slip roads

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Nov 2, 2005
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Spiro - My advice or opinion was correct to the question that had been asked in your first post if you re-read what you actually asked. As you are a proffessional driver I wouldn't have expected that type of question at all. But, people who always quote incident/accident free and how many years driving tend to use these comments to imply they are right on the roads.
Now that you have come back and clarified your post your question has changed from your original post. What sort of driver are you anyway?
As for "perfect Driver" I never implied that of myself but. all the same I'm pretty good my first outing/holiday was driving to the south of france on all types of roads. I've never been perturbed having a van behind. I'm not saying I sped off into the sunset perfectly, serenely or confidently. I was quite nervous, observant, tense and the level of concentration was tremendous but, also relieved, happy, and dam pleased with myself for what I had achieved. Any thats off the subject.
As to the slow lane and I don't aim this at you Spiro..... The near side lane of a motorway is used mainly by lorries, certain vans, caravans ( I should say here it should be used by....) with restricted speed limits. Also the limit is max speed 70mph I know that does not mean that one has to do that speed, but one shouldn't drive to slow either as this can be a hazzard. but it shouldn't be termed as the slow lane... I think motorways used to be 50/60/70 years ago but I think it was changed and vehicle weights or something were used, but don't quote me this I'm not 100% on it.......
A comment was passed "the bigger the vehicle, the more apperently stupid the driver" my father was a hgv driver, he was not sutpid, and there are a couple of hgv's on this forum I think, and they will agree it takes a lot more to drive an HGV that a car!!! But Yes, there are lorry drivers who do stupid things and give all the bad name... weve all seen the lorry in the outside lane where are the coppers!! huh..
I actually read how to drive on the continent and what signs mean before I went....foreigners should do that for our country too LOL. yeah we see them on roads driving perdectly !!
Heres a story (Different part of country now another friend said lets shop together, on the way home she sees a national speed limit sign and guess what she did nearly an emergency stop to 30 really annoying the driver behind don't know how he didn't rear end her. And she said the drivers were really bad as they didn't slow down.. She had no idea what it meant and her reply was just because the sign said national didn't mean you have to do it. True I agree, but she classed herself a very good driver and yes, she also hogged the outside lane and complained when drivers blew their horns, undertook her doing 60 mph. She was such a good drivers and all the others were mad on the roads she re- ended a van in fog. go figure, it wasn't her fault, it was the vans, Why you might ask. "Because he didn't have his break lights on!! He had lights on, but no break lights showing, what a twit.. to this day it was his fault stationary in a queue on the A38.
Maybe, it just that to me I was taught the HW code and drive to it to the best of my ability, if rules are given they should be followed and people should know them after training. I Drive over the recommended limit sometimes by accident and sometimes dilberately, even in the van, but that is my choice, it does not mean I am dangerous just I go a little quicker, I don't have a BMW mainly because I believe in INDICATORS. !! but hubby has a mondeo vrum vrum LOL.
Anyway, I think peoples views on driving and the highway code are a good thing, not everyone realises their making mistakes.....
and if you look at my post I was not having a go but stating some obvious points from a safety point..
Oh, look at the time, my advice to traffic entering the motorway and if you move over for them is have two mirrors. Your car obviously and an extended mirror and always try to be aware what is coming up on your outside just in case you do have to move quickly because of some idiot in a BMW. Now I'll be in trouble not going to bed, well, stap my wrist.
night night
Jan 12, 2007
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mmmm.........stupid hgv drivers.....well......lets see if all of the "intelligent" non hgv drivers out there have a clue about what im now going to post
twin splitter
spicer splitter
thats all the ones with non syncro that i can remember
eaton 16
zf eco split
merc eps
i could go on and on

