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Nov 12, 2009
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As you know Lord B, certain comments which from time to time appear on this forum encourage the sort of bigoted free for all that used to happen fairly regularly in the bad old days before this forum was upgraded.
While you are perfectly entitled to your opinion I have to consider the effect that contentious issues may have on the forum as a whole and experience has taught me that there are some opinions best expressed elsewhere because of the sharp polarization of views which often leads to anger, complaints, people leaving the forum etc.
I don't want to have to start removing or editing posts or comments. This topic has been allowed to appear on the forum so that members can discuss recent events but this freedom of discussion has to be balanced against the overall impression created for the casual browser as well as the regular members and the overall reputation of the Practical Caravan brand.
There's no problem with discussing human rights Lord B, and although I'm sure that your views are genuinely held please don't focus on 'foreign criminals' or 'immigration', to cite 'immigration' and the seeming inability to deport 'foreign criminals' as a cause of lawlessness here in the UK is a step too far for this forum and could lead to me having to stop the topic if arguments got out of hand.
Jun 20, 2005
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On the whole, 75 posts on, I feel there has been a very sensible balanced debate on a subject that has made Great Britain, or England if you prefer, be seen as the worst place on Earth. Watch our Tourism drop, the effect on the Olympics , confirmation no foreign country wants England in the International football arena.
Lutz has very kindly explained it's not all EU but other more individual facets of the EU set ups. Call them Quangos or whatever but clearly there are things going on in Luxemberg, Strasberg, Brussels BUT NOT London that seem to have a cost implication on our lives and maybe have had an indirect cause on the Riots. Causation of the last week or so will come out in the wash and I for one will be very interested in the final analysis.
Good old Ian Duncan Smith MP has stated any Rioter who is successfully prosecuted for their part in the Riots will have their benefits stopped.
Well that's very good but will Mr IDS or someone else tell me where these people will get their money from going forward?

Taking up a life of crime perhaps just to eat and survive?

There are certainly some parallels with Nazi Germany in the 1930s. I honestly hope we don't get there. In the immortal words of the infamous history programme. "The Nazis : A warning from history"!
I do hope we can all learn and find a long term resolution to this Blot on our Landscape.


Nov 12, 2009
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Broadly speaking I agree with your views DD, when I mentioned the benefits culture I share your view that to stop all sources of income would be very short sighted and would lead to more unrest.
Long term benefit claimants who are involved in this kind of criminality ought to be put to work in order to earn their benefits and in the long run they might gain from some order and structure in their lives besides making some reparation for their past behaviour.
The general collapse of standards and principles among some sections of society has been happening for a very long time to such an extent that there is a sort of underclass which has been allowed to flourish where actions have no consequence, nobody ever takes responsibility and there is a callous disregard for the normal standards of wider society.
I can see why you think that there are parallels with Germany in the 1930s but I don't think that we are in any way near as bad as the situation in Germany after the first world war where people were dying of starvation, the upper classes were impoverished and there was a strong militaristic cult in Prussia.
Reparations demanded by the terms of the Treaty of Versailles largely gave rise to the rise of National Socialism after ordinary people had to spend their life savings in order to buy a loaf of bread and inflation was so rampant that bank notes had to be overprinted.
The criminal element here in the UK have been allowed to have too easy a life and they really don't know when they are well off.
Jan 19, 2008
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Parksy - Moderator said:
Tough residential work camps should be introduced, I'm not really in favour of thrashing children but these wayward children ought to come into contact with strong authority figures who lead by example and if an offender refused to learn by their mistakes they should remain at this camp until they do learn by their mistakes.
Parent who rear these feral youths should also be made to attend the same work camps, they should lose benefit and housing entitlement if they or their offspring misbehave or break the law.

The first part of this statement will never come true because of the human rights laws despite it might do some good even if only keeping them off the streets for a few weeks and the second part I've highlighted did make me cringe. This is also a gut reaction by the government and ill thought out. All it will do is increase the crime rate because even the feckless have to eat. No, I'm not becoming soft and cannot see why people should pay taxes for the lowlifes but it simply wont work and will put other citizens in danger of being robbed. I'm all for cleaning the streets of the scum but it's easier said than done because the minority pressure groups in this country have far too much power for the numbers they represent, they again backed by powers outside our borders.
Again what use is it in evicting looters and their families from their subsidised homes? They have to sleep somewhere so does that mean innocent people losing their homes because they've been squatted? We've had mothers handing in their kids. Do they get evicted? Again a gut reaction by the government.
What will take them out of action for a few hours is as long as they collect benefits make them work for it by cleaning streets and roadside verges of rubbish. Waterways are always looking for volunteers to clean out the rubbish like shopping trollies. Then again there's the health and safety aspect to think of I suppose. One of them might have an accident.
Jan 19, 2008
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Dustydog said:
Thankyou Mullsy.
First laugh of the day!

