Retro-fitting 19inch wheels?

Apr 16, 2009
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'Nick' suggested that I should copy this message to some of the specific forums (originally poseted in the newbies section), so here goes folks......

As a complete newcomer to the Wonderful World of Caravanning, I would really appreciate some tips from all you experienced 'vanners' - it seems such a helpful community. Despite having just been made redundant, I am being positive about life and rather than doing the boring 'paying off the credit cards', I have decided to invest my redundancy payment in a 6 months old Swift Conqueror 645 Lux. For she shall be called 'Camilla'! I am looking forward to many years of memorable trips, however I intend to start off with a weekend in the UK getting used to her (I guess, like most women, she will have her funny habits!) and then head south. My destination is 'Aoulef ech Cheurfa' in the Algerian Sahara (I have read that Algeria is the new Morocco and the roads aren't too bad). My first query in this 'quest for advice' is, can anyone recommend any decent CL's in and around that region? Secondly, ever since watching 'that' Top Gear programme, it has been one of my ambitions to do a lap of the Nurburgring in Germany and with my new found passion, what could be better than taking in a lap with Camilla, on my route south. However I have an 'elf and safety' concern in that the fitted tyres will not be rated for high speed (I anticipate cornering speeds of up to, but not over 120mph). Before I potentially waste what is left of my cash, can anyone advise on the practicalities of retro-fitting 19 inch wheels with low-profile tyres (the low profile tyres would not only improve handling but reduce the likelihood of the wheels rubbing - for readers that aren't aware, mine is a TWIN AXLE!!). Sorry for the length of this message but my last query is, can anyone recommend a driving school that teaches the rudimentaries of towing? I am not anticipating any difficulty pulling my rig but I guess like most people, I am a bit unsure of reversing techniques. Any help would be most appreciated. 10 - 4 - Kev.

Ps I found an earlier thread on cross-channel crossing fares most useful but I think that John was maybe a little uncharitable with his comments, could Val simply have made an innocent mistake in transposing a decimal place? After all, as my wife always says 'numbers are for boys'!
Mar 14, 2005
Top Gear should have done their homework better. The world speed record for a single axle caravan stands at 143mph, using a Porsche Cayenne Turbo towing a more or less regular production Knaus T@B. The figure that Top Gear quoted refers to the speed record for a twin axle caravan, also achieved using the same car towing a T@B XL.
Mar 14, 2005
Don't take the post too seriously. What are 19 inch wheels supposed to do for a caravan? Handling at speed is not an issue for caravans so it must be a wind up.
Jul 15, 2008
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.... if you do use 19 inch wheels make sure you torque the wheel nuts to the correct setting and don't forget to talk to the NUT holding the steering wheel of the car.
Apr 16, 2009
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Thanks very much for all comments - particularly the helpful ones. Not a wind-up, simply new and enthusiastic. However I feel a bit of a fool and have reconsidered my immediate plans. As Muriel (my wife) says, the comments could have been a lot worse as she told me all along, to be more patient. As the arival of Camilla is just around the corner, I could really do with some advice re reversing. The alternative is to take the rig down to Tesco car park on a Sunday morning.

Thanks again, Kev