Sun canopy and water risist.

Jun 29, 2004
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A copy has already been posted on technical but mayby the question is not teccy enough.

I have just aquired a sun canpoy for a trip to Italy but as it is a doddle to put up and is very light i can se us using it when touring as it is easier than either the awning or the porch awning.

What do members do to proof it? What are the options?


Norfolk Mike
Mar 14, 2005
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I bought an Isabella sun canopy, with detachable sides, a few years ago for use on the continent, but was soon using it in the Uk for the reasons you mention. I proofed it using coventional proofing fluid (Fabsil) and brushed it well in. The one problem we did experience both in Europe and the UK was that if you had a heavy downpour the rain tended to flood the roof and settle into small bath sized pools at each corner. I solved the problem by buying two roof cross members and fitted them across the 'van as opposed to fore and aft. This worked.

I still have the awning if anyone out there interested? Don't use it now as my van's have grown bigger over the years.

Hope this helps!
Jan 2, 2006
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Sorry not quite sure what you mean by proof it,if it is a purpose made sun canopy then it should already be waterproof.

I used to use a full awning but got fed up with the hassle of putting it up in fact bought a brand new Trio Mexico when I changed my van and its been used for two nights now gathers dust in the loft.

Since then I have used Eurovent canopies that come with a detachable side ( handy if windy ) it has been through all sorts of weather conditions without problem.
Jun 29, 2004
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Sorry not quite sure what you mean by proof it,if it is a purpose made sun canopy then it should already be waterproof.

I used to use a full awning but got fed up with the hassle of putting it up in fact bought a brand new Trio Mexico when I changed my van and its been used for two nights now gathers dust in the loft.

Since then I have used Eurovent canopies that come with a detachable side ( handy if windy ) it has been through all sorts of weather conditions without problem.
sun canopies, being made of a lighter cotton base do not retain there waterproofing for as long as conventional awnings and so need re-proofing occasionaly.

Norkolk Mike
Mar 14, 2005
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We bought an Italian Dorema sun canopy, the one with the top panel that come down at one end, for exactly the same reasons as yourself. We have found that it has some kind of proofing already, which does a pretty good job. The most that comes through is a sort of fine damp mist in really heavy rain.

Jan 2, 2006
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sun canopies, being made of a lighter cotton base do not retain there waterproofing for as long as conventional awnings and so need re-proofing occasionaly.

Norkolk Mike
I hear what you say but the Eurovent canopies that I have had have never needed reproofing even after very regular use over a five year period in all sorts of horrible weather,perhaps the French have proofing cracked!


Mar 14, 2005
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we got a carastore, stays permanently on the van, is waterproof and can use it 12 months a year. Only time I dont use it is when it is very windy even though we have a storm guy.


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