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Mar 24, 2006
Hi Damian

What you say is right of course. We probably will go out of season and choose adult sites for the peace and quiet - until the grandchildren arrive:).. But I think a complaints procedure would be a civilised way of handling problems and ultimately could improve things for everybody.

Aug 9, 2005
As I have mentioned before on this subject if we all complain to the club, then perhaps the wardens will be given more power to control these situations, I have sent my e-mail.
Aug 9, 2005
NO,surely it's kick the nusiances out of the club.and I have posted less then a dozen times on this subject, hardly hundreds.
Mar 14, 2005
NO,surely it's kick the nusiances out of the club.and I have posted less then a dozen times on this subject, hardly hundreds.
thanks le croc,post your email address and you can contribute to the repair.

shiba---thanks for your support.
Aug 9, 2005
thanks le croc,post your email address and you can contribute to the repair.

shiba---thanks for your support.

No problem Dave, we have deceided this year to use mostly Adult sites, or if using Club sites not to go during school holidays.when I go away I don't want to be on edge all the time.hope to hear from you soon.
Mar 14, 2005
I may be looking at this from a different angle to some of the other people who have replyed to this thread but as someone who only really uses CC sites I have never really come across this problem of ball games being played around other peoples equipment. In turn I think that the club has its site rules spot on and as club members we all have a duty to ensure people follow these rules on site. I always find that a polite word can cure the majority of issues before things get out of hand.
Aug 6, 2005
If there were no rules there would be chaos. Imagine it, everybodys dogs wandering around making messes, peeing on awnings and having fights and children doing the same!???!! Mostly people live together using a lot of common sense and get on well, but some folk seem sadly lacking in the common sense gene. So, we have rules. I don't like long lists of do's and don'ts, however they are generally there for everyones safety and sanity. I don't want balls hitting my van. It cost a lot of money. Yes its insured, but that is expensive and no doubt costs would rise if there were claims on the insurance. Also my van would be out of commission whilst being repaired and why on earth should I be out of pocket because of someones stupidity. When our children were young, we looked for sites that had facilities for children, such as play areas and spent time with the children when they played there. We now just have the dogs with us on holidays and keep them on the lead at all times, another rule which some seem to ignore.

From Gill. (one of the Mikes who has just edited his profile!)
Mar 14, 2005
Agreed - The "free spirits" will have us ignoring the highway code next on the pretext that their human rights are being impinged.

Sensible rules make life better for all. Ignoring the rules only allows the irresponcible to get away with it.
Mar 14, 2005
On the brochure relating to Pembrey CC site it actually states that ball games ARE permitted. Nowhere on the brochure does it stipulate that ball games are only allowed in certain areas. The presentation given on the brochure leaves it wide open to play where one so wishes.
Dec 16, 2003
What the hell does it matter be you on a CC site or any other.

To many people and their kids just plainly lack any thought for others and are short of good manners.

Adults TV and Radio are as big a bug as kids playing around vans. You and those around you on sites are in thin walled little box's. So belt up and keep the kids in the play areas and keep your voices levels and noise to yourself!

We managed to do it with our kids for many years and they were not saints!!!!
Jul 15, 2005
The thing is Dave if you have a problem with caravan club site rules then you should take that up with the club yourself I don't think that you should use opions on the forum as a backup to your complaint.As we have said on the forum before ,the world is made up of many different people and we all think we are right! probably the majority of caravanners have children that will respect the rules.but lets face it there is nothing worse than arriving on a site to a list of rules.. and some sites don't have play areas.Also

the people who usually act this way will do so whether it is an enforeced rule or not.Myself I have a problem with adults that stay up half the night drinking and making a hell of a noise..but its their holiday too,or shall we put them in a field on their own.You just cannot change the way other people behave even with rules, the only thing you can try and change is that parents should be held responsible for the cost of any damage which should be legally enforced then things might change.

Well put You are right in everything you say.
Mar 14, 2005
colin,after my van was damaged and others were playing ball games

near my van i politely approched the parents and stated that ball games should not be around caravans.

they immeidiatly produced the pembrey country park caravan club rules which clearly state ball games maybe played in the park.

there view of this is that there children could play whereever they wanted to.

having approched the wardens they confirmed that this statement was badly worded and should read only in the pembrey country park.

with this poor standard of the wording of the rules from the caravan club,what chance have we got!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 14, 2005
If you were told by the wardens that ball games are only permitted in Pembrey Country Park and not on the CC site and the brochure was poorly worded then your complaint is with the CC and not the parents. They took the brochure as read and allowed their children to play ball on the CC site. If your van was damaged as a result of a ball and the warden has admitted that the brochure was printed incorrectly than you can claim for the damages to be repaired from the CC. However it is only your word against the warden's answer regarding the misprint on the brochure.


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