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Mar 14, 2005
Such populistic drivel with no other aim than to cash in on the sentiment of an already enraged reader is just typical of what one has become to expect from the Daily Express. The article serves no constructive purpose at all. It's not worth the paper it was printed on.
It is so obvious that the case in question is one of a free rider who would not have committed the offence if it had not been for the riots that preceded the stealing. That it was a millionaire's daughter doesn't surprise me one bit. The fact that the parents have the money doesn't make them a better example to their children. Who knows how the millionaire got to where he is now? Perhaps his success resulted from a similarly ruthless attitude to the people that he did business with.
Jun 20, 2005
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Thanks John
Let's hope no Insurer blames these riots for their premium increases next year. That would be cheating.
It's relevant to recall that very recently Pink Floyd's Dave Gilmour's step son Charlie was jailed for 16 months for his rioting.
I do hope our Judges are hard as nails with these scum even though us tax payers are paying for them being in prison. So I wonder why are they not doing work that pays for their keep and in fact puts money back into the treasury rather than take it out?
Jan 19, 2008
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Lutz said:
Such populistic drivel with no other aim than to cash in on the sentiment of an already enraged reader is just typical of what one has become to expect from the Daily Express. The article serves no constructive purpose at all. It's not worth the paper it was printed on.

No matter what paper it comes from Lutz as long as it's the truth is all that matters and dispels myths, especially perpetrated in foreign media, including Germanys, that the rioting was all about those who don't feel part of our society and can barely afford to put a shirt on their backs. The article wasn't set out to be constructive but to inform. In these matters it matters most that the politicians, law makers, judiciary and police are constructive.
Yes, there were articles in the British press about worldwide opinion on the riots and the four German quotes I read in the Daily Mail were only to be expected. Then again I don't expect the Mail is worth the paper it's written on either because they aren't left wing.
To get an idea of what I mean by saying it's only expected on what the Germans think of us have a look here ......

Actually I find the German attempt at humour rather pleasing although out of character because German humour is as scarce as an English mans teeth
heh! heh! heh!
Mar 14, 2005
Trust the Daily Mail to choose a German newspaper that is just as bad. That 'Bild' put out such rubbish doesn't surprise me and I'm only thankful that the majority of the public don't take it too seriously. It's indeed a very popular tabloid, but only because it's easy to read, not because of its content, which is fit for the bin.
Fact is, one has got to isolate the cause of the riots from the free riders like the millionaire's daughter who probably just seized the opportunity that the riot provided to satisfy their avaricious ego.
Jan 19, 2008
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Lutz said:
Fact is, one has got to isolate the cause of the riots from the free riders like the millionaire's daughter who probably just seized the opportunity that the riot provided to satisfy their avaricious ego.

To isolate the cause is easier said than done Lutz and we need to go back some years and instill discipline into kids like we used to. It is no good telling a toddler that he is a naughty boy. That's not punishment. When they are five it's no good telling them to go to their room if they are naughty. That's not punishment. When they reach ten it's no good stopping them watching television for a couple of hours. That's not punishment. When they reach puberty it's no good taking their Wii off them for a couple of hours. That's not punishment. Even stopping their pocket money holds no fear for them. Once they reach their early teens you have a ticking time bomb which if not handled properly, the way they perceive life, kicks off.
Lack of discipline is obviously the answer, except to the bleeding hearts, and once a mild fear which leads to respect is instilled into todays kids we will forever be paying the price.
Give the police, parents, teachers the power they once had before the wet, liberal, hand wringing, political correctness of today and once more it will be safe to walk the streets. A smack on the back of the leg by a parent, a slap on the hand by ruler from a teacher or a clip around the ear from a copper might tingle for a few seconds but far worse is the embarrassment felt in front of others. From experience it certainly instills respect and discipline. I never ever answered my parents back nor a copper or teacher and I know for fact, without any wet telling me otherwise, that I'm a better person for it and so were the rest of my age group. A smack across leg, hand ear, didn't make me fear my parents, teachers or the police but it did teach me to respect them.
When a child can report their parent for slapping them on the leg, which is what happens, shows what a sick society we've become. When a copper is in fear of doing his job properly because he can be reported for assault if he lays a finger on a person without concrete proof that they have done wrong shows what a sick society we've become. When teachers are assaulted every day and are only allowed to use actions to protect themselves, like running away, shows what a sick society we've become. The parents, teachers and police of today think themselves lucky if they only have to suffer verbal violence rather than physical.
The millionaires daughter sums it up admirably Lutz, lack of discipline, and this isn't because daddy is rich and she's been spoilt, it's because kids aren't stupid and they know that there's nothing to fear because there's no punishment.
I know you wont agree with me Lutz but I'm sure I speak for the majority of people in this country.
Aug 4, 2004
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Harsh conditions in a jail do have an effect on a person re-offending. Even if it only has an effect on 60 out of 100, that is still 60 least criminals on the streets! Did they ever have caning here as a punishment, i.e. 6 of the best with a doctor standing by? Perhaps that and the stocks need to be brought back. IMHO the moment you commit and offence that violates a person's human rights, you should lose yours therefore a caning or stocks would be perfectly acceptable!
Jan 19, 2008
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Surfer said:
Harsh conditions in a jail do have an effect on a person re-offending. Even if it only has an effect on 60 out of 100, that is still 60 least criminals on the streets! Did they ever have caning here as a punishment, i.e. 6 of the best with a doctor standing by? Perhaps that and the stocks need to be brought back. IMHO the moment you commit and offence that violates a person's human rights, you should lose yours therefore a caning or stocks would be perfectly acceptable!

