Smoking Ban

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Oct 17, 2006
Ok cris you post a good thread then. come on, bring it on, you have all the answers how about a New Topic??????? Liz Night.Night
Dec 16, 2003
Ok cris you post a good thread then. come on, bring it on, you have all the answers how about a New Topic??????? Liz Night.Night
Liz. No topics from me for a while :) I did tell you :)

Regards cris
Sep 14, 2006
When stood in a pub drinking your whiskey or whatever you are not affecting anyone else's health, unless you get so drunk as to become violent.

But if you are stood there puffing away on fags or cigars thats a different matter, other people breath in your smoke, even if the smoking area is some way away. When you get home from the pub what can you smell on your clothes ? Fags.........

I dont mind people smoking as long as I don't breath their smoke, I think the ban is a good idea, all they need to ban now is buses that smoke like hell and polute the enviroment more than any gas guzzling 4x4 will ever do. But they can't because it's public transport that everyone is suposed to be using now and thats what our soon to be replaced government wants.
Aug 28, 2005
Liz it is the one of the few enjoyments I have left in life when I am relaxing - my glass of whisk(e)y is like a comforter to a baby with a dummy. Please do NOT deny me this pleasure as well - talk about a dictororial state. As stated in today's Daily Mail - the man of the house makes the rules, however the wife has the perogative to alter them.
That last bit about the man of the house made me laugh Colin
Oct 17, 2006
Come on you smokers am I the only one who smokes. I do agree though it's not fair on none smokers in a bar/Club to smoke, I would go into another part of the pub where I could smoke but it might mean I cannot do that. Out for a meal I never smoke at the table, I normally pop outside between meals. Liz
Mar 14, 2005
"... pop outside between meals"?????

If you carry on eating so much you'll become too big to fit into the shower cubicles to clean them ... and you'll HAVE to provide a mop and bucket.
Mar 14, 2005
As an ex-smoker I fully support the ban, but I also think that pubs should provide a smoking room. However, I agree that smoking in the workplace should be totally banned. You go to the pub voluntarily, but you have to go to work!
Oct 17, 2006
I thought that would get someones attention, actually the showers here are quite large (to cater for may I say the Larger size guests) myself I have no problems weighing at just 8 stone, I have been this weight now for ?4years, so you still would not get your mop and bucket, sorry. Liz
Oct 17, 2006
O emmerson surely you do not mean me, I do smoke outside, after all I clean both showers blocks with my mop and bucket, so the guests don't have to mop themselves.

I am not one of those who mops with a *** hanging out their mouth, thats not enjoying a cigarette. O please emmerson let me have my ciggies. Regards Liz
Mar 16, 2005
Banning smoking, a good idea? Well i think so,

I like the idea of all the job losses up in bonny scotland

(radio 2, 1000 have lost there jobs in pubs because of a

down turn in the sales!}

Banning smoking a good idea? well i think so,then all those

smug types can carry the burden of the tax loss brought in

by the heavy taxation a smokers.

Banning smoking a good idea? well i think so, then we can look

down on who? smugly.... ar that would be ourselves untill they

decide to ban something we like!

No i don't smoke, but i detests people preaching.

live and let live,as long or as short as you want.
Mar 14, 2005
Banning smoking, a good idea? Well i think so,

I like the idea of all the job losses up in bonny scotland

(radio 2, 1000 have lost there jobs in pubs because of a

down turn in the sales!}

Banning smoking a good idea? well i think so,then all those

smug types can carry the burden of the tax loss brought in

by the heavy taxation a smokers.

Banning smoking a good idea? well i think so, then we can look

down on who? smugly.... ar that would be ourselves untill they

decide to ban something we like!

No i don't smoke, but i detests people preaching.

live and let live,as long or as short as you want.
It's not preaching, Giovanni. Cigarettes, cigars or pipes have no place in this world. No one enjoys smoking, it's an illusion, they crave it. It's an addiction that is wholly unnatural and can be proven to kill. It doesn't just effect the smoker either, those around a smoker are caught up in the problems caused by the evil leaf, too. It's not a case of live and let, my father had the addiction and it killed him, aged 50, it's still quite young. Have you had a parent die from this disease? I can tell you, it's slow and drawn out process, it effects many of the other family members. A once proud person is reduced to a husk and will die just to keep the fat cats who run the tobacco industry in money. These people will lie and cheat just to kill your loved ones and be able to drive around in Ferraris.

I have sympathy for smokers, I know what they go through. I can offer these words though, once the addiction has gone, it's gone. You will wonder what all the fuss is about and you will be richer for it!

