Thetford Toilet Leak??

Apr 20, 2009
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Went to empty the toilet cassette yesterday and as I with drew it from the compartment it was covered in pee!!
Took the cassette out and the floor of the compartment was covered as well.
Any ideas what could have caused this, the toilet blade etc was working normally, could one of us not opened the blade before I removed it?
Didnt have time to investigate ......just clean it all up :( willl look into it more on our next visit but wondered if any one else has had this problem.
Nov 16, 2015
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Oh but it's so tempting. !!!
Maybe a slight bit of paper stuck between the seal and the blade, or ihas the blade dried out, a little bit of silicone grease applied using pink ppe gloves.
Hutch. :sick:
Apr 20, 2009
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EH52ARH said:
Oh but it's so tempting. !!!
Maybe a slight bit of paper stuck between the seal and the blade, or ihas the blade dried out, a little bit of silicone grease applied using pink ppe gloves.
Hutch. :sick:

Blade replaced back in October (at Woosiefest) no problems using back then.
Blade was sprayed with Thetford silicone on my return home back then so not dry, will check the paper thing when we go back,

Thanks Hutch.
Apr 7, 2008
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Had the same problem a few years ago, it turned out that the cassette was not fully pressed into place and the yellow handle on mine had not clicked into the locating slot.... and i now check that it's where it should be before using it on site.
Nov 6, 2005
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How could the blade dry out as its rigid plastic? The lip seal could have split or needs lubricating with the silicone spray as that is the seal between the bowl and cassette.
If its used without opening the blade the fluid will just sit in the top of the cassette and the bowl, so if the lip seal doesn't seal then it could leak
Apr 20, 2009
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MichaelE said:
How could the blade dry out as its rigid plastic? The lip seal could have split or needs lubricating with the silicone spray as that is the seal between the bowl and cassette

Thanks Micheal, think thats we really meant about lubricating, didnt notice any splits when we changed the blade' but another option to check if all else fails.
Nov 6, 2005
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The blade sits lower than the seal and so if anything gets caught between the blade and the seal it will drain into the cassette, if the cassette isn't fully located then you shouldn't be able to open the blade.
Ive seen one before where the seal expanded so it was catching when the cassette was pushed in.


May 7, 2005
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Was there not an issue like this with the introduction of the wheeled cassette version with its somewhat lighter, more flexing construction?
If I recall correctly, it was that as the cassette's main seal ages and loses its compliance, even a little there is then not enough compression on it to effectively do that part of its dual function.
The fix was either to not use the loo with the blade closed, or to fit thin plastic shims on the enclosure floor rails, so the seal is pushed up a bit tighter to the bowl. The former to me seems the easiest option that ensures the seal is no longer challenged.
Jun 20, 2005
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You know the Marigolds are an essential piece of kit :p

Having been bog side with you last October I am fairly certain this is a case of serious Woosie misuse of the most important technical item on board.
If the cassette is not fully located in its housing you will find it very hard to move the blade operating lever.
When you removed the cassette was the pee all over the cassette tank or just in the housing well?
I suspect there may have been a case of inadvertent misuse.
Do you or Mags use the toilet with the blade shut? Then open it to drain into the cassette?
Is it possible "someone" used the toilet whilst you were emptying the cassette? Easily done and one that happened to me years ago..
Has it happened again? I suppose you wont know until your next visit.
As a rule of thumb we always open the blade fully before each and every use.

Kate Taylor

Jul 18, 2012
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That sounds horrible! If all the helpful and funny suggestions so far don't do the trick, there's a handy advice article by the late John Wickersham that you could read. He explains that you can take the loo apart to refurbish mysterious parts such as an 'O' ring and the more obvious lip seal.

I read it in detail when I uploaded it and all the photos, but that was a while ago! To read John's helpful advice, 'How to use and fix caravan toilets', click here:
Mar 8, 2009
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(Look Kev, I'm trying to write this without any humour in it or jesting, but I'm struggling to be serious and keep a straight face! )
However I did have a similar problem on my last van, (it was the wheeled version of the Woosiepot) took me one or two 'leaks' to work out what was wrong. I guessed it was the sealing between the tank and the bowl. We were away when it happened so simple solution needed, I assumed if I could tighten the cassette to the bowl it would help. So I wrapped the wheels of the cassette with 'tricians tape for a few revolutions around the circumference, then put some of the tape along the runners 1 or 2 thicknesses. It worked fine no more leaks. such a good solution it was still like that when we sold it. ( PS It also stopped the wheels wearing when being wheeled.)
Nov 16, 2015
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Well, we all know what Kev will be doing on his next visit to the van, water buckets being poured down the cludgy running outside and watching for leaks, a the bliss of time away from home.
Jun 11, 2012
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Now then Kevin the majority on here suggest the same thing.I agree with everybody but if like my two girlies they do like to use those stupid toilet wipes I had one cause the same problem it was trapped between blade and cassette so they are now barred also when the damn things lay flat in the cassette you can get them out but sad to say for you , you may have to free it off by hand .
Beast of Luck
Sir Roger ,.
Apr 20, 2009
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Dustydog said:

You know the Marigolds are an essential piece of kit :p

Having been bog side with you last October I am fairly certain this is a case of serious Woosie misuse of the most important technical item on board.
If the cassette is not fully located in its housing you will find it very hard to move the blade operating lever.
When you removed the cassette was the pee all over the cassette tank or just in the housing well?
I suspect there may have been a case of inadvertent misuse.
Do you or Mags use the toilet with the blade shut? Then open it to drain into the cassette?
Is it possible "someone" used the toilet whilst you were emptying the cassette? Easily done and one that happened to me years ago..
Has it happened again? I suppose you wont know until your next visit.
As a rule of thumb we always open the blade fully before each and every use.

As the blade/seal was lubricated back in October it was free and easy to use, not stiff or difficult.
On removing the cassette the pee was all over it and in the housing, no one used it as it was covered :(
But here goes i have just got Mags to admit she used it first on this occasion as she was dieing to go then opened the blade :( Would this actually make a difference?? I open it first.
Apr 20, 2009
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Gabsgrandad said:
(Look Kev, I'm trying to write this without any humour in it or jesting, but I'm struggling to be serious and keep a straight face! )
However I did have a similar problem on my last van, (it was the wheeled version of the Woosiepot) took me one or two 'leaks' to work out what was wrong. I guessed it was the sealing between the tank and the bowl. We were away when it happened so simple solution needed, I assumed if I could tighten the cassette to the bowl it would help. So I wrapped the wheels of the cassette with 'tricians tape for a few revolutions around the circumference, then put some of the tape along the runners 1 or 2 thicknesses. It worked fine no more leaks. such a good solution it was still like that when we sold it. ( PS It also stopped the wheels wearing when being wheeled.)

Quote from JTQ.....Was there not an issue like this with the introduction of the wheeled cassette version with its somewhat lighter, more flexing construction?
If I recall correctly, it was that as the cassette's main seal ages and loses its compliance, even a little there is then not enough compression on it to effectively do that part of its dual function.
The fix was either to not use the loo with the blade closed, or to fit thin plastic shims on the enclosure floor rails, so the seal is pushed up a bit tighter to the bowl. The former to me seems the easiest option that ensures the seal is no longer challenged.

I knew Sir Gabs would struggle with one :whistle:

Seems like both JQT and Sir Gabs have the same idea, as mine is the wheeled version this could be another possible solution. Never thought about the wheels wearing, will also check them out before it's next use, Thanks gents.
Apr 20, 2009
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EH52ARH said:
Well, we all know what Kev will be doing on his next visit to the van, water buckets being poured down the cludgy running outside and watching for leaks, a the bliss of time away from home.

Before the liquid test I have to....

Check for trapped paper
Take it apart and check seal
Check any wear on wheels
Make sure it is located properly

Then it will be WATER poured in to see what happens.... Thanks every one
Apr 20, 2009
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SirRogerFFS said:
Now then Kevin the majority on here suggest the same thing.I agree with everybody but if like my two girlies they do like to use those stupid toilet wipes I had one cause the same problem it was trapped between blade and cassette so they are now barred also when the damn things lay flat in the cassette you can get them out but sad to say for you , you may have to free it off by hand .
Beast of Luck
Sir Roger ,.

NO Number Two's no wet wipes in the van!!!!!!
Nov 16, 2015
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Jun 20, 2005
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Gagakev said:
Dustydog said:

You know the Marigolds are an essential piece of kit :p

Having been bog side with you last October I am fairly certain this is a case of serious Woosie misuse of the most important technical item on board.
If the cassette is not fully located in its housing you will find it very hard to move the blade operating lever.
When you removed the cassette was the pee all over the cassette tank or just in the housing well?
I suspect there may have been a case of inadvertent misuse.
Do you or Mags use the toilet with the blade shut? Then open it to drain into the cassette?
Is it possible "someone" used the toilet whilst you were emptying the cassette? Easily done and one that happened to me years ago..
Has it happened again? I suppose you wont know until your next visit.
As a rule of thumb we always open the blade fully before each and every use.

As the blade/seal was lubricated back in October it was free and easy to use, not stiff or difficult.
On removing the cassette the pee was all over it and in the housing, no one used it as it was covered :(
But here goes i have just got Mags to admit she used it first on this occasion as she was dieing to go then opened the blade :( Would this actually make a difference?? I open it first.

Replace the lip seal in the waste tank. This is probably the original and may have failed as did the blade mechanism last year.
In regard to usage we always open the blade first and then pee.Mags way not only soils the pan surface but as you open the blade ........You try it her way with plain water looking down the pan and you may be surprised.
Let us know how you get on. I doubt it's anything major.


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