You need to rethink this part of your statement Surfer. Today it's the criminals human rights that come foremost. Whenever did you hear of Chami Chakribati, Gareth Peirce or there ilk defending the human rights of victims of crime

Hopefully soon the EHR law will be rescinded in this country and go the way, as recommended to the government, as the EHRC quango in this country by scrapping it. It can't come soon enough. If it hadn't been for the wet liberals in the coalition it would have gone by now.
Mar 14, 2005
Lord Braykewynde said:
To isolate the cause is easier said than done Lutz and we need to go back some years and instill discipline into kids like we used to. It is no good telling a toddler that he is a naughty boy. That's not punishment. When they are five it's no good telling them to go to their room if they are naughty. That's not punishment. When they reach ten it's no good stopping them watching television for a couple of hours. That's not punishment. When they reach puberty it's no good taking their Wii off them for a couple of hours. That's not punishment. Even stopping their pocket money holds no fear for them. Once they reach their early teens you have a ticking time bomb which if not handled properly, the way they perceive life, kicks off.
Lack of discipline is obviously the answer, except to the bleeding hearts, and once a mild fear which leads to respect is instilled into todays kids we will forever be paying the price.
Give the police, parents, teachers the power they once had before the wet, liberal, hand wringing, political correctness of today and once more it will be safe to walk the streets. A smack on the back of the leg by a parent, a slap on the hand by ruler from a teacher or a clip around the ear from a copper might tingle for a few seconds but far worse is the embarrassment felt in front of others. From experience it certainly instills respect and discipline. I never ever answered my parents back nor a copper or teacher and I know for fact, without any wet telling me otherwise, that I'm a better person for it and so were the rest of my age group. A smack across leg, hand ear, didn't make me fear my parents, teachers or the police but it did teach me to respect them.
When a child can report their parent for slapping them on the leg, which is what happens, shows what a sick society we've become. When a copper is in fear of doing his job properly because he can be reported for assault if he lays a finger on a person without concrete proof that they have done wrong shows what a sick society we've become. When teachers are assaulted every day and are only allowed to use actions to protect themselves, like running away, shows what a sick society we've become. The parents, teachers and police of today think themselves lucky if they only have to suffer verbal violence rather than physical.
The millionaires daughter sums it up admirably Lutz, lack of discipline, and this isn't because daddy is rich and she's been spoilt, it's because kids aren't stupid and they know that there's nothing to fear because there's no punishment.
I know you wont agree with me Lutz but I'm sure I speak for the majority of people in this country.
Did I ever say "don't punish"? I did not. However, when you say "A smack across leg, hand ear, didn't make me fear my parents, teachers or the police but it did teach me to respect them", that certainly didn't nothing the like for me other than it made me despise them and I was glad to leave home and get away. I make no apology for that. The same goes for my wife who landed in psychiatric treatment on account of her childhood experiences. We both swore that our children would learn discipline without such measures and I am proud to say that they have become an example to their generation. We were always able to take them anywhere, even when they were very young, without making a nuisance of themselves.
The punishment that you mean is not punishment, but an expression of frustration at not being able to handle a problem in a civilised manner. It's so easy to slap "across the leg or clip an ear". It's like returning to the Middle Ages or beyond.
Jan 19, 2008
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Lutz said:
Did I ever say "don't punish"? I did not. However, when you say "A smack across leg, hand ear, didn't make me fear my parents, teachers or the police but it did teach me to respect them", that certainly didn't nothing the like for me other than it made me despise them and I was glad to leave home and get away. I make no apology for that. The same goes for my wife who landed in psychiatric treatment on account of her childhood experiences. We both swore that our children would learn discipline without such measures and I am proud to say that they have become an example to their generation. We were always able to take them anywhere, even when they were very young, without making a nuisance of themselves.
The punishment that you mean is not punishment, but an expression of frustration at not being able to handle a problem in a civilised manner. It's so easy to slap "across the leg or clip an ear". It's like returning to the Middle Ages or beyond.

