Television in caravans

Mar 27, 2005
Hi All

This is not meant as criticism more observation as we all get different things out of our caravan breaks. I have only been caravanning a relatively short period of time and we made a conscious decision not to take a TV away with us (my wife me and daughter 10 son 5). I watch little or no TV anyway but my kids and wife watch all the typical rubbish associated with their age and gender. I was struck early on at the amount of caravans that have TV and absolutely astonished to see people with huge dishes on tripods, play stations, DVD etc. We tend to play family games etc and use our breaks to get away from the 'home comforts'

Feed back please just for curiosity sake
Mar 14, 2005
I am one of those with a dish on a tripod and the reason for this is because my wife is disabled and after being on the go all day pushing a wheelchair, both myself and my wife are knackered and like nothing better in an evening to have a few shandies and watch some telly. One good thing about satellite tv is you can still catch up to date news from your own area even if you are at the opposite end of the country.
Mar 14, 2005
I know exactly where you are coming from but, as you say, we all get different things from our caravan breaks. We take our TV with us on UK holidays and really enjoy the opportunity to put our feet up, with a glass of wine, and escape to Walford, Weatherfield or Borsetshire (oops, that radio). We also read loads and loads (when is Dan Brown going to write something else? I read all his books over the Easter break), we also talk, walk and chill out with friends.

The beauty of caravanning for myself and Mrs Zbungle is that we relax in our own particular way with no timetable and no formalities. And nobody telling us whether or not we should be watching TV or reading a book, if we should be cooking over a campfire or microwave, have a fixed bed or straw filled palliasse, drink from a wine glass or a plastic beaker.

Enjoy the way you take your well deserved breaks and understand, as I am sure you do, that others are doing exactly the same.
Mar 16, 2005
With kids aged 10 and 5 I understand where you are coming from. Things will change! Try taking a hormonal 15/16 year old away in a caravan minus his playstation!!!
Apr 11, 2005
Hi Martyn We got a TV & DVD, play station 2 and a train track and so other torys. tThe wife and me had enough going round the sit 15 times in one hour. He still would gone on and on game. It helps to give use so quit time. We did take a scooter to one site for him. . Now we sit at the front of the van and let him go only were we can see the only prod on is he is VERY FAST on it. So some times we get so time to rest or give some attention to owe litter girl. good luck mark
May 4, 2005
We take a TV and dvd away with us but as we tend to spend most days out and also like to eat out in the evenings we rarely watch it.It is handy for the kids(4&6) at times to keep them occupied if we are trying to get ready for instance.Also as I work long hours its the only chance my wife and I get to watch films together without having to worry about getting up in the morning....PS,We also have 2 screens in the car so the kids can watch their programs that I tape for them on long journeys, the best money I've ever spent
Mar 14, 2005
We've had all this old rhubarb about t.v in caravans before. I always get the feeling that the no telly gang are looking down their noses at us plebs with telly's, satellite dishes or not.

I'm 61 and choose to spend my leisure time how I please. I was in a large caravan dealers the other day, and while walking round the accessory shop, had to endure a caravaning "Hyacinth Bucket" loudly proclaiming to all and sundry that "blown air central heating in a caravan wasn't in keeping with the caravaning ethic" (her words)

As for you getting away from the "home comforts" Martyn, did that include the electric hookup, and all that that powers, fridges, kettles, hot water, etc.etc.? And what about the gas systems. I haven't seen too many happy campers rubbing sticks together recently.

As it happens, both Joan and I love a good read, but whether we choose to settle down with War and Peace, Coronation Street, or a game of snakes and ladders is our choice.

Give it a rest, it's as boring as the 4x4 debate that keeps bubbling up on this forum.

Mar 14, 2005
We've got three 12 year olds ...... we usually take the TV & PS2 (mainly for the DVD though) however they're purely for emergency use (I make sure of that cos I only tune it in when it's necessary !).

People are all different - I'd rather my kids were getting some exercise than watching the idiot box but sometimes it's appropriate ....
Apr 11, 2005

I have three kids , 15,3 and nearly two, we spend all day off site doing fun outdoor things, at night time we have the tv and dvd for them to sit down and watch and I find it winds them down and keeps them quiet,something i,m sure the other site users appreciate!!!!!
Mar 14, 2005

We take a small TV and an old DVD player. But it's really for emergency use only. I.e. if it's throwing it down and we get back to the caravan early and the kids can't go out to play, or after a tiring day of activities then it helps the kids (6 & 9) to relax. Some weeks and certainly most weekends it stays packed away.

Our holidays over the past few years have coincided with Springwatch with Bill Oddie and team that we like to follow. So the TV comes out each evening for that and then put away again.

