Senator Series 6 Gas Oven.

Sep 12, 2006
Has anyone had or know of a problem with the gas oven on the Bailey Senator's?

Whilst away at the weekend swmbo was cooking breakfast on the gas hob with the oven on to keep things warm. The problem we have is the oven keeps going out or when lit has only half the element lit until the oven door is opened when the whole bar light's, However when the oven goes out the gas fills the oven, surely there should be a cut off as this is extremely dangerous.

I have contacted my stealer who is trying to find out if this is correct, i am no gas expert by surely this is not right.

Thank's in advance for any help.

Jun 20, 2005
Hi Sean

The oven on our S6 Wyoming did that in the wind 3 trips ago. Seems ok now but will get it double checked at next service. Never had the smell of gas . This should cut out, hence why the knob has to held in for a few seconds whilst lighting.

If you lack back about a year ago , a lot of people were having oven problems.

As it's gas I'm leaving it to the dealer.


May 5, 2005
the flame failure device can take a few seconds to cut off you usuall here a slight clunk then the gas will stop assuming everything is ok.I understand that the door seal needs modding to stop the flame lifting away from the thermocouple to allow mor air in.Mine has not got any seal at the bottom of the door from new and it still goes out in high winds ,i have to raise this with dealer when its serviced next month
Jun 17, 2011
Serious problem this one. We had the same. Dealer fixed it but gave us a gas leak. More importantly we found the grill set the CO detector off!!! I thought it was the smoke alarm but it kept sounding even when I took the battery out.
Mar 15, 2006
Spinflo ovens

The burner needs to be modified, new holes need to be drilled in the plate and then it needs to be moved so that the jets are closer to the igniters.

We had this problem with Bailey Series 6 2007 model i cannot believe they are still having this problem, it started on the late series 5 models.

Go back to your dealers, is it a Bailey Dealer?
Sep 12, 2006
A quick update on the oven,

The dealer say's because the caravan is not over a year old we have to have Stoves out to fix as they are not allowed to touch the cooker till after it's first year, They have given me there contact number to call direct.

The dealer is a very well known Bailey dealer in Nottingham.
Apr 22, 2006
I must admit that post's like these really worry me.

If there is a problem with these ovens someone should really be doing something about this.

It is one thing to be complaining about a cracked panel another thing alltogther when there is carbon monoxide alarms going off and oven's filling with gas.

If I was you Sean I would not use that oven until it is fixed. It does not bear thinking about what would happen if you tried to reignite the oven if it was full of gas.
May 5, 2005
sean,could you post the number given,to be honest you would imagine stoves would be better to contacthopefully they would have all the bits to fix it,not go back again,140 miles.


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