ok for the not so intellegent out there what ive just named are types of gearbox in hgvs that i have driven
twin splitter........for me the best gearbox ever made for a hgv.....12 forward gears and 3 reverse gears using a normal "H" pattern but with a 3 way switch on the top of the gearstick for low,mid and high range......and the very best thing about this gearbox you only had to use the clutch for starting and stopping....and like i said it was non syncro
rangechange.....this is a 9 speed gearbox with a switch for low and high range,same"H"pattern but opposite reverse was a crawler gear
spicer spitter....5 speed gearbox but using low and high in each gear giving you 10 gears
eaton 16....normal"H" pattern but with 2 switches on the gearstick.1 switch for low and high range similar to a rangechange gearbox and another switch for the split in every gear so giving the driver 16 gears
zf eco split......this one is a weird one......normal"H" pattern with 1 switch for the split in every gear so you get 8 gears..then you knock the gearstick over to the left(or to the right...its been a long time since ive driven one)and then you have another "H" pattern and another 8 gears
merc eps.....this one was developed by mercedes benz and the gearstick was like a joystick,push it forward to go up the gearbox and pull back to go down the gearbox,push it left to get neutral.when the truck was stopped push in a button on the front and pull back to get reverse,also a switch to split the gears giving 18 gears in total which were displayed on the dash which gear you were in
now i come back to the stupid hgv driver.......ive just explained what some of the gearboxes are like.....okay i know that a lot of them are not around as much these days but a hgv driver has to use these types of gearboxes and look out for cyclists,cars,vans while not having being able to look out of the back window because i dont have one in the back of my cab and even if i did the would be a trailer there,i only have mirrors which even though they are by a long way better now that they have ever been,there are still blind spots.i do this every working day,do i get thanks for keeping the supermarkets supplied? i get thanks for keeping the diy stores supplied? i get thanks for keeping building sites supplied? i get thanks for keeping factorys supplied with raw material?..........the answer is no......i just get called stupid

by the way the picture next to my name is what i drive for a living....i took the picture whilst being unloaded at a cash and carry in birmingham.

hgv dave
Jul 31, 2010
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philspot1 said:
I think some replies are a little disingenuous here. Yes, we all know that we shouldn't call the nearside lane the "slow" lane - but that is, of course, what it really is, as lanes 2,3, etc are the overtaking lanes, and you have to be going faster to overtake....
"Pottering" may not mean dawdling, but perhaps just keeping up with other traffic.
I think ships that have the right of way are required to "maintain their speed and course". A good beginning for slip road use as well, I think.
i.e. 1) Try to keep a fair gap in front of you in Lane 1
2) Keep slip road traffic under observation with brief glances to left and N/S mirror
3) Keep your speed steady so that the "joiner" can adjust to suit (nothing worse than a Lane 1 driver slowing just as the "joiner" slows, so you both end up at 25 mph!)
4) It helps, if you have a "joiner" on your left who won't pull ahead, but won't drop back, to accelerate a little, so they can see that your outfit is now mostly in front of them, so that they will have to ease off to come in behind you.
5) If they're driving a BMW, they will just cut straight across, anyway!! (In my experience.. and the same goes for exit slips, especially M25 J28, for those familiar with it)

Oh, and I very much agree with Scotch Lad's 8.00 pm final comment.
Your first point is usually very easy to meet, most of the time there is nobody in the nearside lane for hundreds of yards, they all sit hugging the middle lane at 50mph.

Steve W
Feb 27, 2010
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Smiley, i have read all the posts on this thread and you seem to do a lot of shouting ( thats posting in capitals).

your comment regarding the lady rapidly slowing to 30mph .. if the driver behind had hit her then the driver behind was too close and not driving with due care.

reading betweent the lines of the op i would assume they have little motorway driving experience, and at this time of the year the poster would not be on their own in this respect. I drive a lot for my job, and tow my van a lot, and have just returned from Dorset to Sheffield towing my van up the M5, M42 and M1, and the number of towing drivers,or cars rammed full of camping gear with drivers who clearly have no idea what they are doing is very high.

perhaps they will know better next year.

to the op, i would suggest leaving the van at home and have a day out on your local m'ways just to get a feel for them, them hitch up and in the early evening take a trip out.

The most important thing to remember is to think ahead, think well ahead and be prepared for the unexpected. stick to the slow lane ( lane 1) if you want but at some pouint you will have to overtake so again think well ahead and dont get tucked up behind the vehicle you need to pass. give your self time to complete the manouvre and dont be pressurised.

