Stop dazzling other drivers

May 21, 2008
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On of my pet hates is the motorist who will persistantly park on your side of the road at night and then sit there with his/her headlights on.

Don't they realise that a car parked on the left side of the road in that manner is affectively dazzling you with the equivalent of main beam head lights.

Then of coause there's the idiot who flashes their headlights at you at night thinking your on main beam, but in fact they have such dirty lights they can't see where they are going.

Two instances of inconsiderousness, lazyness or is it just couldn't give a s**t!!

Whats your pet hate of other car users stupidity?

Steve L
Jun 20, 2005
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At night sitting behind idiots at traffic lights with their brake lights on. Whatever happened to th ehandbrake?


Jul 3, 2006
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My pet hate of all time is rear fog lights, I was once following a car with its rear fog lights on in slightly foggy conditions at more than the recommended distance, the lights were so bright that I missed the brake lights and indicator coming on and it was only when I realised that the car had stopped to turn right that I knew its actions, by which time I was on top of it and an emergency brake and swerve were needed to avoid a collision, ironically it was a police car.

Nowadays the only time I ever use rear fog lights is when I am in pea soup fog, there is no vehicle visible behind me and I am travelling very slowly or stopped, if I stop in such conditions I will also use the hazard warning lights but as soon as I can see a vehicle visible behind me, I switch off the rear fog lights regardless of how foggy it is with the assumption that "If I can see the outline of their vehicle then they can see me without fog lights and it is more important that they see my indicators and brake lights"
Aug 25, 2006
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Why "ironically it was a police car"?

If you ever observe the average plod you will find the speed limit doesn`t apply, lane discipline is non-existant, and they all think they drive BMWs. That is they don`t need to indicate.

Don`t give a stuff who they are and what training they have allegedly undergone, if its not put into practice they might as well not bother.

Perhaps if they behaved properly they may generate a little more respect.
May 21, 2008
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It doesn't suprise me at all that it was a copper.

I was travelling through Hereford at about 10pm the other night and had inadvertantly got my front fog lights on. There was a pedestrian dressed in black crossing the road from my right and she had stopped at the center of the road. The only reason that I saw her was due to the spread of the fog light beam.

Then for no apparent reason the car coming towards me put on his blue flashing beacon and the proceeded to the center of the road at speed and the driver was shouting and waving out of his window like a crazy fool. Then on realising that there was a person in the middle of the road in front of him he "hand brake turned" to avoid running down the pedestrian.

By this time I had stopped appropriately at the side of the road and put my hazard flashers on. The policeman then ran to the car and said his pet hate was folks with their front fog lights on and that 60% of drivers would fail a driving test if they re-took one.

I quietly appologised and explained that the fog light switch is combined with my head light switch and I must of accidentally put them on. However I did feel like telling him he'd be top of the 60% as he had just demonstrated how not to behave in a built up area, how not to have proper control of his car and how to commit the act of driving without due care and attention and dangerous driving.

But I thought I'd better bite my lip as he would cover me in a confetty of road traffic tickets.
May 18, 2006
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People who drive with their front fog lights on and people who type -cast other car drivers e.g. BMW drivers - they arn't all bad!


Apr 5, 2006
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Hi all,

My pet hate is people in the wrong lane on a dual carriageways and motorways, why do these idiots sit in the middle lane? everything should be in the inside lane unless overtaking so why is this so difficult to understand? driving in the middle lane just makes a 3 lane motorway into a 2 lane dual carriageway, it's about time the traffic wardens with the blue lights on their cars came out of McDonalds and pull some of these idiots over, while they are at it they could pull people with lighting defects, fog lamps on etc, and some of the 'kiddies' cars around that have 'Lexus style' rear lights, some of these have terrible brake, indicator and reflectors.

Rant over!



Aug 16, 2006
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Right, here we go.

Middle lane drivers - lazy and ignorant. One colleague I challenged on his middle lane driving said he was making the road safe by not pulling out of the left hand lane. Then admitted it was more relaxing sitting in the same lane. DRIVING ISN'T ABOUT RELAXING - IT'S ABOUT PAYING ATTENTION AND BEING AWARE OF WHAT'S GOING ON AROUND YOU.

Fog Lights - no fog lights when it's foggy (type of foggy where you're suddenly on the car in front becaue of dim back lights)- (even at low speed). And then the 3 or 4 days following the foggy day where drivers leave their fog lights on.

People that park on zig-zag lines outsde schools.

The 'parking on the wrong side of the road with the lights on' - not good.

Parking in a disabled parking spot - if you don't hold the right badge - even more lazy and ignorant than the first item.

Ahhhh - that feels better.
Jan 2, 2006
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My pet hate is when you are passing an on slip road the vehicles entering just drive straight onto the main road often without looking,often causing you who has right of way to brake or change direction.The slip road is an acceleration lane and the correct proceedure is to match your speed to that of the traffic on the main road and filter in and if need be stop,at the end of all slip roads are broken white lines (give way).Yes those on the main road if possible can move over but too many expect you to even when you cant because of traffic on your offside.


Mar 14, 2005
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Here's mine:

People who drive almost in the middle of the road (happens round here quite often).

People who swerve right out to the right to miss a parked car but don't seem to be able to see you approaching the other way.

A classic I saw the other month - a woman in a 4x4 crossed to my side of the road (built up area) and drove on the wrong side of the road for about 1000 yards, whilst doing probably 30 ish or more. She came to a halt about 50 feet in front of me.

People who drive without their lights adjusted for the amount of passengers in the vehicle.

People who have one god almighty bright light which blinds you and one dim light.

People who don't indicate on roundabouts or at junctions (whilst you are waiting to go).

People who pull out in front of you causing you to slam your breaks on and then proceed to drive at snail miles per hour.

Mar 13, 2007
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hi all

couple of points worth metioning a car parked on the wrong side of the road showing a white light to on comming traffic at night is an offence under the road traffic act and liable for a fine.

police drivers seem to me to drive worse than taxi drivers???? despite all there so called training they have no regard for other road users and allways twist the facts to escape blame.

like the one that cut me up on a round a bout and then stopped me because he said I was driving without due care because I did not stop and let him out despite the fact that I was on the round a bout and driving correctly and he was the one that pulled out into on comming traffic without looking it was when I told him it was his fault and if he wrote a ticket out I would see him in court, he told ME not to be cheeky (with him just out of nappies) and sped off at about sixty in a 30mph zone.

BTW my pet hate is drivers who think rounabouts and traffic lights are there to do overtaking manouvers irrispective of the exit they eventually take ( usually straight on )just to get a couple of cars between them at the next set of lights or round a bout this realy winds me up (tossers) sorry but I get annoyed just thinking about it.



Just one comment on the brake light issue. My Volvo has an automaic gearbox. When you press the brake pedal for any length of time, eg at traffic lights the computer switches the gearbox to neutral to avoid overheating. The instant you release the brake it switches back to Drive. So I have an excuse for keeping the brakes applied.
Jan 3, 2007
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People who type cast other car drivers just because they drive a particular type or make of car e.g. BMW drivers or 4x4 drivers for instance. Funny really I meet the criteria on both counts!

Could be worse though; I could have been a Mondeo Man. Ha, Ha.
May 18, 2006
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BMW drivers or 4x4 drivers for instance. Funny really I meet the criteria on both counts!

Me too, we must be the most hated people in Britain!!!!
Jan 9, 2008
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AWWWWWWWWWWWW whada shame.

Maybe you two could start a self help group for Beemer drivers suffering from criticism caused stress and scarred emotions. Makes me glad we went for a Q rather than an X


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