Speed cameras

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Jul 18, 2017
Buckman is this the junction you are talking about.

View attachment 5837
It seems that the camera car did the rounds in the winter as no foliage. Today I had a good look. Until about 10m away from junction you cannot see the sign on your left due to foliage from the tree . The sign on the right can only be seen when about 30-40m from the junction. However if you have a vehicle in front of you like we did today, you are concentrating more at the vehicle in front than looking around for signs.

However by the same token today I probably would have been caught exceeding the speed limit. After turning left I accelerated up the incline and not thinking I never eased off the accelerator when the car reached the crescent of the incline and was going onto the level. I think I was just over the 35mph limit when I realised that I should be doing 30mph and slacked off. A bit naughty!
Aug 23, 2023
Oh Buckman how sweet you are to think they are for safety reasons, they are a money making scam disguised as for our safety, says I having just attended a speed 'education course', Yes I was allegedly guilty of doing 35 in a 30, caught by a hand held camera operator who was hiding in a driveway and the photographic evidence provided showed a picture of the back of my vehicle 50 yards from the hand held camera, so I was caught after I had passed the hidden operator, The course I attended had 3 classes that day of 24 pupils in each at £88 a pop.So £6336 for one day. The trainers are self employedx2 and the venue is hired, you do the maths. Now it is not in their business model to eliminate speeding drivers, in the same way that Weight Watchers don't want their members to lose weight. There are guidelines as to how and where camera vans are deployed, although I am convinced they are routinely flaunted, you try proving the guidelines weren't followed. The trainers made it very clear that once charged with speeding it is an offence that is virtully impossible to get off. I would have wasted my time trying to disprove that I was doing 35, despite there being no proof provided by the operator. The local police service know full well that the motorist will be wasting their time with any challenge and make it obvious that the pragmatic route is to pay up and do the course, mind you I did see the video on what happens if you run into a pile of cardboard boxes at 35 mph v 30 mph.Another anomaly is that there are 43 police services in Enhgland and each can choose to set it's own guidelines as to when to charge for sppeding, in some it is limit plus 10% plus 2 mph, others it is exact limit so in no way is it a level playing field
Why do you think you were noy doing 35? Presumably the camera image indicated so? the offence is not specifically committed while actually driving past the the operator, the system probably would not work as at that point you are not moving away.He also has to have you in his sights correctly before taking the shot (at least he used to, tech may have moved on).

I am struggling to see your point,to be honest
Nov 11, 2009
Why do you think you were noy doing 35? Presumably the camera image indicated so? the offence is not specifically committed while actually driving past the the operator, the system probably would not work as at that point you are not moving away.He also has to have you in his sights correctly before taking the shot (at least he used to, tech may have moved on).

I am struggling to see your point,to be honest
Modern mobile cameras have a range between 1-2 miles. They see you before you see them.
Jun 20, 2005
Modern mobile cameras have a range between 1-2 miles. They see you before you see them.
Yes, Woodsieboy was nicked fair and square imo. And as said before the Drive awareness course is far better than points and a fine. And contrary to popular belief the course was and is an excellent learning curve for all
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