things work best with high numbers, then you can be sure the stats fall in your favour every time. And also, lets hope Mr Darling doesn't read this forum otherwise you will be getting a bill for insurance premium tax, then corporation tax on any profits you make!
Dec 30, 2009
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So Gumbo Im Poor Fecless and now im as inventive as a bag of chips.

No 1 im not poor

No.2 Im not fecless

No.3 Ive had to be inventive in previous jobs and got on very well thank you.

No.4 my van is tip top its brand new, my storage soulution is fine thank you (according to my insurance co.)

And ive never used a site which has flooded enough to reck the van

You know nothing about me nor do you want to, fine but be very careful sunshine who you insult. All I have done is ask you questions over your insurance plan, non of which you have answered.

Prahaps well try again, in your sceam what happens if someone damages their van and it needs replacing, and more importantly what would happen if a second damaged their van????????????

Quite a simple question so if you want to spout off answer the question
May 25, 2008
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Sorry ex Trucker forum rules prevent me answering some of your question !!!!.

and more importantly what would happen if a second damaged theirs

2 out of 5 totally write off a van in one Year?. Insurance premiums would be thousands of pounds if that was the Risk. You still fail to understand the Risk Potential and what we are prepared to carry ourselves. We are reasonable mature adults, all home owners, and retired. Please don't personalise this thread I never said you are poor, feckless you read into that yourself, I just said responsible and feckless.

Now calm down before you give yourself another heart attack. The only problem which has been foreseen is we can't travel abroad with reasonable comfort. So we have no foreign cover
May 25, 2008
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John Griff

I fully understand your point about numbers,we have considered a Not for Profit Caravan Insurance scheme. You know like what you would think the Caravan Club would run, but they are for profit so they run an Insurance Business
Dec 30, 2009
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Gumbo wrote (Sorry Trucker

Poor Feckless People need not apply and it looks like you qualify on both counts.)

I said I had a heart complaint not a heart attack

Read your and my posts before responding,

as for personalising the thread I think you have done that dont you, and why an ex trucker??

I still drive the trucks for a living and im the same as you, reasonable mature adult alas not retired though but I do own my home as you do
Jun 20, 2005
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Gumbo said

Look at what you pay for Peace of Mind. Plus if someone hits you (not your fault call the Police) the claim is against their Insurance Company.

Our Third Party is covered by the Car Insurance.

Oh dear Gumbo, What a mistake to make sunshine. How can you ensure the person who hits your caravan is Insured? The golden rule must be don't rely on someone else to pay for your caravan.

One small but important point;

your third party cover is only active whilst the caravan is atached to the towing vehilce. Stand alone and in your scenario no cover. Say your caravan caused a death whilst unattached , you personally will have to pay. Still I am sure your syndicate will bail you out.

My best advice to all concerned is please continue to insure your valuable caravan. Gumbo's method will undoubtedly result in tears.


Nov 29, 2007
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The trouble with risk potential is that it IS all about numbers. Just because there are only 5 of you doesn't make the chances of 2 claims go away. That's a bit like saying a friend had a car accident so it can't possibly happen to you, the odds don't allow it. Unfortunately, you're as much at risk as you were the day he had his accident although in theory the 'odds' have decreased by one. I don't disagree with what Gumbo is doing but do wonder who will pay for the second claim should it arise? I hope it all works out for him and his pals.
Nov 4, 2004
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Cra insurance when caravan attatched only covers what you hit not to repair your own van.

It would be nice to see how friendly you all are if someone does have an accident and you all lose you 2k,no matter how careful you are things happen.

What happens if the claim is over 10k?

You could all save
May 25, 2008
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My best advice to all concerned is please continue to insure your valuable caravan.

I don't feel qualified to give advice, which I haven't. If you get comfort every year from forking out
Nov 4, 2004
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Hello Gumbo

3 claims in 12 years,1 stolen caravan from locked storage,rear end hit by lorry which never stopped at a roundabout new rear panel and awning ripped down in high winds and putting a pole through side of van.

"None my fault" but close to 25k payout and i only pay
May 25, 2008
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majority paying for the few who have accidents.

and awning ripped down in high winds and putting a pole through side of van.

No weather forecast ????, sorry that's careless you wouldn't be covered under our scheme.

I really won't post again just felt you required a response to my question
Nov 4, 2004
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The heavy down pour caused the problem softened the ground all storm straps were on and i think the weather was quoted as saying a "freak storm" which wasnt expected,nothing i could do as no prior warning.

I have taken awnings down before with the risk of winds.

Lorry hit my rear end didnt stop and again not my fault.

I class myseld as a very careful person,but accidents do happen as i have said before,blinkered comes to mind,thats the whole idea of insurance some claim some dont.

Out of peoples control thats just life

I have never had an accident in my car for over 20 years but have had my car hit in a car park twice,keyed,jumped on by some drunk geezer and broken into several times with nothing on show,but i forgot its all my "fault"


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