swift caravans job cuts

Mar 28, 2008
friends work at the factory and a 30 day notice has been placed meaning upto 99 jobs to go they are also only working a 4 day week at present what will this do for deliveries


Dec 6, 2006
"caravaning will be extinct within three years."

A bit of an over reaction! yes the market will fall as in a lot of consumer sectors. But to say caravaning will become extinct........ Caravaning has been around for a long long time and been through many dips in the economy. Yes one or two of the smaller manufacturers may go to the wall or be swallowed up then the factory closed (Swift themselves are expert at this!). Extinct? Why all this negative thinking. My glass is half full not half empty!
Mar 14, 2005
It stands to reason that as more and more of peoples incomes go on those things they have no choice about, e.g. council tax, food, utilities, mortgage repayments, public transport costs, MP's expenses etc, that there is less left for the other things in life. People are also realising that personal debt is expensive and the only way for interest rates to go is up.

Sidney is perhaps over pessamistic. Due to rising fuel prices, poor customer service at airports and the value of the Euro the days of cheap flights and package holidays may be coming to an end. For the average family staying in a hotel in the UK is out of their price bracket so budget caravanning will continue or perhaps increase. It will be interesting to see whether there are more or less family sites and how they structure their prices during school holidays. The cost of running a caravan site must be going up, we will have to see what effect supply and demand has.
Dec 14, 2006
Our local dealer is doing good business at the moment - for exactly the reason outlined in Ray (C)'s posting. Families have realised that cheap air fares are no longer available, and that the surcharges on flights can be as much as the flight cost itself. They are looking for alternatives - and caravanning comes high on the list. Yes, we may all have to cut down on trips, and on spending but many of us will continue to use our caravans as much as we can.

It's sad about Swift, and the four-day week - and my thoughts are with anyone who's affected.
Mar 26, 2008
May be Swift are laying off the people who cause the build quality queeries we see here and else where ;-)

Apart from any effect fuel prices have on caravannners, let's be honest. Most of Swifts incoming good and out going goods will be transported by Diesel. Alluminium has risen in price as has steel and other components used in the build will be petro chemical based and be going up in price.

Whilst our moronic government have escalated fuel costs and the gormless greens can't see any further than past their green mist auras, the fact and reality is that higher fuel costs and hiking the cost of road use for users is and will cost jobs and the economy.

If peoples incomes are being hit by all fuel costs and food bills etc, Swift and other manufacturers are unlikely to be able to cover raw good price increases with higher prices for their end product.

Cost savings need to be found and will likely be in labour saving to try and maintain an attractive purchase price for the products.
Feb 24, 2008
"A combination of high fuel prices and terrifying levels of consumer debt, falling property prices and the spiraling cost of basic necessities mean that caravaning will be extinct within three years."

Hmmmmm........ a bit over the top methinks

What are people that own caravans going to do then

Book a package holiday? - cheap air fares are a thing of the past and most caravanners dread the thought of this type of holiday anyway.

Stay in a hotel? - at their rip off prices. Doubt it.

Dont holiday ? Yeah right!!!

Sales of new vans may drop off until the economy recovers but I think that will just mean people hang on to their existing vans for longer.
Apr 22, 2006
I rather think that Martins last paragraph has probally hit the nail on the head.

What with the ecconimic forcasts being so rosy I would presume that they are cutting back production in readiness for next years slowdown.

As for caravaning going into a terminal decline I would doubt this due to the comments that others have raised regarding the expected rise in airfares and also the fact that this type of holiday may not appeal to us.

However if things do get tighter for people there will be a drop off in the numbers of trips people take and they will also probally keep their vans a bit longer which on the face of it would seem to vindicate the Swift boards decision for these layoffs in order to protect their company from any comming downturn in sales.
Mar 14, 2005
Oh dear, you are just not listening to the Government are you. Please cheer up as requested by a Government Minister in the artical below. [He is happy but then he has a salary of nearly
Jun 16, 2008
Martin wrote:


Hmmmmm........ a bit over the top methinks

What are people that own caravans going to do then

Book a package holiday? - cheap air fares are a thing of the past and most caravanners dread the thought of this type of holiday anyway.

Stay in a hotel? - at their rip off prices. Doubt it.

Dont holiday ? Yeah right!!!

Sales of new vans may drop off until the economy recovers but I think that will just mean people hang on to their existing vans for longer


Well, possibly 'extinct' was a bit too strong, but 'drastically reduced' probably isn't.

I honestly think that this isn't just 'another' recession, similar to the ups and downs we've all seen over the years.

Something fundamental is going wrong now. We've hit peak oil production, so from now on it's ever dwindling supplies being chased by ever increasing demand as the third-world gets a taste for the lifestyle that we've all been enjoying for decades.

Nor is it just oil - two years ago the government congratulated itself because we had enough gas to see us through the forthcoming winter of 2006 -2007. "Enough to get us through"!!!!! - what a hollow shout of triumph from a country that had one of the biggest oil & gas bonanza's in history, and which squandered it!

Now we face yet another massive rise in gas prices - due again to competing world demand for dwindling resources.

I believe that things are very, very, serious - far more so than our leaders will admit. World crops are failing, the industialised nations are effectively bankrupt, energy is running out - things are grim, grim, grim!

That's why I believe that we are heading for economic pandemonium, the sort of global financial melt-down that none of us has ever seen before.

When that happens 'holidays' are going to be a dim and distant memory! We will be too busy trying to supplement our official food rations and find ways of keeping warm to worry about anything else.

