Teacher Pay

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Mar 16, 2005
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Agree index linked pension sounds fantastic...sort of.

But when local council office staff of a similar educted standard as a teacher, can earn more to start with. ie finance office legal office ect ect

Indexed linked does not mean your pension will be better than another profession bodies pension scheme, linked or not...

If you have been earning 4 or 5k less all your working life,lower grades.And 10 to 15k less in the higher grades,over a 30 year period it adds up to one hell of a difference....
Jan 19, 2008
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It's strange that all the other teaching unions are satisfied with their pay award but the left-wing Trotsky NUT aren't.

I also realise that the NUT only needed a 51% vote in favour of a strike and got 75%. I also noticed that only 32% bothered to vote so that leaves around 80% of the membership who don't want to strike or can't be arsed either way because it would be mainly the Militant Tendency members who would be more eager to vote.

BTW gio, I'm aware of what index linked means, it means what it says on the tin :O) linked to inflation, unlike my NHS pension, so I can't see what that has to do with civil servants pensions. The thread is about teachers striking and obviously the majority disagree.

I haven't a clue what the Guardian link is because it doesn't work. Tell me, doesn't that paper have left wing leanings :O)
Mar 16, 2005
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Not for them or anyone striking LB.

The guardian link is to a report in 2001,yes its old,but was all about civil servants paypackets and the huge rises they were gettiing.

In a way it dwaft your report,i was only trying to compare the pay structure between diferent avenues that are options for teachers.

Dont know why the link does not work, but i did the link,so thats more than enough for it to go wrong......
Mar 26, 2008
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Does society want real education and real results or trust a Government that twists results and wastes millions on Ofsted and league tables that they also fiddle for their own ends.

If we want good paramedics and doctors do you leave a lot of teaching to many underpaid disillusioned halfwit classroom assistants or do you pay a decent rate for professional teachers and pay for enough teachers to teach children properly.
Aug 8, 2007
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Better be careful.....

If the link is affiliated to a left-wing newspaper, goodness knows what nasty virus one might pick up....

Better that we only have links to soft, strong and thoroughly absorbent right-wing papers.

Jan 19, 2008
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I must apologise, I think I might have been mistaken after listening to various teachers giving their reasons for industrial action to the TV and newspapers.

I didn't realise the problem was so dire regarding their salaries and how much they have been devalued.

Each teacher, rightly, blamed the government for the high cost of living due to escalating costs in fuel prices, the knock on effect for food prices, high mortgages and council taxes higher than ever with fewer services. I'm grateful to our learned friends for bringing this to my attention, now I know why my meagre NHS pension is almost gone when it's paid each month.

In giving me that information may I impart some to them.

They do not live on a different planet although they sometimes act it, the above affects all, not just a select few. Thank you :O)
May 22, 2006
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Don`t know where the salary figures came from but I can assure you that teachers outside of London don`t all get anywhere near those salaries. My Daughter aged 28 and a science teacher teaching 11 to 16 year olds gets under 25K per year and I know that for a fact. A job I would not fancy after seeing all the work that has to be done at home, it all works out to a very long week a lot mre than 40 hours.
Jan 19, 2008
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Don`t know where the salary figures came from but I can assure you that teachers outside of London don`t all get anywhere near those salaries. My Daughter aged 28 and a science teacher teaching 11 to 16 year olds gets under 25K per year and I know that for a fact. A job I would not fancy after seeing all the work that has to be done at home, it all works out to a very long week a lot mre than 40 hours.

Mar 14, 2005
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The vast majority of staff in a school are not on 40k.

The holidays are good, no denying that, but at the most expensive times.

People queueing to get in to the profession, not to get in to our school they aren't. All the boys have statements for behaviour problems.

A recent advert in the TES for 3 teachers attracted 1 enquiry.

So, if you have a decent degree, a pgce and have had your crb enhanced check, then I think I could guarantee you a job.

Oh yes, I can honestly say that in the last 20 years I have never had to buy a pen or a pencil! Now top that.
Jan 6, 2008
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Hi there

From what I see from just above teacher do not have to much to get out of there pram,s about at the present.

And as my employer always is quick to say when backed into a corner YOU CAN ALWAYS LEAVE.

But teacher if you do leave the real working world is a hard place and getting harder. Annualised hour,s, no pension,Night/Dayshift work,No Saturday,s Sunday,s or Bank Holidays,Being forced to apply for you own posiion within a company at a lower rate of pay. As Norwich union of Worthing West Sussex has just done. And At present even the workforces basic human rights challenged.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello all.

What Stephen and some others fail to realise that teachers rightly deserve more than the minimum wage. All teachers have invested heavily in higher education, with most at least educated to MA or post graduate level. Such qualifications are no longer paid for by the tax payer, the bill is collected directly by the student (except ITT). Most teachers are heavily in debt to the sum of 15k after graduating form their degree. So a wage which not only attracts quality candidates is needed. Let us also acknowledge that the profession starting salary is only just over 19k. Teachers do far and above their contractual obligations they are teachers mainly but also have a great deal of pastoral duties dealing with issues created by social and economic influences.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi there

From what I see from just above teacher do not have to much to get out of there pram,s about at the present.

And as my employer always is quick to say when backed into a corner YOU CAN ALWAYS LEAVE.

But teacher if you do leave the real working world is a hard place and getting harder. Annualised hour,s, no pension,Night/Dayshift work,No Saturday,s Sunday,s or Bank Holidays,Being forced to apply for you own posiion within a company at a lower rate of pay. As Norwich union of Worthing West Sussex has just done. And At present even the workforces basic human rights challenged.

you could always retrain as a teacher yourself, spend all that money on a degree and do something positive rather than standing on your soap box. My wife is a deputy head and i lecture at a university. I fully support the whole action taken by the NUT & UCU. If more people took a similar stand my be the government would begin to listen to it our common problems. We brits are too happy to sit back and have a quiet moan rather than exercising our collective voice.
Mar 26, 2008
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The fact being missed here is that far to many do leave the teaching jobs for better paid less stress jobs elsewhere and better hours. That's why there is a shortage of teachers!

If others are jealous of teachers pay and conditions you can leave your job and become a teacher, some of you will even get a kind of direct entry if your present day job is considered to make you suitable for teaching. Just remember that many who take that route soon leave when they experience the reality of many teaching jobs.


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