As for vehicles joining the motorway you will often find that other users will race you to get in front of you ... well be calm and if you need to slow down a little and let them on then this is the best course of action to take.
No matter what the highway code states what you need to think about is safety, yours and the other road users and if slowing is the option then thats the best option.
I personally try to avoid pulling over to lane 2 as i am an obstinate s.o.a.b and firmly believe that the joining traffic should match my speed and filter in , but this is no longer always possible due to traffic volumes so i have conceed defeat and let the buggers in. :)

to sum up.

think ahead, think ahead and think ahead.
look at the traffic coming down the slip road and if necessary give them space to join.
dont get stuck in lane 2
if passing slower traffic.... leave yourself time to pull out into lane 2 and make sure you have clear of the vehicle you have passed before pulling back in.
if you are joing the motorway from the slip road.... think ahead, look at the traffic in lane 1 and if you have slow down/ speed up do it, many drivers will actually move over into lane 2 , not to let you on but to get ahead of you. Lorry drivers will almost certainly pull over into lane 2 or even slow and make a gap for you- they can be quiet helpful at times usually, although they can often then get tucked up right behind you.

Coming back up the M42/M6 section on Friday night i had to call the police... No wind but the 40t TNT curtain sider kept swerving on to the hard shoulder then back to lane 1 then partially in to lane 2- repeatedly. Perhaps he was making a cell phone call but no matter how many gears the driver had , or what type of gearbox it was this was one rather dangerous hgv driver.
Jan 10, 2010
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I actually thought the original post was a bit tongue in cheek, heres someone who has driven for years but not towed, pottering about in the slow lane to me means taking my time ok its a motorway what are the lanes called by normal people, slow lane overtaking lane and fast lane does anyone not know what lanes I’m talking about?, I’ve even heard them being referred by these names at court its not the correct names but what do you call a vacuum cleaner, normally it’s a Hoover again not the correct name but you know what I’m talking about, the highway code although not law is used to back up legislation if we were all perfect there wouldn’t be accidents but we all either make mistakes or forget what we are supposed to do,Spyrogyro do what you think is right back off or move into the middle lane the fact that you asked the question means you thought about that possibility, I don’t want to upset you but if you use the M8 you have slip roads coming in from the right but then again Scots are better drivers
Feb 27, 2010
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Scots are like Yorkshire men. We do as little driving as possible to keep the pennies in the pocket ( sporran). Im a Yorkshireman and never buy a round. The last time i wnet drinking wioth a Scotsman was very cheap, we both just stood at the bar. 
Dec 11, 2009
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With regards to what to call motorway lanes I always use 1 2 3 etc. Slow,inside, middle,outside,fast,overtaking etc are all very well but it gets a bit confusing when different people use different names for a certain lane and even more so when talking about a 4 lane motorway or the occasional short 5 lane sections.
Feb 27, 2010
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The 3rd lane is private. Its my lane , I have BMW at work and i reserve the right to use lane 3. No one elose can use it.

A friend has a volvo and he has bagged lane 2.

And would the elderle couple in the Micra please pull back in to lane, there is nothing in it, its empty and you are stopping my mate in his volvo from undertaking me.
Oct 18, 2009
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What I try to do if on the motorway towing is get behind a lorry that is doing a resonable speed and stay there as long as possible.
I do leave a good gap for micros to jump in between and the odd BMW, sorry but the last post just made me giggle.
Aug 15, 2010
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I've read through this thread and I do wonder if everyone has forgotton the rules of the road (ie - the Law). It's up to the joining traffic to correct their speed to join the carriageway safely not those on the inside lane to give way - some folk really don't have a clue what line markings actually mean (I'm not having a go at anyone on here - it's more the numpties I get exposed to all over the country).

To the original post, I share your concerns about taking on extra driving responsibility when all around seemingly couldn't give a stuff about yours (or anyone else's) safety. I agree with the guidance given early on - assume everyone else on the road is going to cause an accident and be prepared to take the safest course of action for you. I have to admit I was taught to drive courtesy of HM Forces and from day one I was taught to drive defensively, afterall no-one wants to have prang in 60 tonne of armoured wagon, and it's served me well in the time I've been on highways. The way things are going, driving in the UK is very reminiscent of travelling around Bosnia and Croatia where every road user only cared about themselves, ignoring all rules of the road and travelling in excess of any speed limit - just keep your distance and let them have the accidents.

And yes I giggled at the post above.
Feb 27, 2010
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i called the police this morning as i found my lane on the m1 blocked by a .....a.... Corsa, and it was doing 70mph. The cheek of it. And lo and behold i could not get past because a police car was blocking lane 2, what do they think they are doing.
And that damned motorhome in lane 1 doing 55mp..... aarrggh.

