Staying up later than 10.30

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Apr 13, 2005
10.30 is far too early, we go away to have a good time and relax with friends there is no way i will waste my life going to bed that early.

We do choose our sites carefully we dont use club sites much as we find them too quiet and stuffy but we allso dislike the very commercial sites that allow the sun newspaper campers to stay.

seems strange to me that the very same people who complain that no one seems to want to chat on site these days are usually the same ones who want total silence after 10.30.

On another point to the moderaters, many posts have been removed becouse they name companies or products, yet for quite a while now we have had John brookshaw blatantly advertising his site, he has even published his web address many times including on this post. do we once again have a double standard?.
Mar 14, 2005
Icemaker - a few points I would like to comment on regarding your posting.

First of all I would agree with you that 10:30 is an early time for bed. My wife and I have on many a fine night taken a stroll around the site at this time. Also if the individual/group are behaving in a respectable manner what harm are they doing?

Secondly although I am not a Sun reader (Daily Mail for me) I think the way you have worded the sentence is slightly damning against parts of society. You could have said Daily Sport but I am sure you had some respect for the caravan fraternity.

Thirdly I will hold my hand up and admit that I started the posting about Plassey Leisure Park having recently returned from there. I will agree that John might be taking slight liberties with his inclusion of his web page but there have been other sites/organisations who have also done this. If it was a blatent form of advertising such as we had earlier today I would agree with you that it was excessive but to occassionally slip an advert in as done by John I think is acceptable.

I hope you don't think that I am either being personal against you or supporting John but this is how I feel regarding the occassional advert. Regards Colin.
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Icemaker,

I am sorry that you view my comments and inclusion of my website address as being "blatantly advertising". I can asure you it is not......but in case of offence I will not include such details in future.

My point I am trying to get across is how a park owner views the rules with "late night noise".

As can sometimes be the case, when a posting goes up, not everyone agrees with your own point of view - see an earlier posting when Mark found my staff being a little too it can even by viewed as an "anti" advert by making me a "target" by sticking my head above the parapet!!

But thats what its all about - lots of views & lots of different opinions. Isn't life refreshing that we are not all the same!!

Happy holidays.

John Brookshaw (Park owner somewhere in North Wales)
Apr 13, 2005
John, the point i was making was due to the fact that a good deal of contributers on this forum have had post deleted for merely stating the name of individual organisations whether good or bad.

I myself have suffered at the hands of over regulated moderating and one of my posts intended to warn fellow vanners of a bad insurance firm had 93 of its posts removed for no reason other than one contributer gave too much hint as to the name.

My reaction to your post was not intended as a slure on your self more to ask the moderaters why we as mere contributers have our posts removed but a contributer who may or may not use the magazine in the past or the future for legitimate and paid for advertising can get away with name droping on the forum.

Like i said it just seems to be double standards. as it is i have used your site and i think you may remember that i said i enjoyed the stay apart from some of the "rules" and those snooty golfers lol. wont stop us coming back sometime though, (unless i am now barred).
Apr 13, 2005
Colin, i meant the type of camper who only uses static vans when the sun prints free tokens, sorry my sentence did seem a bit derogatory towards the readership in general.

Personally i read anything the passengers leave me on the train, no point buying.
Mar 14, 2005
Point taken sir - I understand your point of view, God knows what type of holiday token would be available from the Daily Sport. Regarding the quality of paper you read again I understand what you are getting at. Having taken early retirement I very rarely travel by train so do not now have chance of the freebys. Regards Colin
Mar 14, 2005
Icemaker I am sure that John would not bar you from his site. I will be honest my wife and I had a very enjoyable week at the site in April and would certainly go back there. As far as the golfers were concerned we only came across one chap who was playing a round on his own so there was no problem here. In over 30 years of caravanning it was the first time that a site manager/owner came on our final evening to enquire if we had enjoyed our stay, had we experienced any problems and wished us a safe journey home. A litle personal touch which goes a long way to improve customer relations.
Mar 14, 2005
John, the point i was making was due to the fact that a good deal of contributers on this forum have had post deleted for merely stating the name of individual organisations whether good or bad.

I myself have suffered at the hands of over regulated moderating and one of my posts intended to warn fellow vanners of a bad insurance firm had 93 of its posts removed for no reason other than one contributer gave too much hint as to the name.

My reaction to your post was not intended as a slure on your self more to ask the moderaters why we as mere contributers have our posts removed but a contributer who may or may not use the magazine in the past or the future for legitimate and paid for advertising can get away with name droping on the forum.

Like i said it just seems to be double standards. as it is i have used your site and i think you may remember that i said i enjoyed the stay apart from some of the "rules" and those snooty golfers lol. wont stop us coming back sometime though, (unless i am now barred).
Not to worry, you are certainly not barred!!

All the best, John B
Jan 19, 2008
Icemaker I am sure that John would not bar you from his site. I will be honest my wife and I had a very enjoyable week at the site in April and would certainly go back there. As far as the golfers were concerned we only came across one chap who was playing a round on his own so there was no problem here. In over 30 years of caravanning it was the first time that a site manager/owner came on our final evening to enquire if we had enjoyed our stay, had we experienced any problems and wished us a safe journey home. A litle personal touch which goes a long way to improve customer relations.
.... stop trying to get free night vouchers colin ;O)
Mar 14, 2005
Sir I did say that I could be returning to the site at a future date for a further holiday - however I did not say when - could be this year, next year or whenever. A lot can happen between now and then. So far this year we have a definate booking at Widend site in Paignton, which is again a very pleasant site with excellent management and also at pear Tree Farm in Poole where we have been many times and have wonderful holidays there. Therefore I am not trying to obtain any form of gratuity from any individual site and how dare you insinuate such things. You will be hearing from my Solicitor regarding this libel and by the time I have finished you wont even have the cow shed to call your own let alone the Manor House. The milk maids and chaimber maids will not want to know you then as you will be a pauper out on the street sleeping under the hedges of Hereford.


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