Lutz I'm sure you don't need the likes of me to tell you of the difference between a slap on the legs and child abuse although I'm sure you will probably think that even one slap is child abuse. For a person to require psychiatric treatment surely means it was continuous child abuse although I don't know because I've never known anyone in that situation among people I know. When I talk of slapping by parents this isn't a continuing thing because kids aren't stupid and soon learn as I did. You behave yourself. You do not bad mouth your parents or lash out at them as kids do today. Myself when young couldn't have been smacked more than four times maximum nor my brother and two sisters. Only once at school in the 50s did I hear a kid answer a teacher back and that was he said 'no' to an instruction from the teacher. Now kids bad mouth teachers, assault them or simply leave the classroom at their own will.
When my own kids were young I smacked them on the back of the legs but no more than about twice. All I needed after that was to give a certain look or raise my voice a bit for them to behave. If you were in a position to ask them they wouldn't even remember the incident but my kids think none the less of me nor have they required psychiatric treatment.
You do make me laugh with the frustration/civilised manner statement. These kids aren't civilised and yes you are correct in stating it's like going back to the middle ages but not in the manner you meant.
For all of our disagreement you haven't stated how you personally would deal with these looting kids and please spare me the counselling because it doesn't work and hasn't worked for years. I think in the middle ages they suffered more than a slap or clip around the ear. Not a good analogy Lutz.
For those who lack discipline because they've never learnt it in this politically correct society they should be conscripted and have it drummed into them.


Nov 12, 2009
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To punish or not to punish?
Both viewpoints have their merits but both ideologies are simplistic and wouldn't begin to address the problems within society that has led to the recent street violence, burglary and robbery.

Unfortunately there is no way that the clock can be turned back to some mythical golden age and it seems to me that while politicians will make a few statements which are intended to make them appear to be getting tough unless the fundamental thinking which has given rise to this feral underclass in our midst is challenged and changed then the same sort of thing will continue to happen whenever the opportunity presents itself.

We have children and teenagers who posses no moral values, no scruples and who would consider a person who had failed to join in the robbery and looting as strange and alien to themselves and their way of thinking. These young people have no moral compass because their parent(s) lack basic morality, in most cases feral youths are from dwellings without a father and they soon learn to overrule the wishes of the mother who is generally afraid of her adolescent offspring.

These single parent cohabiting units ( I hesitate to describe them as families) have been encouraged to flourish because of the way that the UK benefits system works, teenage pregnancy is regarded as a viable career option because of the easy lifestyle, free housing and complete lack of responsibility that it brings.
This benefit culture which favours single mothers and the non judgemental attitude of what few authority figures that these wretched girls come into contact with needs a complete overhaul so that a work ethic is instilled into teenage parents who must be given fewer benefits.

Children growing up need to be taught that their actions will carry consequences, as things stand a young offender is given far too many chances by courts and low level criminal behaviour by children leads to them actually being treated as victims by courts and social workers.
The soft touch charade which is played out in magistrates courts needs to end altogether, sentences should be for the term given with no possibility of getting out of jail less than half way through and after the first offence repeat offences should attract custodial sentences every single time, no excuses.

Tough residential work camps should be introduced, I'm not really in favour of thrashing children but these wayward children ought to come into contact with strong authority figures who lead by example and if an offender refused to learn by their mistakes they should remain at this camp until they do learn by their mistakes.

These young people need to have some structure and discipline introduced into their lives so that they become socially aware, self reliant and capable of the self discipline needed to go to work or to attend further education classes regularly and punctually.

Parent who rear these feral youths should also be made to attend the same work camps, they should lose benefit and housing entitlement if they or their offspring misbehave or break the law.

We've grown too soft, society has become feminised and this has led to a lack of fear from these youths who are capable of instant unreasoning rage which all too soon turns into violence whenever they perceive a lack of the respect that they are convinced that they are entitled to.

