Brian - there is no longer majority rule in the UK. look at the voting stats. for the last few elections and you will see what I mean.There is majority rule in this country.The vast majority of people that make up this country are law abiding ,tolerant and hard working.They come from all races , religions and class.Acts of violence are nothing new,they have happened for years,carried out by people from ...all races,religions and class......Brian.
For once I fully agree with your points - well donePC is beyond funny in this country,
If I created a TV or Radio channel called BBC White network I would most likley get prosecuted, but they have a BBC Asian Network
If I created an insurance company called just for men and advertised special discounts because you're a man I'd get called sexist and banned but diamond is an insurance company especially for woman and thats allowed
If I called a coloured west indian person a ****** thats being racist but they call each other ****** and that isnt?
Schools dont use blackboards because the name was declared racist now they use white boards isnt that just as racist if you apply that strange logic.
calling some one a black man is not being nasty it is describing them the same as calling me the tubby balding white guy is just stating what I am