Parksy if you are supposed to be a moderator why has my last post being deleted? Please offer an explanation.
Fair do. No problem. Also disappearing post probably a quirk of the forum.I honestly haven't deleted any posts from anyone within this thread.
I know that forum members can and indeed do sometimes disagree with something that I might have written, all members have every right to disagree and I'd be very surprised if one or two didn't submit posts to let their feelings be known.
It would be counter productive of me to delete posts which contained criticisms because when I leave them up on the message boards I have a chance to answer or 'put my side of the story.'
I'm sorry that your post has disappeared Ian but I have no knowledge of it and Damian or Ray haven't deleted anything as far as I know.
This forum can be a little bit quirky as you probably know so it's typical of my luck for your complimentary words to vanish.
To return to your point about the 'moderator' log in.
I do my best not to take sides but anything that I or anyone else writes on this forum is open to the interpretation of whoever is reading the words.
I do have opinions which in the widest sense I offer.
The t.v. in awnings topic is a good illustration. To be honest I have no strong feelings either way, each to their own, but I submitted my post generally in favour of televisions to give the topic some balance and to open up debate.
If by doing that 'as a moderator' I've encouraged a new forum member to add their views then I've achieved something at least.
I wouldn't dream of joining in on controversial topics,(other than as a moderator)it would not be appropriate for me to comment on religion and politics.
I would never try to encourage a particular point of view, not one that mattered much anyway, if I did this I would be in no position to moderate on this forum.
As far as caravan related advice is concerned I either draw directly on my own life experience e.g. 'Should I buy an undocumented caravan from a man in a pub?' - 'NO!'
or I only offer advice on what I know to be correct by showing the source of my information.
If I'm unsure I always make this clear.
Moderators on every other caravan related internet forum give advice and offer opinions as moderators, because the format of this forum is obsolete I try to be very careful with opinions or advice that I offer in case they are misinterpreted.
The advice that I received in this regard when I first became a forum moderator was to join in on topics to provide a visible presence on the forum.
Rather like a police car on a motorway a visible moderator on the forum can sometimes cool anger and give pause for thought, we don't get as many forum rows on here as we used to and if anyone requires help to forward email addresses or to find a previous topic they know that the moderators are around.
As Sue has said, any advice from anyone on a forum can be flawed, I would often like to help but refrain from doing so because I'm not 100% sure or my facts can't be checked independently.