Purchase of new caravans

Aug 4, 2005
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WE have a 2004 Bailey Senator which was purchased from a local dealer. In view of the 2006 upgraded baileys this year we are going to purchase a new one. Can anyone tell us if it is cheaper to buy at the caravan exibition in November. Has anyone any help on this matter.Cheers
Mar 14, 2005
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We looked into the same, but was put off with the likely hood of our local dealer not wanting to take on the servicing and warranty repairs, so purchased form local dealer in the end with no regrets, Bailey pricing is very competitive, so your very unlikely to get much off where every you go, good luck in your new purchase, where in the UK are you?
Aug 4, 2005
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We looked into the same, but was put off with the likely hood of our local dealer not wanting to take on the servicing and warranty repairs, so purchased form local dealer in the end with no regrets, Bailey pricing is very competitive, so your very unlikely to get much off where every you go, good luck in your new purchase, where in the UK are you?
Hi Carlton,

Thanks for the reply, must admit we hadnt taken into consideration the problems that could arise from servicing etc: So like you we will probably buy from our last dealership.

We are in Kent. thanks again.
Mar 14, 2005
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John, have you found out how much your dealer is willing to pay for your existing van? We were in the same position, got a Wyoming less than a year ago but fancied the new island bed. Went to our dealer but found it would cost over
Aug 7, 2005
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Hi John

I don't know if it is cheaper to buy at a caravan exhibition but I would reccommend buying from your local dealer as it would be a lot more convenient to you should you experience any problems with the new van and also for the servicing of the van. People have written to PC when they did what you are thinking of doing and because they did not purchase the van from their local dealer which ever make you choose the dealer would not carry out any warranty repairs or servicing. They were told to take to where they bought it. This is not uncommon as they are not like car dealers.
Nov 4, 2004
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Hi John

I can only speak from my own experience, we were trading our Coachman Laser for an Elldis Storm , my local dealer wouldnt take my van as it invite the wrong clientel ! although he was happy to sell us a twin axle , We got a price at the show to change and one from our next local dealer the difference was a staggering
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello John,

You will obviously shop around for the best price, and will probably be tempted by the cheapest offer. I would advise you to think about a couple of issues that have been brought up on this forum previously.

There have been reports of caravans being offered at exhibitions at considerable discounts. In practice they sometimes found that you are purchasing the actual show van. The may not be available for some time, and it may have yet to be used on a number of other exhibition dates before you receive it, so its condition may not be guaranteed. Some show vans have special modifications that may leave marks or holes so be very aware.

Another problem that can occur with shopping around, is if you live in the south and you purchase from a company in the north, your local southern dealers may be unhappy to provide the warranty cover or even service it unless you purchase from them. Under that circumstance you may have a very long distance journey to have warranty work carried out.

Please think about these points and seek assurances before you purchase, other wise your
Jul 12, 2005
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Good reply from John there!

Our local dealer is very good and because of that they are very busy. In the end they decided that they would offer services and work to people who purchased from them until it went quiet. That was 2 yrs ago and people still have to book services 4 months in advance!

Because they are so good with warranty and other work, I would not want to go anywhere else. Something to think about when trying to save money.

Mar 19, 2005
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(Put the shoe on the other foot)Would you service someone caravan who didnot buy from you and make the one did give his hard cash to you wait to get his done.

(What comes around goes around)

Mar 14, 2005
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(Put the shoe on the other foot)Would you service someone caravan who didnot buy from you and make the one did give his hard cash to you wait to get his done.

(What comes around goes around)

Perhaps this is what is wrong with the caravan world. Why should caravans be any different than cars? Whilst the car is under warrenty you can get it serviced and repaired by any franchised dealer and out of warrenty at any of thousands of independant garages. The best thing that could happen is that caravans (and trailers over a certain maximum load weight) would require an annual MOT. I am sure that this would open the market up and local independant servicing centres would spring up leaving the overworked dealers to do just warrenty works and servicing.
Apr 23, 2005
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I bought a nice van that I saw shown at the NEC in 2003.

It was a dealer special based on a Compass Omega that was packed with extras such as microwave, intruder alarm, status 530 aerial etc etc, and without any part ex I negotiated what I thought to be a satisfactory price. My wife and I have no reasons to regret this.

The dealer was Wandahome about 120 milews away.

I had no probems other than the initial collection journey and my deal included one year mobile workshop under the "Happe" program who handed all my 1st year warranty issues promptly and efficiently and serviced my van at my own site. After one year they wanted
Apr 13, 2005
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We went to the show at g-mex found the van we wanted then negotiated the best price from the dealers at the show who dealt with our make and model (at the time a coachman pastich). we then aproached our local dealer glossop caravans also at the show and got them to quote, initially they where quite a bit more expensive than our best quote, we duly showed them the written quote which they immediately beat by 300 pounds and threw in the first years service plus a very good deal on a new awning. The shows are great for a bargain but then again so is this time of year, the new years vans come out in september and a friend of mine has just ordered a brand new dealer special based i think on the swift challenger, its the same 6 berth fixed bunk layout as my ace 590 celebration, the van is from barrons and has cost just 12000 pounds, thats a huge saving simply becouse its not a 2006 model but who cares if my van was'nt so young i would be at barrons yesterday.
Aug 17, 2005
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My wife and I had been looking to buy our first caravan since last summer and went to the show at the NEC in Febuary this year. I took delivery of our van last friday (12th Aug). What we found was that the prices banded around by the dealers at the show were about the same as they are now at the end of this season in their "clearance" sales. I'm happy to say that I saved about a grand on our van which virtually paid for all those expensive extras one needs when caravanning for the first time.
Aug 4, 2005
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My wife and I had been looking to buy our first caravan since last summer and went to the show at the NEC in Febuary this year. I took delivery of our van last friday (12th Aug). What we found was that the prices banded around by the dealers at the show were about the same as they are now at the end of this season in their "clearance" sales. I'm happy to say that I saved about a grand on our van which virtually paid for all those expensive extras one needs when caravanning for the first time.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to reply to my question. WE have found all the dealers are offering various pricing, so will eventually place an order with the best offer. The next problem is where to advertise the 2004 Vermont, still we have until the next caravan season in 2006. Special thanks to Chris for his mind blowing answer!! Not a bad thought.......
Aug 28, 2005
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My wife and I had been looking to buy our first caravan since last summer and went to the show at the NEC in Febuary this year. I took delivery of our van last friday (12th Aug). What we found was that the prices banded around by the dealers at the show were about the same as they are now at the end of this season in their "clearance" sales. I'm happy to say that I saved about a grand on our van which virtually paid for all those expensive extras one needs when caravanning for the first time.
Hi you dont have to go to a show to get a good deal all you need is the internet and email all the dealers and tell them the model and say you will pay cash ,i just bought a Bailey Senator Indiana for


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