Questions - not caravan related and political in nature!

Jul 12, 2005
Has political correctness gone to far in the UK?

Is free speech dead?

Is development being stifled by the fear of upsetting a select few?

Discuss - if you want
Jan 19, 2008
It's gone mad. I think names like the famous Robertsons jam (trademark) is wrong but when names like Big Ears from Noddy is banned it's the minority winning again. I'm sure others will think of other examples. I fear for this country and I consider I have had a good and happy life but I wouldn't want to live it again in todays climate.
Nov 2, 2005
Of course free speech is dead!!! You cannot give your opinion or say what you feel without someone crying Racisum, ensiting a riot, etc.

Yes, the few are always upset because the past his hard to let go. Aaaah the good old days, what about the good future, nothing except I can't see one!

I agree with noddy, pc badger still exists with me, as does baa baa black sheep which I sing to my grandaughter.

Don't you think calling a cartoon character Mrs brown and being brown actually draws attention to the fact there is something different? No wonder its falling apart!!!!
Nov 1, 2005
i was always taught we had majority rule in this seems now that if a minority can shout loud enough they can get away with murder.
Mar 14, 2005
Far too far if you ask me.

I could rant for hours on the subect but instead I'll give you a link to cut & paste into your browsers that will surely make you shake your head in amazement. Nov 2005 08:20:39:410
A pity there is no html mark-up yet to save the work, but we live in hope.

I'll say this much though: The minorities in this country are the ones pulling the strings now, and Phoney B-Liar is happy to play right into their hands, so I guess you'd better get used to it.
May 4, 2005
There is majority rule in this country.The vast majority of people that make up this country are law abiding ,tolerant and hard working.They come from all races , religions and class.Acts of violence are nothing new,they have happened for years,carried out by people from ...all races,religions and class......Brian.
Mar 14, 2005
There is majority rule in this country.The vast majority of people that make up this country are law abiding ,tolerant and hard working.They come from all races , religions and class.Acts of violence are nothing new,they have happened for years,carried out by people from ...all races,religions and class......Brian.
Brian - there is no longer majority rule in the UK. look at the voting stats. for the last few elections and you will see what I mean.

Yes you are correct in saying that the majority of people in this country are law abiding people whatever background they have.

however we are ruled by the vote of the "Middle England" persons and I beleive that middle england is not a geographical term but a term for a set of people who move their vote between the parties to suit their selfish demands and I am afraid that most parties try to win their votes by promising to meet their demands, thus you have a minority ruling the country.

the rich person in this type of regime gets richer, the middle classes (middle england) get even more selfish and demanding and the lower classes just sit back, do not vote, and generally could not care less.

gone are the days when Labour's heartlands were the working class and the tories the ruling class and now they both clamour for the vote of "middle england" IMHO
Oct 13, 2005
PC is beyond funny in this country,

If I created a TV or Radio channel called BBC White network I would most likley get prosecuted, but they have a BBC Asian Network

If I created an insurance company called just for men and advertised special discounts because you're a man I'd get called sexist and banned but diamond is an insurance company especially for woman and thats allowed

If I called a coloured west indian person a ****** thats being racist but they call each other ****** and that isnt?

Schools dont use blackboards because the name was declared racist now they use white boards isnt that just as racist if you apply that strange logic.

calling some one a black man is not being nasty it is describing them the same as calling me the tubby balding white guy is just stating what I am
Mar 14, 2005
PC is beyond funny in this country,

If I created a TV or Radio channel called BBC White network I would most likley get prosecuted, but they have a BBC Asian Network

If I created an insurance company called just for men and advertised special discounts because you're a man I'd get called sexist and banned but diamond is an insurance company especially for woman and thats allowed

If I called a coloured west indian person a ****** thats being racist but they call each other ****** and that isnt?

Schools dont use blackboards because the name was declared racist now they use white boards isnt that just as racist if you apply that strange logic.

calling some one a black man is not being nasty it is describing them the same as calling me the tubby balding white guy is just stating what I am
For once I fully agree with your points - well done


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