We usually can't tear or 6 year old son away from his Lego which he'd rather play with in preference to watching the TV.
Apr 18, 2005
I gather that this topic comes from the fact that I asked a question about digiboxes in caravans. Well I do take my TV and DVD player on holiday. I do not feel the need to explain myself and what I do in the privacy of my own caravan on my holiday is up to me, as long as I don't disturb anyone. Who cares how I relax, for all you know those people who watch TV on holiday may not have the time to watch it normally. Be careful how you comment on how others relax!!!


Mar 14, 2005
As some other contributors have indicated, and which I agree with, it is MY caravan, MY holiday and how I spend my leisure time is MY business. I do not expect everyone to like or dislike the things that I find pleasurable, nor do I expect to like everything everyone else does,, but thats life, and thats why we are all different.
Mar 27, 2005
Hi everyone again

I'm slightly shocked by the aggressive nature of a couple of the replies to my question. I tried very hard to ask it in as non confrontational way as possible. I certainly was not trying to judge anyone which is why I started it with 'this is not meant as criticism more observation'. I apologise most profusely if I have offended anyone and thank the people who replied in the spirit it was asked in.
Jul 4, 2005
Hi Martyn

We take our TV like many others. We find it better with the freeview box than without. We tend to devote our time to each other as this is why we bought the caravan, and be away from customers, telephones etc! We dont actually watch anything much before 9 - 10 pm unless it is really raining, but as we go away almost every other weekend, throughout the year, winter time is when it comes in the most. I am not a great pub goer, i like to snatch as long as possible with Mrs B, whether that is traming up the hills, or reading a book in the van. The main bonus of the free view box is having radio. We can listen to music and read, without having to concentrate too hard. Dont know if that answers the question, but for my two pennyworth, thats my contribution. Dave
Mar 14, 2005
We actually have 2 for the adults and one for the kids down the back end. We have a full solid sliding door and they think it is great to shut themselves in the Den and watch a DVD. Alternatively we have all watched a family movie in the evening if the weather is bad or we want to just relax with the kids.
Mar 14, 2005
We take Sky TV with us and watch it a lot as my wife has Parkinson's Disease and so we are no longer able to go fell walking and enjoy 100 mile cycle rides.

We do enjoy the caravan a lot and TV helps to complete this enjoyment.
Mar 14, 2005
When abroad, Sat TV enables us to keep up with the news back home and it's an opportunity to relax and watch TV without having a bad conscience about all the jobs which should be done around the house.
Aug 28, 2005
i also take my fishing rods and bikes and i have also been known to do some roller skating , skipping on site ,i hope that does not offend any body
Mar 14, 2005
A few replies on this posting are very understandable, the ones I am referring to are where there is an invalide in the party in the van. I admire your get up and go attitude to caravanning rather than sitting at home constantly - good luck. I can also understand the parents of young children who are restricted by the early bedtime of the children. However I cannot understand the need for satelite TV or all the other bits and pieces which a fit and able party of caravanners have with them. There is more to life than Coronation Street, Eastenders, Etc.
Mar 14, 2005
Scrabble amuses all ages and has the ( flimsy ) excuse that it can be educational since explaining words to young ones - and some older ones - opens up all sorts of avenues to explore . A very cheap radio controlled car (


I must be getting old. Usually by about 9 pm I am yawning my head off and suggesting bed. I get lots of adverse comments from 'she who must be obeyed' but is usually snoring happily besidie me by 9.30pm. My excuse is it is all that fresh air.
Jan 19, 2008
A few replies on this posting are very understandable, the ones I am referring to are where there is an invalide in the party in the van. I admire your get up and go attitude to caravanning rather than sitting at home constantly - good luck. I can also understand the parents of young children who are restricted by the early bedtime of the children. However I cannot understand the need for satelite TV or all the other bits and pieces which a fit and able party of caravanners have with them. There is more to life than Coronation Street, Eastenders, Etc.
Got to agree with you Colin - now tell my missus that :O( she must have her Eastenders, Holby City, Casualty, Heartbeat.
Mar 14, 2005
Many people will say they take the TV " for the children " but I wonder if this is really a good idea. Our kids are all grown up now (well they are over 21 which is not quite the same!) but I remember how it was when they were small and I would come home late from work and they would be in bed. I am sure that many of you will be in a similar situation and a caravan holiday is an ideal way to spend some time with them. Do you really want to waste this precious time by sitting them in front of the telly? I am sure many of you will agree that they grow up so quickly you should make the most of it while you can. So why not take the fuse out of the plug and tell them the TV doesnt work (true!) then if things dont work out Daddy (or Mum) can "have a look at it" and try to fix it. When the TV magically works again you will surely be their hero! If you have no children, or dont take them anymore like us, then its all a matter of personal choice which is surely an esential part of caravaning.


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