The benefit culture needs to end, if people are long term unemployed or have never had a job then they could repair potholes in roads, paint local authority properties, clear rubbish etc not just for a month or two but every day until they either train to do something else or get a job.

Much of the problem is that many of this new burgeoning underclass feel that they have nothing to lose but in fact they will never realise how lucky they are unless we do something to make them aware of how much they have got and have been given.

In the 50s and 60s we weren't brutalised, my father brought us up because our mother died when we were kids and we never saw a social worker, we didn't have a council house with the rent paid and our dad worked nights so that he was at home when we went to school and when we came back.

Some of you might be surprised to learn that we had a very good childhood, we didn't get into trouble because in those days society was judgemental and unless a person knew us all very well they were never aware that my sisters and I came from a single parent family.
Jan 19, 2008
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I've just heard why Gareth Peirce and Chami Chakribati is conspicuous by their absence. Apparently they are busy preparing their briefs to stop the government violating the looters human rights by having their benefits stopped
Apr 26, 2010
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I came from a council house where my father went to work for 12 hours a day and then came home and worked from home for another five hours, working saturdays and sundays from home to put food on the table.

He was strict and we were punished when we done something wrong but it never did either myself or my brothers and sisters any harm and taught us right from wrong.

We were lucky that we had somebody to teach right from wrong.

Today children can now look at the Ministers who are telling them that they will be punished for doing wrong but refused to be punished themselves when they stole money from the tax payer on there expenses. Paying back half or less they feel justified they were doing right (what lessons were they teaching)

Just now looking at North West tonight they show police knocking down front doors of (suspected looters) yest that is correct SUSPECTED LOOTERS.
Where are we going as a society towards a police state. I read on this forum people saying we should abandon the Human rights act
Does that mean we will no longer have a go at China for the disrespect of Human Rights.
I dont profess to have all the answers or even some But what I do know is the following:

The problems with our society today goes all the way to the top Punishing the Lower ranks of society if I may permit myself to call them so is not going to solve anything hitting easy targets is not the solution when the problems go right to the top of our society.
Knocking down doors when you suspect somebody of doing something smacks in the face of everything this country stood for I pray that we tread carefully in what we do in the future and before making statements about getting read of the human rights act we take a step back and think about it in depth before making changes everybody in society will regret what ever level they think they hold within that society
Jan 19, 2008
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I think you are missing the point John.
There is a difference between the UN human rights charter and the European human rights act which is administered by the EU courts in Strasbourg. Somehow I don't think the latter holds water in China.
As we, or should I say the misguided last government, signed up to this act this court supercedes any rulings our courts make, even the highest court in the land. This is the reason we have foreign criminals, rapists, murderers, child traffickers, forgers etc. wandering free around our streets after serving their sentence. This is why hundreds of these foreign criminals are still in our prisons awaiting rulings from the European court on whether we can deport them. As I stated above, there are hundreds already freed by these unelected foreign judicary and the chances of our government deporting these criminals still in prison is very slim despite the wish of the government and every decent law abiding citizen in the land.
Recently a report by I believe Civitas, an influential think tank, has recommended to the government to leave the ECHR and set up our own bill of rights. It is the European courts meddling that has overridden our elected government and said that prisoners must be allowed to vote.
As you have seen of late, this country is very efficient at breeding it's own criminals without importing them from most countries in the world.
The European court of human rights impedes in just about every aspect of our lives. So much that we no longer are able to control our own destiny.
This government in it's manifesto promised to scrap it and this is the reason I voted Tory for the first time in my life. Unfortunately, as part of the pact with the wets to form a coalition government the Tories had to scrap it.
I hope I'm alive when we do leave it and even more so when we leave the EU and once again control our own destiny.
Finally, although it was beneath contempt what the MPs did with their expenses those who were found at fault have now either served their time or are still in prison. What they didn't do was violent disorder by burning down property regardless of whether there were people in the buildings, kill innocent people who were tring to protect their property or steal off ordinary small business people in their own communities. Hopefully this was the catalyst that has now made the silent majority sit up and take notice of what's happening to our country since political correctness was instilled into our psyche 14 years ago.
Mar 14, 2005
Let's get one thing right. The European Court of Human Rights has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the EU. It is an instrument of the Council of Europe which is something completely different and on a much broader base (it has 47 member states compared with only 27 in the EU) so please refrain from blaming the EU for any of their verdicts. You are confusing it with the Court of Justice of the European Union which is located in Luxembourg. It just so happens that the European parliament also sits in Strasbourg, not far from the European Court of Human Rights.
The Council of Europe can be loosely described as a European offshoot of the United Nations.
The following should clear up the confusion:
Council of Europe - Who are we?
Jan 19, 2008
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As a member of the EU we are bound by the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights or if you want to play on words the European Convention on Human Rights. This is the unelected body that continue to overrule our courts.
Yes, I'm aware they sit in Strasbourg like the EU parliament but do they also sit in Brussels like the EU parliament? Again more EU waste by changing parliamentary venues every few weeks because a couple of member countries disagreed where to site it. The point I'm making is that foreign criminals are walking our streets and we can do b***er all about it. I care not whether it's the European Court of Human Rights or Nether Wallop Magistrates Court who are making the rulings but it's happening, FACT, and it's time to stop it and regain our own sovereignty.
Mar 14, 2005
Lord Braykewynde said:
As a member of the EU we are bound by the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights or if you want to play on words the European Convention on Human Rights.
If the UK were to leave the EU it would still be bound by the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights as it would remain a member of the Council of Europe. The only European country which is currently outside the Council is Belarus and I am sure that the UK would not want to get lumped in on the same level as a dictatorial police state like that.
Jan 19, 2008
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Lutz said:
If the UK were to leave the EU it would still be bound by the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights as it would remain a member of the Council of Europe.

