should i get a refund from storage

Nov 9, 2005
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hi weve just sold our van and i rang to tell the bloke at the storage place(a crappy little farm)to see if i could get a refund we only paid in september for 12 months £120 he said no we dont do that

i think hes a tight git, bound to fill our space within days so we said right leave our space open and we will put something else there

is this right dont you get refunds if you come out of storage

has anyone got an old trailer or something we can put there its in goosnargh lancs your welcome to it until august
May 12, 2005
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What did the man on this "crappy little farm" say when you booked storage for a year.

This (i assume he`s a farmer) guy is trying to make a living under terrible pressure from supermarkets and goverment.

I bet you want your veg cheap at the supermarket aswell.

You entered into a verbal contract with this man when he agreed to look after your van for you, for X pounds for Y amount of time. it`s not his fault you now want to pull out of the contract. I think the ref to tight git goes both ways.

Tony A.
May 5, 2005
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our contract states no refunds,my firend sold his van and took me to meet farmer who was happy for me to take over his contract.Paid my friend for the space and happy days for everyone.
Apr 1, 2007
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Perhaps a little forward planning on your part might have saved you what is after all a very small price to pay for a year's storage. Aren't you being rather immature in trying to fill a space you don't need - you agreed to pay the price so it's no skin off your nose if the farmer makes a little more himself.
Sep 26, 2006
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I have to agree with the majority's views here.I'm in much the same situation myself at the moment but didn't imagine for a minute I'd be entitled to a refund, and as a business owner myself I would not expect them to give one.

Dazicki, you are probably feeling a little sheepish at the moment at the backlash you've experienced on this thread; however your gun-ho, selfish, and slightly immature attitude is typical of the I'm alright Jack brigade who seem to be everywhere at the moment. Business is no different to personal relationships, mutual respect and a sense of perspective and fairness must prevail.

ie You don't need the space anymore, let someone else use it, and let the farmer make a profit.
Mar 14, 2005
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I am not completely at ease with offering advice on this thread, because I sincerely believe that there is no call or justification to use the type of language you have. Consider, that if there is a possibility that that the subject of your posting were able to identify you, then he/she would have an excellent case for deformation of character.

If it was stated that the fee for the year was X pounds, then that is the amount you owe, If the fee was quoted as a monthly or weekly fee, then it indicates that the site owner will consider shorter periods, and then that is a stronger lever to push for a refund of unused time.

It all depends on how the contract was agreed at the outset. If you have a written contract to which you agreed then you should check what you agreed to, and abide by it, unless you consider it to be unfair. You are liberty to challenge it. It would then be up to a court to decide if the whole or part of the contact clauses are unsustainable, and you might be awarded a refund. It is not guaranteed, it can be messy and expensive.

To pursue such a course you must seek professional legal advice.
Mar 14, 2005
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Why would you expect a refund?

The farmer agreed to store your caravan for you. Presumably, in September, it was a good place to store your caravan? No?

Why should he be out of pocket because YOU have changed your mind?
Nov 4, 2004
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Just accept it,my car sits on my drive monday to friday as i bike to work,what are the chances of getting some road fund licence back?


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi dazicki

I think he's a tight git too, although whether or not he should refund you is up for debate.

Incidentially, don't believe what others say on here about the poor old farmers not making any profit these days. Believe me, I have kept horses on farms since the age of two and even up to this present day in time, they always come up with hard luck stories about how the government rips them off, price of lamb, milk, foot and mouth. They are quite happy to keep swine and beast in disgusting conditions in barns and keep their sheep dogs on chains in filfh. When the last foot and mouth epedemic was on, you'd be surprised at the amount of working collies just tied to the roadsides awaiting people to ring the RSPCA for collection and disposal. They diversify into other areas such as caravan storage and livery for horses, b&b's nice little earner. I know that for a fact.

Where I keep my caravan, he's also a drover, gets paid cash in hand for that. He told me, security is extremely high on his farm, he makes
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi dazicki

I think he's a tight git too, although whether or not he should refund you is up for debate.

Incidentially, don't believe what others say on here about the poor old farmers not making any profit these days. Believe me, I have kept horses on farms since the age of two and even up to this present day in time, they always come up with hard luck stories about how the government rips them off, price of lamb, milk, foot and mouth. They are quite happy to keep swine and beast in disgusting conditions in barns and keep their sheep dogs on chains in filfh. When the last foot and mouth epedemic was on, you'd be surprised at the amount of working collies just tied to the roadsides awaiting people to ring the RSPCA for collection and disposal. They diversify into other areas such as caravan storage and livery for horses, b&b's nice little earner. I know that for a fact.

