swift corniche 1998 - No electric, only sockets??

Jun 11, 2018
Morning all, this is my first post so a quick hello to everyone. I own a swift cornice 1998 van and I've had no issues with it until this weekend. I think a fuse has gone or something but basically I had no power to the main control panel anymore. All the plug sockets works and the fridge too, but nothing else, no lights, radio, blown air heater etc. The only thing I did differently this time was to place the leisure battery in the compartment for charging. I have done this in the past, but not for at least a year. It seemed fine, left it like that for at least half a day, came back and noticed nothing working. I'm stumped and to be honest not the best at understanding electricity!! Do you think it's something to do with the battery?? I see people say about an inline fuse but I couldn't find this. I took the connectors back off the battery and hit the trip switches to see if that helped but nothing.The van is in Anglesey so its hard to check things over right away. Any help would be really appreciated. I did look at the fuses in main control panel, but cant see anything obvious. I think something else has gone as no power is in the control panel, apart from I can see the red switch for the charger is working??

And lastly I have a very sticky alko hitchlock, I know you cant lube them but is there anything I can do at the person how moves the caravan is having real issues getting it back off his towbar, thanks for your help guys.
Oct 3, 2013
Check you have connected the battery correctly - +ve to +ve and -ve to -ve.If you connect the battery incorrectly this can rupture the battery fuse(s).
Jan 19, 2002
Might be worth getting a brake cleaner spray to apply carefully to the pads in the hitch-head and also to clean the towball head.
Nov 16, 2015
Godders, ref the hitch lock, give your tow hitch a spray with Degreaser. But if the guys moving y3our van have a problem I would think its their towball getting all " Cruddy". Good luck with the electrics.
Mar 14, 2005
godders76 said:
... and to be honest not the best at understanding electricity!!

Hello godders
Like the others I would double check you have fitted the battery with the correct polarity. If it was only connected the wrong way round even for a fraction of a second, it will almost certainly have blown some fuses, and may have damaged some part of the 12V systems or the charger.

Because you tell us what I quoted, I think your best and safest solution is to get a caravan specialist to check it out for you.
Jun 11, 2018
I'm pretty sure the battery was connected the correct way around. I remember checking this before hooking it up the correct way and also the electrics did work still for over half a day so this I don't think is the issue. Its so hard to find out what the issue is though :( Thanks for reply's. As for the sticky hitch, I think it must be the actual hitch as it used to get stuck on my own towbar, id have to jump on the swan neck to get it off. I'll try brake degreaser on that, thanks.
Oct 12, 2013
Could it not be the charger that has gone as you would still have some lights workjng off the battery ?
Jun 11, 2018
Just to clarify, I've removed the battery and was using the van just from the mains and the only power I had was the sockets. So I retried it with the battery in place and still the same thing. I don't know if the leisure battery has blown something, but with or without it all I get are the sockets working???
Oct 12, 2013
Just because when our charger went we did not know it had gone but we still had the socket for the kettle working the fridge was showing a dim light that's all ? Have you checked the charger?
Jun 11, 2018
The charger light on the control panel displays red, but I dont know if its actually working. How would I check to see if its working?? Thanks.
Jul 15, 2008
.......a 1998 Swift Corniche should have a battery state needle gauge on the control panel.
This should have the pointer fully in the green segment if the charger is working when the red on/off switch is illuminated.
You should also have all the 12 volt circuits working except the refrigerator.
It is not a good idea to remove the battery from it's storage compartment without insulating one of the battery terminals.
If the terminals touch whilst the charger is working a fuse will blow.
The main caravan fuse should be of the blade type and it is located inside the caravan.
It should be under the right hand front seating near the back of the battery compartment.
Look for the main wiring from the battery where it enters the caravan from he battery compartment.
Follow this wire for around 300mm and you should find the main inline fuse.
Jun 11, 2018
Ive now taken off the battery charger unit, I dont know how to get the fuse out of the box, it looks like you would just turn a screw and it should pop out but im not sure how to access it. ALso How do you attach an image in the post, thanks?
Jun 11, 2018
I've just put links to the images of the control panel and the internal battery charger. The control panel has no power apart from the red charger light. The battery changer unit has the black round circle on top, will this be the 15 a fuse in there. If this has gone will none of my system work?? Thanks
Jul 15, 2008

..........the round black cover shown bottom left is the 12volt DC output fuse from the power supply/battery charger.
Insert blade screwdriver the same size as slot and unscrew anticlockwise.
If the fuse has blown and replacing it restores the 12 volt DC output......you still need to locate and check the main battery supply fuse ( see previous post ).
The battery will not supply power or receive a charge if this main fuse has blown.
Jun 11, 2018
Right, I finally got the fuse out, I'd already tried turning it with a screwdriver, but it was stuck, I had to unscrew the cover and drill the rivets out. Gave the fuse box a little wiggle and it finally popped out. The fuse is dust! So, it might just be this, I'm back at the van tomorrow so I can check for the inline fuse also. Thanks for your help, I'll let people know how it goes. Fingers crossed :)


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