Radio Wiring

Sep 6, 2005

Wonder if you could help us. We bought a caravan recently which had a radio and speakers installed. But to power it you have to connect 2 wires to the leisure battery with crocodile clips. We have had it working but this time when we connected the clips we got a spark and it doesnt seem to be working although when you take the front cover of the radio the securty light is on. Have you any idea what is wrong with it and also is this a safe way to connect it and can you suggest another way that it could be connected.

Mar 14, 2005
Could be a fuse that has blown. When I fitted a radio to my van I connected the wires to the nearest 12v light fitting. I have did this to every van I have had & have never had any problem.
Jul 15, 2005

It would probably be a good idea to wire the radio to the battery, as you have the wires already there, and change the croc clips for compatible connectors.

If one was not fitted, remember to include an inline fuse between the positive terminal and the wiring to the radio

I'm assuming that the radio has an off-switch, but you may want to add one near the battery to isolate the system.

Why doesn't the radio work?

You may have blown the inline fuse - the radio security light is run from a twinned circuit - radio power is usually a red wire and the security power is often an orange wire.

If the previous owner used croc clips, then they probably didn't do a good job with the rest of the wiring, and you may have a wiring fault - loose wire or short near the radio itself.

You may have lost the radio memory and all the stored stations have gone.



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