To use Milton tablets / fluid or not

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Jul 18, 2017
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Do taps at home have these filters fitted as after all the water may come from the same source as the tap on a CL or camp site? Would having an expensive filter in the caravan make any difference?
Jun 20, 2005
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All our home taps have mesh filters at the outlet with the exception of one bathroom where the tap is open topped and you see the water.
All our home taps have mesh filters at the outlet.

I’m anti big filters in caravans. They impede the water flow and when not in use become bug heaven.
The major difference is the home taps are in daily regular use most of the year. Arguably self cleaning.
The caravan taps aren’t used much and therein lies the problem of contamination.

John C raised a good point , sterilising or cleaning?
Whale recommend their aquaroll filters are changed every 30 days. Clearly an overkill CYA policy but not done for no good reason?
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Jul 18, 2017
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Admittedly we use a Brita filter jug for our drinking water so no worries there. In 7 years I have never cleaned the tap filters in the caravan and we do not have a main filter.
Jun 16, 2020
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The big difference between home and caravan water system is the use. The internals of home systems are constantly full of water. Caravan systems, between uses, remain damp but open to the air. Ideal circumstances for the growth of algae and bacteria etc. (clever people will know what).

I totally agree that filter cartridges are breeding grounds for bacteria. I use them at home for a fridge feed, but always get rid of them in my caravans.

I can understand the purpose of the mesh filter when used prior to the pump. But, at the tap will only hold grit within the pipework. No use at all.

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