Proud to be British

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Nov 2, 2005
Is that PC?

Should it not be proud to be a briton,

proud to be british if you are talking of the british isles

But should it not be Proud to be English if from England.

Can we say we are english by the way?? Is that still allowed, if from Scotland your'e a scot. If from Wales you're a welsh man/woman/person. If from Ireland you're Irish.



Your offer is greatly appreciated. There may be advantages in you putting some general pointers under a separate thread for anyone who is interested to follow up with you. My wife and I are heading back to France this year to spend about 3 months there , just to get abetter feel of the place. On the surface it looks great, but as a long term expat, in many parts of the world, I am always a little suspicious. I was constantly astonished at the number of UK people we met who had sold up and moved to France and had made no effort to understand the French tax system. They all assumed that because they paid tax in the UK, it didn't apply to them. Wrong!! It is reckoned to the most pernicious in the world and can make the Inquisistion look like a picnic, if you get it wrong. The other kicker for us is that the Scottish Executive is introducing free travel for pensioners, anywhere in Scotland as of April this year. We already have free local travel for pensioners, but they will be able to wander at will, for no charge. May be worth waiting the few years to go.



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