Your arguments don't stack up Gio, don't make it easy for them to continue making the mistake.
Mar 16, 2005
It's not preaching, Giovanni. Cigarettes, cigars or pipes have no place in this world. No one enjoys smoking, it's an illusion, they crave it. It's an addiction that is wholly unnatural and can be proven to kill. It doesn't just effect the smoker either, those around a smoker are caught up in the problems caused by the evil leaf, too. It's not a case of live and let, my father had the addiction and it killed him, aged 50, it's still quite young. Have you had a parent die from this disease? I can tell you, it's slow and drawn out process, it effects many of the other family members. A once proud person is reduced to a husk and will die just to keep the fat cats who run the tobacco industry in money. These people will lie and cheat just to kill your loved ones and be able to drive around in Ferraris.

I have sympathy for smokers, I know what they go through. I can offer these words though, once the addiction has gone, it's gone. You will wonder what all the fuss is about and you will be richer for it!

Your arguments don't stack up Gio, don't make it easy for them to continue making the mistake.
My fathers 70, smokes and is overwieght. bp fines as are his

lungs. mothers 69 doesn,t smoke. she is fine too.

In todays society i would rather move around in the open air

with smokes all around, then all those polutants coming out of factories and vehicles.

The lung is a fantastic organ.. enough said.
Mar 16, 2005
My fathers 70, smokes and is overwieght. bp fines as are his

lungs. mothers 69 doesn,t smoke. she is fine too.

In todays society i would rather move around in the open air

with smokes all around, then all those polutants coming out of factories and vehicles.

The lung is a fantastic organ.. enough said.

lol. thats exactly what you are doing, preaching...
Oct 17, 2006
If I was to be truly honest I wish I could give it up , I do enjoy a cigarette especially while having a drink, I feel when this ban comes into force I am stuck and so are a lot of people, pubs and clubs will not be so full, I would not mind going into a smokers bar/Club. What happens to cc and ccc clubs will it be compulsory, or is up to the cc and ccc clubs to decide. (Club on site).

It's just a bad habit, I praise anybody out there that's given up, but most of the people I know that have given up still have the urge for a cigarette.

I feel if I want to smoke, let me, as long as I am not actually blowing smoke into peoples faces. I agree smoking on a bus, but if I remember where I used to live they had double Decker buses, up stairs were for the smokers. Is this still so, I lived down here in Cornwall for such a long time, I have forgotten about the outside world, no double deckers down here. Liz
Mar 16, 2005

Did you know the romans were experts on broken bones and

amputating? something lost in time.

This was because they lived in a time of constant war.

Did you know there are thousands of people alive today because

of smokers? because of the constant battle against cancer, they

have found ways of curing many cancers, not alined to smoking.

The tax raised from smokers, far far outweighs their bill to

the NHS,and statements like "they are a drain on the NHS" is

not only pathetic, but unoriginal too.

Using your way of thinking OAPs could also be called a drain on

the NHS.

The NHS was set up so EVERYONE could get 1st class treatment, not

so that some could start deciding who is a drain on it.!
Mar 14, 2005

Did you know the romans were experts on broken bones and

amputating? something lost in time.

This was because they lived in a time of constant war.

Did you know there are thousands of people alive today because

of smokers? because of the constant battle against cancer, they

have found ways of curing many cancers, not alined to smoking.

The tax raised from smokers, far far outweighs their bill to

the NHS,and statements like "they are a drain on the NHS" is

not only pathetic, but unoriginal too.

Using your way of thinking OAPs could also be called a drain on

the NHS.

The NHS was set up so EVERYONE could get 1st class treatment, not

so that some could start deciding who is a drain on it.!
Giovanni, smoking doesn't fund all cancer research. There are many cancers and the research to find a cure is funded in many ways.

What other knowledge was lost from the Romans? Sanitation, building and construction ideas? These were not invented because of war. War is not a cure for cancer, or maybe it is.

You will find that most AOP's have and still are contributing towards the NHS, and as such deserve the treatment they have. Smokers know the risk, yet still carry on knowing the problems they will cause, self inflicted you might say. How much of the tax associated with cigarettes goes on the NHS, does anyone have any figures? Like I said, in a previous post, the government will get it's tax one way or another.

You sound like a smoker, Giovanni, you are using all the tired old arguments yourself.

At the end of the day, no one needs to smoke, and no one needs to die from the causes of smoking.

If you want to encourage it, fine. I don't.


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