The older I get, the more I realise that the government (any variety) will simply not be in control of events - they will try and react, but ultimately they are powerless to do anything about it - whether they mean well, or not.

There's no-one to get us out of this one, I'm afraid.
Nov 6, 2005
Caravanning won't be extinct but the UK caravan industry might become so.

The economics are simple - because of price rises we're all going to have to pay more for most things - something has to give - buying a new caravan, to replace a reasonable existing model will simply be delayed.

If the average buyer delays for a year, the caravan industry will suffer badly - if the average buyer delays for a couple of years we'll see some big names going to the wall.

Any caravan manufacturer producing lighter caravans, needing lighter towcars will survive much better than the others.

I don't wish redundancy on anyone but having been made redundant myself four times in my working career - life goes on.
May 5, 2005
my neighbour bought off plans a Cyprus holiday flat as an investment last year completed this easter,booked his flights at
May 13, 2008
My god

What an absolute load of rubbish

Why on earth do some people spend so much time and effort trying to make everyone else as miserable as they obviously are.

Yes, we all know things are tight, everything is getting more expensive and there's less cash to splash on luxuries, but why harp on about it.

Life is for living, alright you might not be able to change your van as soon as you might like, yes you might not be able to go on as many trips as you'd like, but for goodness sake stop moaning and get out there and enjoy what you do have.

I went to Hawes Caravan Club site with the caravan, the wife and daughter for the weekend recently. In all it cost less than
Mar 14, 2005
My god

What an absolute load of rubbish

Why on earth do some people spend so much time and effort trying to make everyone else as miserable as they obviously are.

Yes, we all know things are tight, everything is getting more expensive and there's less cash to splash on luxuries, but why harp on about it.

Life is for living, alright you might not be able to change your van as soon as you might like, yes you might not be able to go on as many trips as you'd like, but for goodness sake stop moaning and get out there and enjoy what you do have.

I went to Hawes Caravan Club site with the caravan, the wife and daughter for the weekend recently. In all it cost less than
Mar 14, 2005
My god

What an absolute load of rubbish

Why on earth do some people spend so much time and effort trying to make everyone else as miserable as they obviously are.

Yes, we all know things are tight, everything is getting more expensive and there's less cash to splash on luxuries, but why harp on about it.

Life is for living, alright you might not be able to change your van as soon as you might like, yes you might not be able to go on as many trips as you'd like, but for goodness sake stop moaning and get out there and enjoy what you do have.

I went to Hawes Caravan Club site with the caravan, the wife and daughter for the weekend recently. In all it cost less than
Jun 16, 2008
While there probably is a comforting sense of security in behaving like an Ostrich, it should be remembered that it's a false one.

This was a thread specifically about job cuts at Britain's largest caravan manufacturer. Job cuts because the industry is booming and caravans are selling faster than hot cakes?

Or job cuts because of declining sales and no immediate prospect of an upturn?

Neither is is at all sensible to talk about '
May 13, 2008
I tell you what Sidney, I'm pleased I don't live with you as there must always be a 'dark cloud' above your house.

I have no intention of getting into an argument with you or anyone else, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no matter how narrow minded or ill informed.

Cheer up, it may never happen - and if it does we'll deal with it then, if it doesn't you'll have wasted all that energy worrying over nothing.

Whilst I totally agree we have to consider the future before it's too late, but please keep a grip on reality and don't just listen to all the media hype - unless of course you want to become an MP?

All the best

Jun 16, 2008
I tell you what Sidney, I'm pleased I don't live with you as there must always be a 'dark cloud' above your house.

I have no intention of getting into an argument with you or anyone else, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no matter how narrow minded or ill informed.

Cheer up, it may never happen - and if it does we'll deal with it then, if it doesn't you'll have wasted all that energy worrying over nothing.

Whilst I totally agree we have to consider the future before it's too late, but please keep a grip on reality and don't just listen to all the media hype - unless of course you want to become an MP?

All the best

I'd be interested to know what you consider me to be 'ill informed'

As for 't might not happen' - too late, I'm afraid, it's happening right now.

You might care to check on what General Motors think ( peak oil marker now passed, diminishing supplies, steadily increasing oil price, end of gasoline vehicles, etc)

Or do a search on just *how* many well known retailers are posting profit warnings on the back of disastrous sales figures.

While you're on the business pages, have a peek at Britain's largest and richest house builder (Persimmon) whose share price has dramatically fallen, and who have stopped all new home building. - why not drop them an email and tell them how 'narrow minded & ill informed' they are?
May 13, 2008
Here Here Roger

My thoughts exactly

We need to fight the hard times, by adjusting like you say, not give in (Dunkirk spirit ring any bells?)
Sep 23, 2006

My 2007 Abbey Expression (Vogue) has the best build quality of anything I have owned.

Lets hope they can muddle through somehow.

Meanwhile,thanks Swift for a decent van.
Jun 16, 2008
⇨My 2007 Abbey Expression (Vogue) has the best build quality of anything I have owned.

Lets hope they can muddle through somehow.

Meanwhile,thanks Swift for a decent van⇦br/>

Ah! - so it was you who got the good one?, well done ;)

(sorry, couldn't resist)
Mar 14, 2005
When I started caravanning in the mid 80's it appeared to be a thriving industry . There were 6 or 7 caravan dealers within 25 miles radius of my home in Dorset. By 1990 most had closed, the caravan industry was on its knees and took most of the 90's to recover. Will this down turn be as bad?

Caravans were very pricy compared with todays. In 1991 I paid the best part of


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