Top Gear last night

Feb 16, 2009
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l know its only a comedy show, not really a motoring show but how on earth can the BBC fund with our money the stunt that Clarkson did driving a so called home camper van 200 mile to Cornwall that was supposed to be a block of flats.

Totally irresponsible to take it on a motorway, where were the boys in blue, if you or l had a rig that unstable we would have had the book thrown at us, the evidence is their for all to see unless it was clever camera work, if not all three should be done for taking unsafe vehicles on the roads, anyone see the programme, what are your thoughts.

Oct 10, 2008
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I watched it last night,I thought it was hilarous,couldnt stop laughing,particularly the bit when Clarkson was trying to cook the meal using flowers and engine oil.

Where do you get those wollie hats from?I want one for the cold nights.

Brill programme.

Cheers Richard
Aug 12, 2007
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I'm guessing the police must be informed when they do stunts like that. The stuff they do is clearly a set-up or stage managed....I mean, it's not like anyone believes they actually made the 'motorhomes' themselves, is it.

You're right, it's not a real motoring show anymore - apart from anything else, no ordinary person could afford the cars they showcase. They're just a gang of schoolboys being given carte blanche (and the money!) to indulge their every whim.

They're also complete idiots - as was the 'motorhome' stunt last night - but they make me laugh. And anyway, the show is still worth watching just for the delicious Richard Hammond :eek:)


"They're also complete idiots " Clearly not complete idiots!.

The show sells very well world wide and makes the BBC a bundle of money.

So maybe they are, "clever idiots", and indeed for many make a very entertaining show.

Although in reality one has to be quite intelligent to come across as a "complete idiot"
Aug 12, 2007
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"They're also complete idiots " Clearly not complete idiots!.

The show sells very well world wide and makes the BBC a bundle of money.

So maybe they are, "clever idiots", and indeed for many make a very entertaining show.

Although in reality one has to be quite intelligent to come across as a "complete idiot"
I didn't say it wasn't entertaining, John. And yes, I agree with everything you said. They're still idiots though, whichever way you look at it, lol. ;o)
Nov 19, 2006
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It used to be a show about motoring now its about "What stupid antics can we get up to next?"

Its a comedy show with bunch of over paid comedians with a hint of motoring included. Lets have some of the old style Top Gear rather than this dreary week after week rubbish!


Trouble is Morganic that old format just didn't sell or get the audience rating.just look at 5th gear, is that programme still on?
Aug 12, 2007
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Yes John, 5th Gear is still on, a new series started last month, we (or rather, husband) watches it regularly. I think it's on Thurs nights (but don't quote me on it!), on Channel 5.


Nov 12, 2009
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I watched the programme which made me laugh, great blokey entertainment.

What really makes me laugh is when they talk about 'the caravan menace' when their disregard for the safety of other road users was there for all to see.

This was particularly evident when Clarkson was trying to drive that Citroen which was clearly unstable so they are the biggest menace of all.

To me the presenters represent the metropolitan elite who are completely removed from the realities of everyday life. It's easy for these ex public schoolboys to snipe and sneer at caravanners when they can easily afford five star luxury paid for by us, the mug licence fee payer who they are so fond of belittling.
Feb 27, 2010
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i dont thinmck Clarkson is an ex public school, not coming from where he did on Donny.

They have mad a lot of money for themselves and the Beeb

.. good luck to them.

On the other habd J Ross giot paid


Nov 12, 2009
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Jezza went to Hill House prep school, a fee paying school in Doncaster and Repton School in Derbyshire which is another school for the minority of rich kids.

Many BBC types had the advantage of a public school education so although they might come across as 'one of us' they seldom are.
Nov 19, 2006
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I watched the programme which made me laugh, great blokey entertainment.

What really makes me laugh is when they talk about 'the caravan menace' when their disregard for the safety of other road users was there for all to see.

This was particularly evident when Clarkson was trying to drive that Citroen which was clearly unstable so they are the biggest menace of all.

To me the presenters represent the metropolitan elite who are completely removed from the realities of everyday life. It's easy for these ex public schoolboys to snipe and sneer at caravanners when they can easily afford five star luxury paid for by us, the mug licence fee payer who they are so fond of belittling.
Here! Here!My thoughts exactly. Still perhaps we will see a change in the BBC and a reduction in top earning twits with a new government. Licence fee payers have suffered too long from being fed what the BBC think we want.
Feb 16, 2009
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l watch the programme regular, has l said were the police informed, it certainly didn't seem that way when the Artic came past Clarkson on the motorway, or when he came off the slip road, their didn't seem to be any special precautions for the stunt maybe l am wrong, must admit it was funny if it was a set up, l sincerely hope it was a stunt, if it wasn't then surely the police have clear evidence of breaking the law and has such a heavy fine, plus points docked or even a ban now that would upset Jeremy and would get loads of laughs on the next programme, that would soon have him back on the fags.




JC parents worked for a living!ie working class! hardly makes him part of the elite, and he was indeed expelled from one school i believe.

He then went into journalism, again hardly elitist!

I thing parky you are mixing up the Oxbridge elitism and so called privileged types with those who are still fundamentally "one of us" but just so happens to have had a decent education and made from it.