One thing nobody can do DD is accuse most Brits of having no sense of humour, even in adversity.
I see one MP is already complaining about the sentencing of the rioters saying they are too harsh. He said that it should be a about restorative justice and not retribution.
Would it surprise you to learn that the MP is a bleeding heart Liberal?
One lowlife got 4 years for using Facebook to incite riots. I think that sounds fair enough as long as he does the full four years which we know he wont.


Nov 12, 2009
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The 'doctored' internet picture of thieves sneaking out of the window of number 10 is a great laugh but the reality is that members of parliament and especially government ministers are highly unlikely to be burgled, robbed or mugged whereas the most vulnerable members of society are.
When crimes such as these are commited the deed often has a very significant and long lasting effect on the victim and in the unlikely event of the perpetrators actually being caught and prosecuted they more often than not walk away with a slap on the wrist instead of a custodial sentence even when they are repeat offenders.
I often wonder how detached from the everyday grim realities of urban life some of these expense junkie government ministers are because if similar crimes affected them in any way we'd soon see some tougher sentencing guidelines being issued to magistrates and judges.
Aug 17, 2010
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The sad thing LB is that these appeals will be upheld

Dustydog wrote:

Thankyou Mullsy.
First laugh of the day!

One thing nobody can do DD is accuse most Brits of having no sense of humour, even in adversity.
I see one MP is already complaining about the sentencing of the rioters saying they are too harsh. He said that it should be a about restorative justice and not retribution.
Would it surprise you to learn that the MP is a bleeding heart Liberal?
One lowlife got 4 years for using Facebook to incite riots. I think that sounds fair enough as long as he does the full four years which we know he wont.
s will be upheld .
Jun 20, 2005
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Lord Braykewynde said:
Dustydog said:
Thankyou Mullsy.
First laugh of the day!

One thing nobody can do DD is accuse most Brits of having no sense of humour, even in adversity.
I see one MP is already complaining about the sentencing of the rioters saying they are too harsh. He said that it should be a about restorative justice and not retribution.
Would it surprise you to learn that the MP is a bleeding heart Liberal?
One lowlife got 4 years for using Facebook to incite riots. I think that sounds fair enough as long as he does the full four years which we know he wont.
Is it the Brits or just the English?
I ask this because oddly enough no Irish, Scottish or Welsh town or City was plagued with the scum rioters.In fact the Scots reckon through the good work of the Strathclyde Police most of their scum yobs have been brought under control.
As for punishment it beggars belief that anyone, a Lib or what, can have the affront to suggest any sentence is too hard for these wicked vandals. What planet do these do gooders live on? It's probably their naievety in the first place that causes these yobs to think they can get away with it.
The one big question that I and my mates ask is why do these yobs have "Human Rghts" when they have absolutely no regard whatsoever for anyone else's Human Rights?
Whilst I am no advocate of Sharia Law it does make you wonder if perhaps the Muslims have got it right??????
Jun 20, 2005
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Actually the comments at the bottom of the vid are brilliant!. I'll say no more because they are not PC but dam good anyway!
Aug 4, 2005
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Dustydog said:
Is it the Brits or just the English?
I ask this because oddly enough no Irish, Scottish or Welsh town or City was plagued with the scum rioters.In fact the Scots reckon through the good work of the Strathclyde Police most of their scum yobs have been brought under control.

Too Bl##dy wet up here DD to go rioting on the streets

I did read of a couple of folk (Glasgow area I think) who were charged with inciting trouble on Facebook, they seemed to have got hold of them pretty quick I'm glad to say. There were reports in Scottish newspapers of some stolen gear, t.v.s etc being shipped up and sold on the cheap in some areas. Seems very organised as the papers were referring to lorry loads and not just one or two items.
The Strathclyde cops might be doing a good job but I wouldn't like them to get complacent, not sure about "most of their scum yobs" under control. Nice thought though
Jun 20, 2005
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Rob-T said:
Dustydog said:
Is it the Brits or just the English?
I ask this because oddly enough no Irish, Scottish or Welsh town or City was plagued with the scum rioters.In fact the Scots reckon through the good work of the Strathclyde Police most of their scum yobs have been brought under control.

Too Bl##dy wet up here DD to go rioting on the streets

I did read of a couple of folk (Glasgow area I think) who were charged with inciting trouble on Facebook, they seemed to have got hold of them pretty quick I'm glad to say. There were reports in Scottish newspapers of some stolen gear, t.v.s etc being shipped up and sold on the cheap in some areas. Seems very organised as the papers were referring to lorry loads and not just one or two items.
The Strathclyde cops might be doing a good job but I wouldn't like them to get complacent, not sure about "most of their scum yobs" under control. Nice thought though
Hi Rob
Back in the 70s I spent 3 years working in Croydon and know the Reeves Furnishing store well. It was a bit like a Grace Bros place from "Are you being served", reasonable quality with good old fashioned service. Gone forever now thanks to those low lifes.
I just hope the do gooder softies don't object to the long sentences our judiciary dish out here.


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