Lane 3 is mine.... I wonder if i can reserve it for a small fee?

If i cant, then if you are in S yorks, you are not allowed to use Lane 3 northbound between j'ns 30 and 34 from 7.30 am until 8.0am and again southbound from 5.30pm to 6.0pm.
Mar 9, 2012
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Hi to you all out there.Please forgive me for what I am about to say(To The Guilty Ones you know who you are!)but a great many (To Many)quite simply Don't Give A .The Broken White Line that separates the 'Slip On' from the (nearside or)1st lane; LANE ONE is 'A Give Way' and be prepared to STOP if necessary. No Ifs, Buts or Maybe,STOP,Not Barge Out in a You I'm Squeezing in Attitude.Running on down the Hard Shoulder/Refuge Lane is a No No and if you happen to be spotted from one of the ever increasing observation locations 'Woe BeTide You'.I had it done to me a few years ago on the A74(M)/M6 Southbound link at J22 of the A74(M)in the early hrs of the morning one of those lorries that use the Ferry to Stranraer and were often found to have no limiter or taco comes down the Slip On at (est 75-80mph),I am in the nearside lane at 56mph with a loaded 8x4 boxed trailer on my Rover 825i Sterling Auto, there was a fair amount of traffic on the move at that time in lanes 1-2-&3 ,the lorry driver caused me to brake severely when along side of me and he clearly was not backing off(I looked up to see a Mobile Phone in his Face).Within a few hundred yards the lorry was hauled over by an Unmarked Car at which point a was still behind and pulled over behind the lorry.You can imagine what ensued,I'm sure.
The lanes are 1-2-3 & 4 or more if and when it comes to that. What would you Slow Lane/Fast Lane or Xpmh-Ymph or Z (70mph)head bangers do in the USA or Canada where there are often 4-6 or 8 lane highways,all of these choices with a Blanket 80kph(50mph)enforced limit,with the Bear in the Air just waiting to empty your bank accounts,any excuse to turn you into Vagrant's and slam you into the cooler.
Oh, one final point,conditions permitting 70mph (not towing) is the maximum in any lane and 'if' you are the only one burning rubber you don't automaticaly fly into the extreme outside/3rd or 4th/FAST LANE or for that matter sit in a central position.There may be others coming up behind that are Really Naughty Boys/Girls out for a spin in the Bugatti Veyron.
Jul 28, 2008
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Well said Rooster! And 100% correct! Now I think we should have that published in Truckers' Weekly. No point in BMW/Audi Monthly though as you've used big words here and there - only on and off are understood! Wait for the flack...........
Mar 9, 2012
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Philspadders said:
The 3rd lane is private. Its my lane , I have BMW at work and i reserve the right to use lane 3. No one elose can use it.

A friend has a volvo and he has bagged lane 2.

And would the elderle couple in the Micra please pull back in to lane, there is nothing in it, its empty and you are stopping my mate in his volvo from undertaking me.
Hi to you all out there (again).Yes this input really does have a very true but Cynical tone tinged with a Colouring of Sarcasm ;yes I had a similar opinion/view some years ago when using the M1 Southbound between the A50 & A14.Week in Week out for 4yrs in both directions; back & forth to Hertfordshire.I have never seen such a consistent sampling of Brain-dead Driving anywhere in the country(I was regularly clocking up 30,00+mls per annum.I have witnessed 45mph in the 3rd lane for up to 3mls (Southbound)at approx 10pm.The punch line of my input is a Question.Would some of those/these Brain-dead,Half or more Asleep Drivers snap into the Fully Awake & Aware Mode; that they should be in if a driver was on the wrong carriageway & coming at them at regular Brain-dead Speed of between 50mph & ???mph.It does happen I've been there (on the correct side of a motorway!!!)and witnessed the Circus.
Mar 9, 2012
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Hi Nigel,Thank You for your observational & kind remarks.For reasons of Editorial Correctness!one or two Bleep Bleep ****** phrases have been 'edited out', there were rather straight to the point *****'s abbreviations but, in what I thought was still acceptable(but fair do's, it appears that was not the case)but it has left my content looking a little like I fell asleep part way through and woke up in a daze.


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