As I know it the government have instructed their legal eagles to draw up a UK Bill of Rights if they haven't done so already because this was part of the Tory manifesto along with cutting immigration. The cabinet have been informed by lawyers acting for the government that it is possible to opt out but that I wouldn't know because I'm not a lawyer nor is my ear privy to Camerons policies
Jun 20, 2005
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Lutz said:
Lord Braykewynde said:
As a member of the EU we are bound by the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights or if you want to play on words the European Convention on Human Rights.
If the UK were to leave the EU it would still be bound by the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights as it would remain a member of the Council of Europe. The only European country which is currently outside the Council is Belarus and I am sure that the UK would not want to get lumped in on the same level as a dictatorial police state like that.
This now reminds me of FIFA. . Run by a modern day dictator J. Sep. Blatter and all his rich cronies who have absolutely no regard whatsoever for English football.
Aug 4, 2004
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John_374564913 said:
Just now looking at North West tonight they show police knocking down front doors of (suspected looters) yest that is correct SUSPECTED LOOTERS. Where are we going as a society towards a police state. I read on this forum people saying we should abandon the Human rights act Does that mean we will no longer have a go at China for the disrespect of Human Rights.
I dont profess to have all the answers or even some But what I do know is the following:
Nothing wrong with that as you are always a suspect until proven guilty. Do you honestly believe that the police would waste their time knocking on people's doors if they did not have a positive lead. How many of those suspects were not arrested? I am with the police on this one because if you have done nothing wrong, then they will not be bothering you and you have nothing to fear. Actually quite nice to live in a police state in one way and have nothing to fear as crime is always low and order prevails!


Nov 12, 2009
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This topic appears to be heading for the rocks, it is supposed to be about the rioters and thugs and not about immigration, 'foreign born criminals' or the EU.
The disorder is over now and hopefully those involved will be punished, the off topic subject matter can be emotive and can lead to some very nasty and inappropriate things being written when people get carried away so please leave comments about immigration and 'foreign born criminals' out of this discussion.
Jan 19, 2008
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Parksy, criminality like looting, rioting, punishment are all interlinked with the ECHR and human rights as is punishment or the inability to deport any criminals. Sadly they cannot be separated. The government cannot punish the thugs as we and the government wish because big brother across the channel is watching along with the parasitic lawyers.
In your post earlier, among other comments, you mentioned the benefit culture. As you are aware from those who have been caught, benefits had nothing to do with it so to blame benefits is wrong although I'm sure you didn't mean to imply that. The rioting and looting was carried out by all races and class so cannot be stereotyped. It is a very complex subject with many reasons and some of your suggestions earlier, like sending them to some kind of boot camp along with their parents, will involve human rights so again human rights raises it head mainly for the benefit of wrong doers and the rich lawyers who misuse the laws to line their own pockets.
The mention of immigrant criminals walking the streets is a fact which I used to show how we no longer have control of our own laws and how it's allowing the UK to become a lawless society.
Thankfully I'm no longer supple enough to shove my head up my backside and pretend it isn't happening


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