Slugs and Snails and dogs!


Mar 14, 2005
Just thought I'd post this for anyone who doesn't know.

Keep an eye on any dog bowls you keep outside or in the awning. I've just gone in the awning and there was a massive snail in the dog's water bowl.

Slugs and snails carry lungworm which can be fatal in dogs. By the time you notice the symptoms, the lungworm has progressed and it sometimes means death of the dog.

Always err on the side of caution, take some Miltons with you and each morning (particularly in this damp weather), disinfect the dogs bowl with Miltons and then rinse with boiling water.



Jun 4, 2011
Hi Lisa

we are using Bayers Advocate a spot on treatment on our dog its a multi purpose all rounder for fleas,ticks, wormer. but most importantly it is been marketed for Lungworm treatment and prevention, we buy it at our vets and it is working out cheaper than individual frontline and milbinex wormer, as a rough guide 3mth application cost us £18..
Our toby snouts about alot when digging holes which is another way of inhaling larval stages, and of course most dogs are so stupid curoius that they will lick the blasted things

hope this is helpful and can offer you some peace of mind, we have had no problems using it all this summer, and i say this as someones who has used frontline and separate wormers for 20yrs on animals.

lollie x


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