Why on earth would you not want to meet up with anyone that may have a different view on life to yourself? It happens everyday and all that happens is that we all agree to disagree. Perhaps not a good example - but that is how the House of Commons works. Two opposing parties, with totally differeing views on most things debate. But on matters of National importance they come together.
What concerns you (Daventura - said the same incidently) about a meeting? As you say - apart from the obvious noted diference we may all get on very well!
Or we may never wish to meet again. I still feel that as caravanners we would have more in common than our differences.
If you wish to "steer clear" that is of course your choice. But what a missed opportunity. If you think at age 52 I am going to get all hot and botherred - please think again!
I use my caravan to relax and "get away" from our normal commitments for a few days every so often (we look after a disabled relative so cannot go far or for long - so a caravan is perfect to grab a few days here and there) - I would be pleased to meet with anyone from this Forum.
I do not understand why anyone would not? If we can pitch next to strangers and be civil and friendly why is such a meeting as planned something you would want to steer clear off?
Why on earth would you not want to meet up with anyone that may have a different view on life to yourself? It happens everyday and all that happens is that we all agree to disagree. Perhaps not a good example - but that is how the House of Commons works. Two opposing parties, with totally differeing views on most things debate. But on matters of National importance they come together.
What concerns you (Daventura - said the same incidently) about a meeting? As you say - apart from the obvious noted diference we may all get on very well!
Or we may never wish to meet again. I still feel that as caravanners we would have more in common than our differences.
If you wish to "steer clear" that is of course your choice. But what a missed opportunity. If you think at age 52 I am going to get all hot and botherred - please think again!
I use my caravan to relax and "get away" from our normal commitments for a few days every so often (we look after a disabled relative so cannot go far or for long - so a caravan is perfect to grab a few days here and there) - I would be pleased to meet with anyone from this Forum.
I do not understand why anyone would not? If we can pitch next to strangers and be civil and friendly why is such a meeting as planned something you would want to steer clear off?