To stabilise or not!!!

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Mar 14, 2005
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i took my stabilisers off a few years ago as i felt i was experienced enough to do without them. Sure i fell off a few times at first, as i am sure you will, but i dusted myself down and got back on staright away otherwise the fear might take hold and you'll never get back on.
I wager that your dad makes you wear a helmet, elbow and knee pads.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lutz - can you please clear up a point for me - in your first reply to the question you said you used 2 stabilisers ( the Alko and the Straightliner) to give 100% coverage.

I another post you then do not recommend using the winterhoff or the Alko stabilisers in conjuction with the Straightliner. I am not trying to be clever with you on ly trying to get things clear in my old and sometimes feeble mind.
Mar 14, 2005
I use the Alko stabiliser in conjunction with the LEAS electronic stabiliser, not together with a Straightliner. As the electronic stabiliser is a self-acting closed loop system and doesn't impart any additional forces through the towball, it is the only system which can be combined with frictional (AlKo, Winterhoff or blade types) or viscous (Straightliner) stabilisers. Other combinations would double the forces that act through the towbar with the consequent danger of fatigue failure either of the towbar or the vehicle underbody structure.
Mar 14, 2005
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I use the Alko stabiliser in conjunction with the LEAS electronic stabiliser, not together with a Straightliner. As the electronic stabiliser is a self-acting closed loop system and doesn't impart any additional forces through the towball, it is the only system which can be combined with frictional (AlKo, Winterhoff or blade types) or viscous (Straightliner) stabilisers. Other combinations would double the forces that act through the towbar with the consequent danger of fatigue failure either of the towbar or the vehicle underbody structure.
please accept my apologies on my misunderstanding


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