And just to repeat to those hard of reading, top gear is a top selling programme, it makes the BBC money, in other-words it pays for itself and more so, so "we" fee payers are free to pay for other programmes, which make ****** all!


As you can see James may is also hardly elitist...


Nov 12, 2009
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The Top Gear presenters glibly talk about cars costing 'only 40 K' so as far as I'm concerned the entire format of the programme is elitist.

I would concede that it's funny at times but guys like Clarkson can afford to hold infantile ill considered opinions because if he was sacked tomorrow he'd still be loaded.

Most of us on this forum had working class parents who worked hard for a living. My father worked 12 hour nights in an iron foundry, he couldn't afford posh school fees though.

Definitely not one of us!


Top gear makes me laugh,and whilst the title of old is still used,The show is not about ford cortina's and ford escorts.

Its about escapism,and for it to succeed its has to have a audience,Which clearly it does based on its success in 100 countries.

So from which group of society would you think escapism would appeal too? Well that would be the working class,as the elite have no need they can afford to do.

How on earth do you make something appealing to ordinary working class if you dont understand what working class is,and are a elitist!

There are plenty of well educated people who went to private school who do jobs that dont pay millions a year are they elitists?What about the ROONEYS and BECKHAMS? they have millions and no need to work are they elitist?

I think you and I have different views on what elitism actually means
Feb 27, 2010
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i work 50 hours per week and i work hard.Next year my wife and i are cutting back to send our 10 year old daughter to a fee paying school in Sheffield ..she will get a better education than the state system can provide..and my wife works in a Comprehensive,sorry it now actually a "sports and technology college".
Feb 15, 2006
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i have got to be honest i did almost split in to last night watching top gear. its was stupidly funny but so dangerous aswell. its so staged its unreal but it still make me laugh lol.

i know that area of cornwall fairly well aswell.

how on earth did they get away with driving those vechiles on the motorways baffles me.



Nov 12, 2009
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Top gear makes me laugh,and whilst the title of old is still used,The show is not about ford cortina's and ford escorts.

Its about escapism,and for it to succeed its has to have a audience,Which clearly it does based on its success in 100 countries.

So from which group of society would you think escapism would appeal too? Well that would be the working class,as the elite have no need they can afford to do.

How on earth do you make something appealing to ordinary working class if you dont understand what working class is,and are a elitist!

There are plenty of well educated people who went to private school who do jobs that dont pay millions a year are they elitists?What about the ROONEYS and BECKHAMS? they have millions and no need to work are they elitist?

I think you and I have different views on what elitism actually means
I'm pretty sure that our views differ on a good many things 'john'.


Nov 12, 2009
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The use of mobile phones whilst driving is now illegal, do the same traffic laws apply to the use of those house brick sized radios that the presenters used while they were driving?
Aug 20, 2009
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The use of mobile phones whilst driving is now illegal, do the same traffic laws apply to the use of those house brick sized radios that the presenters used while they were driving?
No more than picking your beak would be, no. ANYTHING can be construed as illegal if it distracts you from performing the job in hand, just ask the bloke who got the ticket for eating a Kit-Kat when driving. We have too much legislation already, don't encourage more.
Feb 16, 2009
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Still not got an answer, if wee were caught on CCTV with an unbalanced rig, using a mobile device we would be prosecuted, looks to me they can do what they want without punishment, sending a message to the young its o/k to use walkie talkies when driving on motorways.

May 26, 2009
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I've just read this thread with some interest and the number of subjects discussed has been amazing!

Ranging from the alleged "deliciousness" of Hammond (my wife has a soft spot for him too!), the social backgrounds of Clarkson and May, social class in general, the funding of the BBC and the legality and safety of the vehicles involved.

Just to throw in my tuppence worth, has nobody stopped to think that the vehicles used HAVE to have a valid MOT, be taxed and insured? To me, this would suggest that the vehicles would have to have been examined and declared roadworthy. Does anyone honestly think the BBC would be daft enough to put illegal vehicles on the road and then broadcast the fact to millions of viewers?

I accept that Clarksons "block of flats" looked inherently unstable and downright dangerous, but was it any more so than a very poorly matched or loaded car / caravan outfit we all see regularly? I accept the stunts are hugely stage managed, but they did claim to be travelling at 30mph!

With regard to the alleged "elitism" of the presenters and the programme itself, I have to agree with some of the previous posts - the original format of Top Gear died a death years ago. The programme is aimed at a younger audience as a form of escapism. I'm far more interested in watching road cars (albeit hugely expensive ones!) being hooned round a track than old Woolard telling us why an Allegro has a square steering wheel!

Also, does it really matter what the presenters backgrounds are, or how much money they have? The vast majority of TV types have a lot more money than most of us, but that doesn't stop us watching them does it?

And another thing - did Clarkson give Andy Garcia a hard time for owning an Airstream? If he did, I didn't hear it.

I watch Top Gear for what it is, 3 blokes doing something at which they're very good and making me laugh. In an age where EVERYTHING has gone far too "green" and "politically correct" it's refreshing to see an institution like the Beeb sticking up the V's and waving them about! Long may it continue.

I'm off to hide now!



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