
Mar 14, 2005
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Brian, the reason we take sky with us is after a long day walking/sight seeing with 2 dogs we are limited as to where we can go at night. Pubs dont like the dogs there and you can forget about going to restaurants for meals as for the entertainment on site when was the last time you saw a dog boogieing on the dance floor!!! Its not a suitable enviroment for the dogs so i will not subject my pets to any unnessacary risk to their health. And we dont watch it all day and night.
Mar 14, 2005
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Brian you make the most of it .One day you may be less mobile than you are today and then you may learn a little understanding and tolerance. In the meantime stop wasting your time and energy on the computer and get on your bike---while you can !
Feb 21, 2005
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Brian, for goodness sake, what's the matter with you and the British public? Always concerned with what other people have got or what they are doing. Its none of your business, for heavens sake YOU GET A LIFE. Are you jealous? What other people spend their money on is of NO CONCERN TO YOU or ANYBODY ELSE. Does anybody tell you what to do with your money and how and what to spend it on? Why don't you try and stop poking your nose into other peoples affairs and what they decide to do WITH THEIR LIVES, its their perogative what they decide to spend their hard earned money on, NOT YOURS. HAVE YOU NOTHING BETTER TO SPY ON or does everything get up your nose?
Mar 14, 2005
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I relax at home with my telly I relax in my van with my telly!

What's the problem?

Now could you please stand to left a bit as you are blocking my view, ta.



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