Speak to insurer end up in India

Mar 14, 2005
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I am off on a 2 month tour of the continent in May so contacted my car insurer (MoreThan)ended up very frustrated, having to listen very,very carefully to fully understand then the telephone link goes like we are speaking down a drain, then unable to understand, so gave up. On reflection I thought it was a good job I wasn't having to discuss an accident incident

Anyone know what insurer ONLY has British dealings.

I realise that going abroad with services is more cost effective, but when the other stuff hits the fan you need to be able to have confidence in the response team.
Mar 14, 2005
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hello hymerman.Try caravan rescue insurance in Ilkley. They have humans there. tel.0845 345 4525.Barry and his team will sort you out. Tell them I said hello. Emmerson
May 4, 2005
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Any of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group Insurance Companies are all UK based i.e. Direct Line and Churchill. I am with Churchill and you get an automatic 'Green Card' with them, it's part of your insurance document.
Mar 14, 2005
Any of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group Insurance Companies are all UK based i.e. Direct Line and Churchill. I am with Churchill and you get an automatic 'Green Card' with them, it's part of your insurance document.
Don't tell me your Green Crad covers you for India, too :)
May 4, 2005
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Any of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group Insurance Companies are all UK based i.e. Direct Line and Churchill. I am with Churchill and you get an automatic 'Green Card' with them, it's part of your insurance document.
George,took your advise and called the Royal bank of Scotland,unfortunately I couldn't understand a word they said.
Mar 14, 2005
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try the n.f.u national farmers union automatically get a green card on the back of you,re policy insure my car and caravan with them cheap as chips insurance premium goes down every year. must say helps to be in rural or semi rural area.

p/s operator had a distant accent sounded like a wigan lass
Mar 14, 2005
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On the topic of call centres outside of the UK/EU readers may wish to know that if you deal with these companies it is our understanding that much of the normal legal protection we enjoy is lost. I am not talking about the contract conditions etc I am talking about YOUR information being held on a computor outside of the UK/EU where the Data Protection Act for example does not apply.

To be fair I am not that bothered about car/caravan/pet insurance details held this way though it should be noted that your bank account details will of course be held. As an Independent Financial Adviser I have to scour through the small print to ascertain if a clients medical details for example are to be assessed outside of the UK/EU. If so then I have to warn the client that I cannot guarantee that that Life Office will be able to offer the same protection to that personal information.

To give you a true if somewhat extreme example of what can happen a client of mine working in Africa had details of his bank account including balance faxed to his office unannounced and not specifically addressed to him. The balance in the account was several thousands of pounds and represented an enormous sum to the local population.

As such this information put him at risk of kidnap as a 1000 GBP represented several years earning for "locals".

The release of this information in such a casual way put my client at risk and only happened because the offshore call centre was not coverred by the Data Protection Act.

Most of our clients when given the choice prefer to deal with Life Offices that have UK/EU based admin centres.

As the professional adviser we also prefer this because in our experience the service and ability to deal with a problem is truly awful vis non UK/EU call centres.

Finally, do also remember that call centres in general are often only advertised with 0870 tel numbers. These 0870 numbers cost you money and you are left hanging on for a long time before finally managing to talk someone!

Try www.saynoto0870.co.uk - this has saved us much time and money.
Mar 14, 2005
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I have just had a 'bump' in the car and my insurers have been absolutely great, the company is 'Highway' and you can reach them though 'Chris Knott' brokers on the net.

I cannot recommend them highly enough...fantastic service from Ipswich??
Mar 14, 2005
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Has anyone noticed that the Inland Revenue also appear to have gone over to call-centres (don't know where they are situated). You used to be able to call them directly at a local office and ask questions - now you are redirected to a call centre - which is always engaged, and then after dozens (literally) of attempts, eventually at 7.45 in the morning when you actually get through they redirect you to another call centre, which is engaged even at 7.46 in the morning! Very frustrating. I imagine it's probably designed to make up go back to writing letters, in order to keep Royal Mail (or whatever it's called now)in business.