Swiss Vignettes

Mar 14, 2005
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A very bad experience of Switzerland: From three years ago;

Early this year, at the beginning of my holiday to France I had decided to visit friends in Geneva. They gave me full instructions how to find their house in the centre of the city, and I also went armed with town maps from Viamichelin showing how to get there.

Fortunately I left the van in France.

It was drizzling when I arrived at the border using the motorway, and the directions that I had been given expected me to use this. Standing there was a woman with a bag around her neck like an old-fashioned bus conductress. I had wrongly assumed that travel around major towns would be free as it is in France.

Wrong. The clippie told me that I had to have a 'Vignette' to go on the motorway - cost
Mar 14, 2005
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These Vignettes are the Swiss equivalent of French motorway tolls - but these last for 12 months. Currently they cost 40 SF and you require one for each of your car and caravan. They are on sale at service areas on the approaches to the Swiss frontier and at post offices in Switzerland. I think that they are well worth the cost for the time they can save when travelling in Switzerland.

Mike J
Mar 14, 2005
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Countries such as Switzerland and Austria rather having tolls have a motorway permit which you display in the windscreen. I think I am right in saying that technically you don't need one if you don't use the motorways but as a non Swiss local I suspect that it could be difficult to know which road was which. In Switzerland to need one for the car and one for the van, current total cost


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