Where I keep my caravan, he's also a drover, gets paid cash in hand for that. He told me, security is extremely high on his farm, he makes
Mar 13, 2007
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hi all

oops and I thought all the controversy on this site was dead?? well here is my two pennies worth.

despite all the money both uk and europes that are thrown into the black hole that is farming the fact of the matter is farmers are struggling to make a living, anyone who has watched jimmy,s farm on tv should be aware of that, although no mention of the tv money for having film crews trampling all over the place seem to be added to the farm accounts? but there is nothing wrong with that.

it is called diversification extra money to keep the wolves from the door. so is going into liveries and caravan storage money from an asset that probably could not be used for any thing else (spare land) good luck to them I say.

just think for a moment how bigger wage would you get for working 16hrs a day 7days a week all year long ?? a dam site more that trying to run a farm i'll bet.

after all why do we need van storage in the first place simple because we want the van for our lesure and buy one without the space to keep it in. a bit like buying a horse without a stable in a terraced house with no garden. so stop complaing about the cost pay up and be happy you have some where to put it when you get home.

and before any one asks I dont have anything to do with farming I am an ex miner and in fact the last time I when on a farm was to pick strawberries.



Mar 14, 2005
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You raise too many points which I haven't got time to answer as I am off for the weekend in a mo.

One point though -

QUOTE: but I dont suppose you could have any understanding of that. Its not just the economic loss but the sheer waste of those lovely cows who had to die for nothing. UNQUOTE

Of course I understand about having a herd infected with F&M and all its implications, if you read my post again, you will see I have kept equine on farms since the age of two.

'waste of those lovely cows who had to die for nothing'. - Are you saying he kept them as pets then? Wern't they destined for people's dinner plates. Even old milkers get the chop in the end you know and most end up in the pet food industry.

Are you a vegetarian who doesn't eat meat because you don't agree with eating 'lovely cows'?

Do you agree with keeping thousands of birds in barns? Bovine in barns up to their hocks and beyond in filfth - and I don't mean a well managed deep litter, I mean filfth.

What do you have to say about all the collies which were left tethered to the side of roads when the other F&M outbreak hit a few years ago?

I have NO BITTER ENVY of farmers Ramblingrose, I only know what I have seen on a lot of farms and bits I've heard from a friend of mine who worked for Defra until recently. (Cattle inspector). Oh, I could tell you some bits about farmers asking her to fudge the records but you wouldn't believe that now would you?



Mar 14, 2005
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QUOTE:cows having to be put down, UNQUOTE

They normally get shot, or does the farmer stand by holding a beast's head whilst the vet injects an overdose of anesthetic to 'put the cows' to sleep?

Oct 19, 2005
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Before this topic goes completely off at a tangent, can we please keep it to the original.

The subject of farming is worthy of a topic of its own, providing it remains calm and does not get into personal attacks.

It is a fact of life now that many people do not associate what they buy in the Supermarket with the live animals they may, or may not, see wandering around fields.

With the demise of the High Street Butcher it is rare to see sides of beef hanging up ready for cutting, or lambs etc.

The methods of dispatch of animals varies, and is not for the faint hearted.
Nov 9, 2005
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oooops am i gonna get pounced on if i write owt

well i dont care i have views as do all of you and im sure if it was some of you who couldnt get a refund youd say summet to

lets talk about what i call a crappy farm shall we it is the only place i the area with spaces you cant get storage for love no money around here the bloke has 25 caravans in the yard he shifts them around without leveling them or informing you to come and level it half of the vans are sinking as its so boggy,

the access road is so uneven ive known peolpe ruin tyres on it we all pay 120 quid a year but he never improves the access or drainage which he did say he would be doing

hes not insured or licensed and the vans are stored so close together you have to shimmy in we didnt have a contract or even verbal contract he barely speaks and he doesnt pay tax

now im sorry ive offended the world and his mate and im sure youll all get on my back but i feel its a bit **** he knows the space will be snapped up straight away as everyone is desperate as i was. so carry on do your worst ive done with caravanning and wont be posting in here again so what difference will it make.


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