Time - for a problem.

Dec 16, 2003
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Trying to raise the level of my understanding I used the search feature.

We have some problems here and I just wondered now if they are actually school boy pranks. Son/Daughter of a caravanner maybe!

Any thoughts ?
Dec 16, 2003
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Look at the post heading.

If you use search posts, I thought there may be signs of a pattern.

There is a subject that many have been victims of and certain posts that "tend" to provoke.

I don't want to be accused naming anybody that is innocent!

Remember - peace & love
Dec 16, 2003
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Look at the post heading.

If you use search posts, I thought there may be signs of a pattern.

There is a subject that many have been victims of and certain posts that "tend" to provoke.

I don't want to be accused naming anybody that is innocent!

Remember - peace & love
Mar 14, 2005
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I agree Cris - I have noted this before and flagged it up. The times (school lunch hours and Friday nights [to many shandys and Red Bulls!!!?) - together with the rather juvenile use of words leads me to the same conclusion you have made.

One other point was a bit of a giveaway - when someone asked for advice on CB radios for use on a camp site the emotionally challenged marsupial came on to say what is wrong with using a mobile phone?

Nothing of course when you have a signal - but most of the sites we have used have very poor signal if any. So to stay in touch with your children a CB is a good idea.

I believe most "real caravanners" would have known that.
Jan 19, 2008
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Like Colin I didn't understand your post cris and I still don't understand it. Dont worry too much though because unfortunately we have, like Colin, Welsh Water coming out of our taps so its probably something in that. Maybe sheep dip has leached its way into the water courses and is addling our brains :O(
Jan 19, 2008
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Yes I see what you mean now cris and like you both had noticed this. This is what I based my post on a few days ago. Let him have his fun if its the only way that he can lighten up his life. I hate to see people sad, we are only here on this earth once and for what time I've got left I intend enjoying it and refuse to let someone on a forum on the net spoil it for me so I wish everyone peace on their waterholes and may their camels continue to multiply. p.s. whatever you do dont let your roo's breed though ;O)
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B - I am sure you will find the similarity between Welsh Water and Adam's Ale. What finer drink could any person wish for. There is only 100% pure water in Wales but we might rough it up a bit when we export it over the dike.
Mar 14, 2005
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Looks like some have more time on their hands than is healthy. I suppose they also have "evidence" that the moon landings were fake.


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